Re: Yojimbo 1.5 - Images Questions

2007-12-05 Thread Jeff Berg

On Dec 5, 2007, at 2:15 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

Are these images items that you converted from notes via drag and  
drop? This happens because the text system puts TIFF data on the  
clipboard, and that is read back in as the image. You can avoid this  
by dragging out to the Finder first to create a file, the dragging  
the file back in. (Yes,  I realize this isn't terribly convenient.)

Yes, that was how I "converted." Thanks for the behind-the-curtain  
explanation. Makes perfect sense. However, based on this I am curious  
as to why an animated gif dragged from notes and dropped into a  
TextEdit document doesn't get converted by the clipboard.

Again, this is not intended as criticism--just trying to understand  
the tool and how to best use it. And if we can save another list  
follower a little pain along the way...

Best rgds!


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Re: Yojimbo 1.5 - Images Questions

2007-12-05 Thread Jim Correia

On Dec 5, 2007, at 2:04 PM, Jeff Berg wrote:

Images are displayed on a gray background, so transparent images  
that "expect" to be used against a white background don't look  
right.  This doesn't make Yojimbo any less functional for storing,  
tagging and searching for the images--it just doesn't look "nice."

Truly transparent images - those with an alpha channel - will display  

Images like .gif without an alpha channel that have been tuned for a  
particular background color will look funny along their anti-aliased  
edges. (This happens in Preview too, FWIW.)

Animated .gif files work in notes, but when I drag them over to  
create images, they become non-animated files. Easy to work around  
(by storing animated .gifs in a notes object)  so long as you  
understand the functionality but something I'd like to see addressed.

That is correct. Yojimbo will not play animated gifs. But if the were  
imported from a file, all of the image data is preserved and an  
animated gif will be written out at export time.

A little investigation reveals that Yojimbo is creating .tiff files  
when you drag an image into the Drop Dock. I just "converted" a  
(small) bunch of compressed .jpg and .gif files into larger .tiff  
images! And of course, once I "saw" the images, I deleted the  
original notes--except of course for the notes containing  
animated .gifs.

Are these images items that you converted from notes via drag and  
drop? This happens because the text system puts TIFF data on the  
clipboard, and that is read back in as the image. You can avoid this  
by dragging out to the Finder first to create a file, the dragging  
the file back in. (Yes,  I realize this isn't terribly convenient.)


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Re: Yojimbo 1.5 - Images Questions

2007-12-05 Thread Jeff Berg

On Dec 5, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Steve Kalkwarf wrote:

You can view a Note-with-image, then drag the image to Yojimbo's  
Dock icon. While this will create a new Image item, it unfortunately  
doesn't preserve the name or tags for the item.

Thanks. I used this method to convert my "note" images. Fortunately,  
there were only a handful of them.

Two observations:

Images are displayed on a gray background, so transparent images that  
"expect" to be used against a white background don't look right.  This  
doesn't make Yojimbo any less functional for storing, tagging and  
searching for the images--it just doesn't look "nice."

Animated .gif files work in notes, but when I drag them over to create  
images, they become non-animated files. Easy to work around (by  
storing animated .gifs in a notes object)  so long as you understand  
the functionality but something I'd like to see addressed. A little  
investigation reveals that Yojimbo is creating .tiff files when you  
drag an image into the Drop Dock. I just "converted" a (small) bunch  
of compressed .jpg and .gif files into larger .tiff images! And of  
course, once I "saw" the images, I deleted the original notes--except  
of course for the notes containing animated .gifs. (Note that I blame  
myself, not Bare Bones, for jumping in and converting everything  
without due diligence.)

I trust these remarks will be taken as observations, not complaints.  
Thanks to the developers at BBS for all the hard work in bringing us  
an improved Yojimbo!


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Re: Yojimbo 1.5 - Images Questions

2007-12-05 Thread Steve Kalkwarf

1. Should there be a menu item or button for "New . . . Image"?

Not today. Since we aren't creating an image editor, it wasn't 
obvious what that command would do. (Enabling it based on 
whether there's an image on the clipboard seemed more likely to 
confuse than to help)

2. How do I get images that are currently in (otherwise blank) notes
to show up as Images?

There are a few ways that come to mind, but none of them are 
easy if you have a lot of Notes to convert.

You can view a Note-with-image, then drag the image to Yojimbo's 
Dock icon. While this will create a new Image item, it 
unfortunately doesn't preserve the name or tags for the item.

An AppleScript could potentially bridge that gap (copying name, 
comments and tags from one item to the other, and then trashing 
the old item), but there's no way I can think of to move the 
image data itself without manual intervention.

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Yojimbo 1.5 - Images Questions

2007-12-05 Thread Andrew Janjigian
So glad to see a new version of YJ, and already liking some of the new features.

Questions regarding the new Images class:

1. Should there be a menu item or button for "New . . . Image"?

2. How do I get images that are currently in (otherwise blank) notes
to show up as Images?



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