Re: [ZION] Seasons Greetings from the Great White North (wargaming)

2002-10-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank

At 18:48 10/7/2002 +, Scott wrote:
>Truthfully, we mentioned the possibility of having the kids miss one day
>of seminary this week due to lack of gas money. It is really ironic that
>I can fly most anywhere I want, but can't afford to drive away from the

You just get to Syracuse via Delta and I'll get you the rest of the way to 
the Tillshack.


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Re: [ZION] Seasons Greetings from the Great White North (wargaming)

2002-10-07 Thread Scott McGee


Due to lack of money (I _told_ you I didn't worship the money god,
right?), I don't know. If I had the money, I would fly up to Detroit this
weekend to see my daughter for her birthday and drive down your way just
to say hello and see your part of the country.

Truthfully, we mentioned the possibility of having the kids miss one day
of seminary this week due to lack of gas money. It is really ironic that
I can fly most anywhere I want, but can't afford to drive away from the

Ah well, Gary is just a couple hours down the road, and I can't afford to
drive down to visit him, though he stopped by our house. Grandpa Bill,
and many others have tendered invitations.

I have my home, my wife, and some of my children. I can even visit my
family (I just make them get me from the airport and give me free room
and board on my visits!) so I shan't complain.


On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 14:13:48 -0400, "Elmer L. Fairbank"
> At 17:50 10/4/2002 +, Scott wrote:
> >To answer your question, no, not all of us are worshiping the money god
> >of Babylon.
> Thank you my friend.  I knew that.   Sometimes it seems it though.  When 
> are you going to fly to Syracuse?
> Till
> /
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Re: [ZION] Seasons Greetings from the Great White North (wargaming)

2002-10-04 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Cathy and I just came back from a dr's appt at an office over the Kingsway Mall in 
Edmonton, and we saw these cars from west of us with a bit of snow on them. Edmonton 
apparently got hit, too, but here in the Grove we seemed to have been in a little 
oasis; we barely even had any frost last night.

Mark Gregson wrote:

> Seasons Greetings from the Great White North!
> I woke up this morning to a centimeter or two of snow, our first snowfall of the 
>season.  We often get snow right around General Conference time (but then it can warm 
>up a little for a few weeks).
> Napolean started with his Grande Armee towards Russia with about 500,000 men.  The 
>10,000 that barely survived escaped  Russia in early December.  So 80,000 Russian 
>losses were not so bad, all things considered.  Napolean got his just desserts.
> (BTW, there's the significant difference between the French and the Germans.  The 
>Germans abhor Hitler, the French adore Napolean.)

That's always bothered me. How come no one minds that one of the main streets of Paris 
is called l'avenue de la Grande Armée [hope I got my genders right], but, boy, if 
Berlin renamed the Ku'damm "Wehrmachtsdamm" or "SS-Straße"

> Modern wargamers would of course plan for early, hard and lengthy winters in Canada. 
> Modern equipment would keep survival rates way above Napolean's army.

How would they overcome the fact that lubrication oil starts to get viscous at a 
suddenly nonlinear rate at around -45oC or so? Kind of hard to start an APC, and if 
you do, the starter motor could break the crankshaft. Same with helicopters.

> So I don't use an example like Napolean or even Hitler as base scenarios.
> Look at Afghanistan.  Russia got badly pounded but the US crushed the Taliban.  Some 
>Russians thought that the US would get a shellacking in Afghanistan and were probably 
>astounded at the speed and ease with which the US toppled the Taliban.  They of 
>course were not taking everything into account, particularly two things: 1.) Russia 
>was not supporting the Taliban this time whereas the US did support them in the 
>Russian war.  2.) The US's military is decades ahead of the Russian military both in 
>equipment and in tactics.

I think #1 is more important, in fact -- "the Taliban" ~= "Afghanistan" by a long 
shot. With regards to #2, I think there was also a kind of "Vietnam syndrome," too -- 
going to Afghanistan was not a popular assignment with Soviet soldiers or their 
families. You could say, so what -- they do what they're ordered, but even Soviets 
were human, and performed better if they had better morale.

> Russians have always fought wars by attrition.

Even their expansionist wars (their counterpart to our Indian and Mexican wars) this 
is true. Peter the Great fought a number of staged battles, but he basically just 
moved people in and gradually took over places, assimilating them. Like a Borg made 
out of molasses...

> Americans don't like to fight that way and they haven't since WWI.  But Russians and 
>others have always underestimated the Americans by supposing that the American public 
>won't accept large numbers of American casualties.  They think that Americans are too 
>soft to fight a "real" war.  Even if it's true (and it wouldn't be if the US was in 
>true jeopardy), it is irrelevant.  The Gulf war, Bosnia and Afhanistan should have 
>shown the world by now just how advanced the US military is.  So advanced that they 
>do not need to fight by attrition.  Indeed, it would probably be counterproductive 
>for them to do so.

First of all, though, the war in Afghanistan isn't over by a long shot. All that has 
been accomplished is that the Taliban has been toppled from their local role. That's 
not really very much of an accomplishment in the greater scheme of things. "The 
Northern Alliance" is a very, very loosely-connected alliance stuck together with 
bubble gum and bailing twine by the US and were the very people we used to refer to as 
"warlords" when they were the bad guys and the Taliban were the good guys.

Secondly, people might find this hard to believe, but if anyone invaded Iraq, they'd 
meet stiff resistance. This isn't a "Kuwait." I'll use Cuba as an example because I'm 
more familiar with it, but I suspect Iraq is a lot like Cuba in this respect. Most 
people wouldn't talk politics with me in Cuba, which I can certainly understand. The 
most open person was a government-appointed health institute director who was quite 
open in her criticism of Castro as long as we were in private (like in our car we'd 
rented in the tourist resort in Veradero). She said most Cubans hate Castro and can't 
wait for the regime to fall, but they would also fight with their
fingernails if they had to, to repel a US invasion.

