Re: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

2002-12-14 Thread Jon Spencer
Perhaps I should add a little to this.

The point of capitalism is to acquire the greatest wealth.  Primary
Capitalism allows one to gather the greatest wealth.  Remember that temporal
items are considered secondary property.  Money is a representation of
secondary property and thus should only be an indicator of how well one has
handled primary property.

Wealth is gained as the result of profit, which I define to be any moral
increase in happiness resulting from (necessarily moral) actions of an
individual.  A moral action is one that does not violate the property
(primordial [life], primary or secondary) of another.

Hopefully, this will help one understand the prior post.  And by the way, I
spent 1 1/2  years studying these concepts prior to gaining a true stomach
understanding of them, what mechanisms would be required to make the system
complete, and how they could be partially applied in this society.  It is
folly of me to try to convince anyone that this is a valid approach with a
couple of posts.  Thus that is not my intent.  I post these comments solely
to pique the curiosity of some to enter into further discussions on some

- Original Message -
From: "Jon Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

> The main point of Primary Capitalism, or what I believe is true
> is that money is a secondary issue.  Integrity, endurance, commitment,
> gratitude, etc.  are the prime components of capitalism.  Charity that
> not rob a person of his self-confidence just to benefit oneself is a valid
> component of that capitalism.  True charity is an investment in the
> that you live in, one that yields tremendous returns.
> I honestly do not think that the United order was properly set up,
> on my own I don't think that I could have done any better.  But I do
> now that one reason it failed was that there was an attempt to make
> equal when they were not.  I do not believe that the UO was truly in tune
> with the gospel, because in the gospel, one is rewarded for his efforts;
> everyone does not receive the same thing.  The parable of the talents is
> right in line with Primary Capitalism, as is the parable of the ten
> A true capitalist emulates Christ by expecting others to do their best,
> teaching them to do so, and then making up the temporal difference for
> who try this but fall short.
> A primary capitalist pays what is due to all, especially to those whose
> ideas helped him along the way.  He pays his debt of gratitude to all.
> Tithing is an excellent PC action.
> That's all for now.
> Jon
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gary Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:27 PM
> Subject: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism
> > Would you then say that there is no true freedom in the United
> > Order/consecration?  I think a capitalist society is okay, but it is too
> > often the case that financial markets replace true freedom, which begins
> > not with the pocket book, but with a respect for life and ideas.
> >
> > K'aya K'ama,
> > Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
> >
> > "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's
ree."  -
> > Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
> >
> > Jon:
> > There is much more to this than I have given in this short quip. There
> > are
> > volumes written on the topic.  But suffice it to say that without true
> > capitalism, it is impossible to have freedom.
> >
> > Of course, you may have a different definition of freedom.  But be
> > careful,
> > if you do, it had better fit into a larger scheme of things that
> > generates
> > freedom for all (otherwise called "liberty").
> >
> >
> > 
> > Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today
> > Only $9.95 per month!
> > Visit
> >
> >

> //
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> >

> /
> >
> >

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Re: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

2002-12-14 Thread Jon Spencer
The main point of Primary Capitalism, or what I believe is true capitalism,
is that money is a secondary issue.  Integrity, endurance, commitment,
gratitude, etc.  are the prime components of capitalism.  Charity that does
not rob a person of his self-confidence just to benefit oneself is a valid
component of that capitalism.  True charity is an investment in the society
that you live in, one that yields tremendous returns.

I honestly do not think that the United order was properly set up, although
on my own I don't think that I could have done any better.  But I do believe
now that one reason it failed was that there was an attempt to make everyone
equal when they were not.  I do not believe that the UO was truly in tune
with the gospel, because in the gospel, one is rewarded for his efforts;
everyone does not receive the same thing.  The parable of the talents is
right in line with Primary Capitalism, as is the parable of the ten virgins.
A true capitalist emulates Christ by expecting others to do their best,
teaching them to do so, and then making up the temporal difference for those
who try this but fall short.

A primary capitalist pays what is due to all, especially to those whose
ideas helped him along the way.  He pays his debt of gratitude to all.
Tithing is an excellent PC action.

That's all for now.


- Original Message -
From: "Gary Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:27 PM
Subject: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

> Would you then say that there is no true freedom in the United
> Order/consecration?  I think a capitalist society is okay, but it is too
> often the case that financial markets replace true freedom, which begins
> not with the pocket book, but with a respect for life and ideas.
> K'aya K'ama,
> Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
> "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
> Jon:
> There is much more to this than I have given in this short quip. There
> are
> volumes written on the topic.  But suffice it to say that without true
> capitalism, it is impossible to have freedom.
> Of course, you may have a different definition of freedom.  But be
> careful,
> if you do, it had better fit into a larger scheme of things that
> generates
> freedom for all (otherwise called "liberty").
> Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today
> Only $9.95 per month!
> Visit

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Re: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

2002-12-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I think we could very easily have total unrestricted capitalism in this 
country if certain people have their way.


At 10:50 PM 12/09/2002 -0600, you wrote:

I found this old article on my hard drive by Charlie Reese. It reminded
me of a very important fact: I can be a believer in freedom without
believing in an unrestricted capitalist system, and that too many people
equate them.  In reality, I look forward to Zion, where there will be
great freedom to govern oneself, but there will be restricted capitalism.
It isn't communism, though. We won't force anyone to do it, they will
just simply be asked to leave...
K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 By Charley Reese  of The Sentinel Staff
 Published in The Orlando Sentinel on July 22, 1999.

 The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has sent a delegation  to Cuba to discuss
free enterprise. Aside from the fact
 that the group won't find much, the trip offers a good occasion to point
out that a market economy and
 political freedom are not the same thing.

 Too many Americans seem to think that a country that allows a
free-market economy to operate is free. Not
 so. A free country is defined by the political rights of its citizens
not the form of its economy.

 Other Americans seem to think that a market economy will inevitably
produce political freedom. Not so again.
 Many dictatorships have operated with a market economy, the dictator
simply skimming some of the
 profits. There was free enterprise in Cuba under the dictator Fulgencio
Batista but not political freedom.
 Now, under Castro, there is neither.

 Keep in mind that one of the purest examples of free enterprise is
criminal gangs involved in such businesses
 as illicit drugs. They operate entirely without government supervision
and make enormous profits. Does that make
 them moral?

 Political rights include the right to free speech, to assemble and to
petition the government, to change the government, to publish freely, to
live under a system of laws enacted by elective representatives as
binding on the ruler as on the ruled. None of these is present in Cuba or
in China, even though both countries have allowed foreign investments and
very much want to increase their economic trade with other countries.

 Frankly, it should not matter to Americans what kind of an economy
another country has. We should be advocates of political freedom, not
capitalism. Virtually all of our European allies now have socialist
governments. Japan's form of capitalism is certainly not the same as
ours. What difference does it make to us if the foreign products we buy
are made in a capitalist plant, a co-op or a government plant?


 Nor does the form the economy takes have any effect on
government-to-government relationships. The Chinese government now allows
some free-market activity within its borders, but that doesn't mean that
the government likes us.

 When American-based corporations look for foreign-investment
opportunities, they are looking for either cheap labor to build something
they will export back to the United States or a way to get a wedge into a
foreign market. Unless you own a lot of stock in the corporation, there
is no benefit to the average American. The only effect on us is that we
may lose our jobs if it's our plant that's shut down and moved overseas.
Robert Reich, former secretary of Labor, pointed out long ago
 that about half of what the ignoratti refer to as trade is really
nothing more than intercorporate transfers.

 Pappy used to say, "Never mix business with friendship or pleasure."
What he was saying is good advice for
 citizens to keep in mind. The purpose of business is to make a profit
not to be patriotic, not to advance human
 rights, not to do what is right for the country.

 Because big money heavily influences both political parties and owns
most of the communications media, often what is good for business is
presented as good for the country. Don't believe it. Don't confuse
business with politics, benevolence, humanitarianism or, for that matter,
even common decency. One of the Founding Fathers remarked that the only
country a merchant knows is the spot he stands on in front of his money

 The founders of this country did not invent government to be the
handmaiden of business.

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Re: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

2002-12-11 Thread Jon Spencer
Unfortunately, the article you gave us talked about the evils of RESTRICTED
CAPITALISM, not free markets.  I mean, how can a market which includes a
dictator who manipulates the market be called a "free market?"

My definition of capitalism/free markets does not include using the
government to control the market, or to gain unfair advantage.  It does not
include stealing ideas from others, nor forming coercive monopolies.

Rather, my definition of capitalism comes from through a man named Andrew J.
Galambos, and is called "primary capitalism."  This form requires complete
freedom for every individual, which requires that each individual have 100%
control over his own property.  Property is defined as one's life and all
non-procreative derivatives thereof.  What we have now in the US AJG called
"partial secondary capitalism," where "secondary" refers to secondary
property, which in short is tangible (temporal) items.  Again, in short,
primary property is ideas.

Primary capitalism means that no one steals or defrauds you.  A business
which acts without integrity is driven out of business that day unless
restitution is immediately made.  The lowliest janitor who keeps all of his
commitments has a higher credit rating than a billionaire who breaks his

There is much more to this than I have given in this short quip. There are
volumes written on the topic.  But suffice it to say that without true
capitalism, it is impossible to have freedom.

Of course, you may have a different definition of freedom.  But be careful,
if you do, it had better fit into a larger scheme of things that generates
freedom for all (otherwise called "liberty").


Gary Smith wrote:

> I found this old article on my hard drive by Charlie Reese. It reminded
> me of a very important fact: I can be a believer in freedom without
> believing in an unrestricted capitalist system, and that too many people
> equate them.  In reality, I look forward to Zion, where there will be
> great freedom to govern oneself, but there will be restricted capitalism.
> It isn't communism, though. We won't force anyone to do it, they will
> just simply be asked to leave...

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