Re: [zathura] [PATCH] synctex forward synchronization

2013-12-24 Thread Sebastian Ramacher
On 2012-08-14 13:05:06, Roland Schatz wrote:
> I have attached the patch for forward synchronization.

Finally it's happening.

The major part of the patch has already been applied for some time but was not
usable at all. I've started to implement the remaining bits. The current
progress can be seen in the branch feature/synctex.

zathura has gained a new command line argument --syntex-forward. If zathura is
called as 'zathura --syntex-forward  ', zathura will search for a
running instance having the file  open and it will send  to the
that instance.  is of the same format as the argument passed to syntex
view -i. (Note that  currently needs to be an absolut path. I'll fix
that in the feature.)

I've also commited a first ftplugin for vim (tex_zathurasynctex.vim). With this
plugin enabled f will perform a forward sync. The detection of the
correct  probably needs some love (it currently tries a function
provided by latex-suite and some heuristic to determine  by checking the
available syntex data).

Any comments are very welcome (expecially regarding the vim plugin).

Sebastian Ramacher
zathura mailing list

Re: [zathura] [PATCH] synctex forward synchronization

2012-08-30 Thread Sebastian Ramacher
First of all thanks for the patch and I'm sorry that I didn't have the time to
look at the patch yet.

On 14/08/12 13:05, Roland Schatz wrote:
> The big open question:
> How do you connect that feature to a text editor?
> My personal solution to this is a vim-script that uses xdotool to
> simulate keypresses that issue the :synctex command. But that seems like
> a big ugly hack. A better solution would be to somehow make it possible
> to send remote commands to zathura, similar to "vim --remote". But I
> have no idea how "vim --remote" is implemented, I have to do more
> research. I'm not sure whether it is possible to implement that in a
> platform independent way...

What about a dbus interface? Apparently there is a Glib binding for dbus. The
editor could send the messages to zathura via dbus-send.

Another possibility would be an XML-RPC interface but I didn't check if there
are any good and easy-to-use libraries for that.

Kind regards
zathura mailing list