[Zope] ftp ZSQL Methods

2000-12-19 Thread Olaf Zanger

hi there,

is it possible to externally edit ZSQL Methods?
they show 0 bytes and no rights in my ftp client!


soli-con Engineering Zanger
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Olaf Zanger Nusch
Lorrainestrasse 23
3013 Bern / Switzerland
Fon: +41-31-332 9782
Mob: +41-76-572 9782

n:Zanger;Olaf Marc
tel;cell:+41-76-572 9782
tel;work:+41-31-332 9782
org:soli-con Engineering Zanger
adr:;;Lorrainestrasse 23;Bern;BE;3013;Switzerland
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:IT-Consulting=0D=0AEmbedded Systems=0D=0AEnergy Systems=0D=0AOpen Source Solutions=0D=0A
fn:Olaf Zanger

[Zope] newbie zcatalog

2000-12-19 Thread Max M. Stalnaker

Please consider the following code fragment:


On execution, REQUEST.postingtext is displayed as expected.  An object is
placed in the Zcatalog postings as determined by using manage.  However,
clicking on the underlined id of an object in manage yields a traceback
ending in an object not found.  It is sort of expected to display "Hello

Please advise.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: Network hangs

2000-12-19 Thread Rick Munday

> Apache sit's on port 80 w/all static pages
> Zope is now on port 8080 until the move is completed (then it becomes
> primary on 80).

So I was able to narow it down. With Apache now stopped, Zope is running

I assume there was some arguement between Zope and Apache about who
controlled what (?) but with Apache stopped it's solid.

Anybody have any ideas? