Re: I use Yojimbo for..

2008-05-05 Thread cubic . archon
My system keeps changing, but at the moment...

Folders - I maintain very broad categories of folder, which are really
only used for the drop box panel. They correspond to the answer to the
question "why am I storing this?" Is it for future reference, research
material to be examined later, a random thought I've had myself, or an
asset that I am trying to create for use elsewhere (e.g. a piece of
documentation)? Sometimes if I'm doing an awful lot of dragging and
dropping from Safari I'll set up a temporary folder for a project, but
I'll tag the contents and delete the folder afterwards.

Tags - most of the classification is done with tags. Material for an
individual project is defined by a combination of one or more tags,
and for all of the current ones, there's a tag folder, prefixed by "."
so that they all go to the top of the list. I used to file projects in
folders, but when you delete a folder you can never find out what was
in it again, and I can never tell when I might need to look at an old
project once more.

(I find it useful to maintain a list of the tags that get applied to
individual projects - I've been experimenting with prefixing all
"project code" tags with "p.", but it's not proved worth it yet.)

Oh, there are also tag folders for "todo" and "idea", though I do most
of my task management with Todoist or Taskpaper. "todo" tagged items
are usually reference data which won't fit anywhere else.

Flags - a flagged item is just one I can get to with the "Flagged
Items" list. It doesn't mean anything more than "I use this a lot" or
"I should pay attention to this" - if I findmyself looking for that
item a lot, I'll flag it, if I find I'm not, I'll remove the flag.

Labels - I don't really use these a lot except as decoration. There
may be a good way to use them - they've got the advantage of being
very visually distinctive - but if there is one I don't know what it
is. Also, they're a bit hard to export if it ever comes down to that.

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Re: I use Yojimbo for..

2008-05-05 Thread Sean Chou
This is a great idea! I've always wondered how folks use Yojimbo and
approach data management in general. Although we all have our pet
requests, I'm sure the vast majority of us incorporated deeply into
our workflow.

For me, data management falls into one of the following (constantly
shifting as I try to improve and products come along/get better)
buckets (in order of preference):

TaskPaper (tagged for context) - for all tasks

Yojimbo (heavily tagged) - for all loose text, code snippets, most
PDFs, images that don't go into iPhoto, serials, passwords, lately
also important emails

iPhoto (heavily tagged) - for all personal photos, wallpaper, screen
captures (other than a single screen shot which goes into Yojimbo
now), personal videos

iTunes (heavily categorized, clean metadata - tag like) - for all
music and 3rd party videos

File system (half heartedly tagged) - for files that don't go into
Yojimbo (mostly presentations, Word, Xmind, source code, , PDFs that
just seem too large, PDFs that are commented

Entourage - for email and most attachments

What I've found is that I'd love to just shove most things into
Yojimbo for the sake of being able to find all things related to a tag
or union/intersection of tags, but realize that would look
suspiciously like a file manager. Leap may work well except it doesn't
seem to interact with Yojimbo.

I also often wonder how others use the features of Yojimbo to help
with their workflow. Between tags, folders, labels, flags, and
comments, there are a plethora of approaches. Yet Yojimbo, perhaps due
to the discipline of the Bare Bones team, remains aesthetically
pleasing. IMO, EagleFiler is a bit cluttery and Together just doesn't
quite flow right (although I do like it a lot). Personally, I think
Evernote is the most promising up and comer.

Anyway, to get back to my Yojimbo system:

Tags - categorizes the data (and sometimes, why I'm storing it -
howto, reference, etc.)

Flags - for things I'm actively working on or need to otherwise pay attention to

Folders - for organizing data against a project (i.e. research for an
essay or presentation)

Comments - comments about the data usually the source if other than my work

Labels - I've had the toughest time here because I originally wanted
to use it for "why I'm storing it" but it hasn't stuck for some
reason. I think the colors are too much when used too liberally. I
guess I don't really use labels much.

Information gets captured via a shortcut key and the input panel (I
dislike the drop dock and have disabled them) or a capture script (for
things like capturing from Entourage or Safari). I tag it, add a
source comment if needed, and flag it if appropriate.

Then I periodically go through, retagging, deleting, and otherwise
sorting/shuffling. Rinse. Repeat.

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Luis Roca
> > I want to start a positive thread on what interesting things everyone
>  > uses Yojimbo for.. Maybe everyone could post one interesting thing
>  > they use the application for, we all might find some new uses..

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Re: I use Yojimbo for..

2008-05-03 Thread Luis Roca
> I want to start a positive thread on what interesting things everyone
> uses Yojimbo for.. Maybe everyone could post one interesting thing
> they use the application for, we all might find some new uses..

Thanks for changing the direction Scott.

I also use Yojimbo for storing reciepts. I'm a freelance designer and
taxes were much more pleasant to deal with this year having my reciepts
stored, named and grouped in a place I could easily find.

One of my favorite ways to use Yojimbo is as a swipe/morgue image file.
I wanted to save office space and have a much more usable reference
system for photographs, illustrations, and designs that I find inspiring
and useful for future projects.

The majority of the work is going through the stacks of magazines and
sketchbooks, cutting out what I like, then scanning them into Photoshop.
If I have a big stack of clippings I'll just keep scanning until I'm
done before I begin importing it to Yojimbo. Once I'm done I'll go to
each file, hit select all, copy, then open the Yojimbo quick input
panel. The image is now sitting pretty in the preview pane. I then name,
tag, and add any comments I need. Hit return and I'm done. 

It's been a great way to get the creative juices flowing or present
clients with ideas for their next project. If I only used Yojimbo for
that it would be an amazing tool.


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Re: I use Yojimbo for..

2008-05-03 Thread Carlton Gibson

On 3 May 2008, at 01:32, Scott J. Lopez wrote:

I want to start a positive thread on what interesting things everyone
uses Yojimbo for.. Maybe everyone could post one interesting thing
they use the application for, we all might find some new uses..

So here's mine..

I use Yojimbo as a temporary store for things until I've got time to  
organise them properly.

I don't want to store things in Yojimbo permanently as I already have  
a file system manager with labels, and comments and full text search  
-- one with nested folders, and as powerful a set of smart folders  
that one could wish for (until the next Model-T replaces our current  
horse that is). There's no way, for permanent storage, that I'd ever  
give up the power of the file system.

Passwords *end up* in my Keychain.

Bookmarks I want to keep *end up* in Safari.

Everything else ends up in the *correct* folder.

There is such a thing as the *correct* folder  as there are such  
things as objective hierarchies -- ones which capture real  
relationships between things. You can think of genus-species  
groupings in biology, or project-file groupings in your work. Where  
such groupings exist, a hierarchical file structure has real value,  
but they take some thinking about to be stable/valuable-- which is  
why the profession of 'librarian' exists for one. Yojimbo -- and  
tagging -- fills a nice gap for me while I'm still working these  
things out (or in the middle of something else important when the new  
bit of stuff arrives).

Others may take a different approach, this is mine.


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