Re: cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in other apps

2007-11-27 Thread Christopher Porter

On 26-Nov-07, at 5:47 PM, David Duff wrote:

ideally, i'd like to be able to link from other objects in my  
toolset (omnifocus tasks [...] etc.) bidirectionally to yojimbo,  
such that i could be looking at an item (like a yojimbo note) and  
could jump to for example a contact or vice versa.

Regarding OmniFocus specifically, I find that the bidirectional links  
to Yojimbo work just fine.

i) Dragging and OmniFocus item to the drop dock creates a new note  
item containing a functional link to OmniFocus.
ii) 'Copy as link' from OmniFocus and 'Add Hyperlink...' in Yojimbo  
creates a functional link.
iii) 'Copy item link' from Yojimbo and pasting into OmniFocus creates  
a functional link.
iv) Dragging a Yojimbo note to OmniFocus creates a list of tasks with  
the text of the note - probably not the desired result (but possibly  


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Re: cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in other apps

2007-11-26 Thread Jeff Berg

On Nov 26, 2007, at 5:47 PM, David Duff wrote:

any thoughts or suggestions on tools or techniques?

With all due respect to Yojimbo--software that I live and die by--you  
might be better served by FileMaker's Bento (currently available as  
free beta test). Out of the box Bento incorporates Address Book and  
iCal data, ships with a number of templates that may suit (or be  
readily adapted to) your purpose, and uses the same SQLite "backbone"  
as Yojimbo.

Bento feels more structured to me--and I've yet to see how I would use  
it. But it may be the better tool for your purposes.

Best of luck!


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cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in other apps

2007-11-26 Thread David Duff
ideally, i'd like to be able to link from other objects in my toolset  
(omnifocus tasks, ical events, email messages, misc finder documents,  
address book contacts, etc.) bidirectionally to yojimbo, such that i  
could be looking at an item (like a yojimbo note) and could jump to  
for example a contact or vice versa.

one step toward this ideal is hinted at by the presence of the "copy  
item link" feature in the edit menu of yojimbo.

a current problem that i am trying to solve is to find some way of  
keeping track of a large body of "contract-centric" information -  
that is, lots of contacts, and for each contact, a set of semi- 
structured (date, text) notes which are linked to contacts which  
might comprise a history of interactions with an individual.   it  
would be nice if i could use yojimbo as the notes component in a  
suite of apps that i use to attack this problem.

using address is a semi-requirement, since for various  
subsets of these contacts, i need to send email, create groups,  
communicate via IM, print envelopes, ...i also would like to keep  
the list of contacts sync'd with my pda.thus, using the central  
mac os store for contacts seems to make sense.

i believe that this cross-linkage should be possible because i have  
seen versions of it done in other applications.  for example,  
mailtags succeeds in cross-linking between email messages and ical  
events/tasks.   i'd like for yojimbo to be able to do something  
similar.   i'm not sure whether the linked objects should  
conceptually be considered part of the meta-data of the yojimbo item,  
i.e., along with dates, tags, comments, label, or part of the content  
of the yojimbo item, i.e. like a hyperlink or an image or other  
object that is embedded in the body.   perhaps the links should  
simply be hyperlinks and nothing more - including "special"  
hyperlinks akin to "x-yojimbo-item://32340234".   the links could be  
created at object creation time (i.e. by a script such as "create a  
new yojimbo note linked to this contact"), via drag/drop type  
operations, or perhaps via a contact selector mechanism to be added  
to yojimbo (analagous to the "address panel" function in

what doesn't seem to work as it should:

i should be able to copy a link from yojimbo and paste it into one of  
my contact's "URL" fields, then i could navigate from the contact to  
a yojimbo item containing a note or multiple notes about a contact.   
when i try to open a yojimbo link in address book, it doesn't work.   
address book seems to mis-interpret the text i use for the link and  
it thinks it needs to prepend "http://"; to the front of it.this  
issue seems to have been discussed on the yojimbo-talk list  
previously, but afaik the discussion did not lead to a solution to  
the problem.

what's missing:

ability for yojimbo to link to other objects such as contacts.   the  
same would apply for linking to email messages, ical events, files in  
the filesystem, etc.

example: drag an address book contact into a yojimbo note and some  
kind of link (?) gets added to the note that you can click on to  
navigate back to the original item.

any thoughts or suggestions on tools or techniques?   any chance  
yojimbo would grow to support this task at some point or would this  
be considered completely out of scope?

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