To turn it around, consider LBJ's famous comment about a right-wing Nicaraguan 
dictator the US was supporting before he was overthrown by the Sandinistas (one 
dictatorship for another...): Jus

Re: [ZION] Seasons Greetings from the Great White North (wargaming)

2002-10-04 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank

At 17:50 10/4/2002 +, Scott wrote:

>To answer your question, no, not all of us are worshiping the money god
>of Babylon.

Thank you my friend.  I knew that.   Sometimes it seems it though.  When 
are you going to fly to Syracuse?


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Re: [ZION] Seasons Greetings from the Great White North (wargaming)

2002-10-04 Thread Scott McGee

On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 11:58:06 -0400, "Elmer L. Fairbank"
> Yes, we (the people of the US) would fight an enemy pretty ferociously if 
> they attacked.  (the movie "the russians are coming" comes to mind to
> give 
> me a chuckle) but "we" can't see the how the enemy of all righteousness
> has 
> us in his grips.   We're in Babylon, gang, there's no two ways about 
> it.  Do we embrace it's ways?  Aren't we out trying to make a buck? 
> Aren't 
> we concerned with worldly things each and every day/hour of our 
> lives?  Here I am sitting at my computer.  It has become the very symbol
> of 
> Babylon.  I'm bowing before this idol of "stone"  Acchhg  enough, you 
> can tell I'm not feeling well today ...

Elf, my friend,

Sorry you are not feeling well. Neither am I, and my wife keeps thinking
of you every time she thinks of me not feeling well. I guess I'm going to
have to visit a doctor just to quiet her nerves. Meanwhile, I hope you
are feeling better by the time you receive this.

To answer your question, no, not all of us are worshiping the money god
of Babylon. For instance, I know that Jo and I, and our children, could
be much more financially comfortable if she were to get a job. So what. I
remain scraping the bottom of the paycheck barrel because the Lord has
told us the wife's place is in the home, and then has provided me with a
job (barely) sufficient to allow that. I will go ask the bishop for help
from the storehouse before I will ask my wife to go to work.

I spend long hours each day at a job that I have for the sole purpose of
obtaining money sufficient for my family, but when I go home (with the
exception of when I am on pager duty) I leave the job behind. I _do_
spend time on the computer at home, but it is not (again, except for when
on pager duty) work, but relaxation. I spend much more time reading.

I have considerable reason to try to justify myself in embrasing Babylon,
but refuse to do so. Oh, once in a while a moment of weekness overtakes
me and I backslide. Then I repent, ask forgiveness, and go on.

I sometimes dispair at the world around me. I agree with JWR that our
government is in the hands of Gadiantons. There is little I can do about
it. My two oldest daughters deny any beleif in the church, and the oldest
(18) is now pregnant and unmarried as well as refusing to speak to me
(except when she needs something). Three of my other children live far
away and I see them very seldom.

Hey, sometimes life sucks like that. So what. You pick up and go on. That
was the whole point of the Book of Job in the bible was it not. I
certainly haven't suffered as Job did. And Job didn't suffer as Crist
did. I am a son of God and can overcome all that is placed before me. As
long as I don't disable myself with sin I have the inate ability to
overcome all that this life will present me. So do you!

That is the great beauty of the Living Gospel. No matter the depth of the
mire the world presents you with, if you focus on the gospel, there is
nothing but optimissm possible! How can you lose? You are a child of God!
All things are possible if you but listen and do as He asks! Not only
that, but we stand to inherit all that He has!

Yes, sometimes that focus is hard to hold. I _KNOW_ how hard it can be.
It doesn't matter, though, since we have been shown the way by many
examples. We just have to pick up and go on.


Buttered bread always lands butter side * Would YOU mistake these as
down (Unless it sticks to the ceiling!) * anyone`s opinions but my own?
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott McGee)

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Re: [ZION] Seasons Greetings from the Great White North (wargaming)

2002-10-04 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank

At 23:28 10/4/2002 +0800, Bishop Mark wrote:

>Napolean started with his Grande Armee towards Russia with about 500,000 
>men.  The 10,000 that barely survived escaped  Russia in early 
>December.  So 80,000 Russian losses were not so bad, all things 
>considered.  Napolean got his just desserts.

That was just one day's fighting. I also had in mind the terrible toll on 
the Russian people, displaced and fending for themselves, the incredible 
mess that was left of Moscow (admittedly, by Russian hands) and so 
forth.  The cost of war is so dreadfully high.  Way beyond what the 
statistics give.

>How many dead soldiers have been shipped back to the US in this latest 
>Afghan war?

Judging from a conversation I had with a chap at my brother's funeral in 
North Carolina, more than the US public is aware.  He works on the base 
there, where all the families of the special forces are staying.  I don't 
even want to know.

Yes, we (the people of the US) would fight an enemy pretty ferociously if 
they attacked.  (the movie "the russians are coming" comes to mind to give 
me a chuckle) but "we" can't see the how the enemy of all righteousness has 
us in his grips.   We're in Babylon, gang, there's no two ways about 
it.  Do we embrace it's ways?  Aren't we out trying to make a buck?  Aren't 
we concerned with worldly things each and every day/hour of our 
lives?  Here I am sitting at my computer.  It has become the very symbol of 
Babylon.  I'm bowing before this idol of "stone"  Acchhg  enough, you 
can tell I'm not feeling well today ...


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