Re: [ZION] What If They're Wrong? (was: The September Six Today

2003-08-21 Thread Stacy Smith
Many churches only have one single "authority" to go on.  That's one of the 
primary reasons I left my former denomination.


At 03:25 PM 08/20/2003 +, you wrote:

Something which I've settled in my mind and thought I had no problem with 
is the same problem that these folks - and most of us at one time or 
another - have had:  What about the times when our priesthood leaders are 

Unlike many denominations, the Church of Jesus Christ has never insisted 
that our leaders are infallable.  There are many instances similar to the 
times when President Brigham Young would return to the pulpit and say 
something along the lines of "This morning, you heard from Brother 
Brigham.  Brother Brigham wasn't quite right.  Now you'll hear what the 
Lord says."

Since we have strong personal responsibility to have a witness of the Holy 
Ghost as to whether our leaders are leading us correctly, what do we do 
when a priesthood leader is doing wrong?  How high up the "chain of 
command" do we go before we reach a point where we say that we must be 
misunderstanding the leader, he (she) can't possibly be leading us astray?

And your thoughts --?

"If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong." Gus 
Segar via Popeye

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Re: [ZION] What If They're Wrong? (was: The September Six Today

2003-08-20 Thread John W. Redelfs
Since we have strong personal responsibility to have a witness of the Holy 
Ghost as to whether our leaders are leading us correctly, what do we do 
when a priesthood leader is doing wrong?  How high up the "chain of 
command" do we go before we reach a point where we say that we must be 
misunderstanding the leader, he (she) can't possibly be leading us astray?

We have no promise that our leaders will not lead "us" astray.  The promise 
is that they will not lead "the Church" astray.  Each of us has the Holy 
Ghost to provide personal, individualized protection.  I say, listen to the 
Holy Ghost.  He will guide us when to follow our leaders and when to 
refuse.  And I dare say that he will guide us that our inspiration is for 
ourselves only lest some other foolishly throw the baby out with the bath 
water.  Because even when we get bad counsel, our leader is still our leader.

Still, I have never heard one of the General Authorities recommend that we 
be unfaithful to our wives, or become involved in recreational drugs, 
etc.  But if I do, I'll certainly run it past the Holy Ghost to see if I 
should follow such counsel.  Just how realistic is the problem of such counsel?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"There is no place in this work for those who believe only
in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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