Perhaps I should add a little to this.

The point of capitalism is to acquire the greatest wealth.  Primary
Capitalism allows one to gather the greatest wealth.  Remember that temporal
items are considered secondary property.  Money is a representation of
secondary property and thus should only be an indicator of how well one has
handled primary property.

Wealth is gained as the result of profit, which I define to be any moral
increase in happiness resulting from (necessarily moral) actions of an
individual.  A moral action is one that does not violate the property
(primordial [life], primary or secondary) of another.

Hopefully, this will help one understand the prior post.  And by the way, I
spent 1 1/2  years studying these concepts prior to gaining a true stomach
understanding of them, what mechanisms would be required to make the system
complete, and how they could be partially applied in this society.  It is
folly of me to try to convince anyone that this is a valid approach with a
couple of posts.  Thus that is not my intent.  I post these comments solely
to pique the curiosity of some to enter into further discussions on some

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism

> The main point of Primary Capitalism, or what I believe is true
> is that money is a secondary issue.  Integrity, endurance, commitment,
> gratitude, etc.  are the prime components of capitalism.  Charity that
> not rob a person of his self-confidence just to benefit oneself is a valid
> component of that capitalism.  True charity is an investment in the
> that you live in, one that yields tremendous returns.
> I honestly do not think that the United order was properly set up,
> on my own I don't think that I could have done any better.  But I do
> now that one reason it failed was that there was an attempt to make
> equal when they were not.  I do not believe that the UO was truly in tune
> with the gospel, because in the gospel, one is rewarded for his efforts;
> everyone does not receive the same thing.  The parable of the talents is
> right in line with Primary Capitalism, as is the parable of the ten
> A true capitalist emulates Christ by expecting others to do their best,
> teaching them to do so, and then making up the temporal difference for
> who try this but fall short.
> A primary capitalist pays what is due to all, especially to those whose
> ideas helped him along the way.  He pays his debt of gratitude to all.
> Tithing is an excellent PC action.
> That's all for now.
> Jon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gary Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 6:27 PM
> Subject: [ZION] Freedom versus capitalism
> > Would you then say that there is no true freedom in the United
> > Order/consecration?  I think a capitalist society is okay, but it is too
> > often the case that financial markets replace true freedom, which begins
> > not with the pocket book, but with a respect for life and ideas.
> >
> > K'aya K'ama,
> > Gerald/gary  Smith    gszion1    http://www
> >
> > "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's
ree."  -
> > Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
> >
> > Jon:
> > There is much more to this than I have given in this short quip. There
> > are
> > volumes written on the topic.  But suffice it to say that without true
> > capitalism, it is impossible to have freedom.
> >
> > Of course, you may have a different definition of freedom.  But be
> > careful,
> > if you do, it had better fit into a larger scheme of things that
> > generates
> > freedom for all (otherwise called "liberty").
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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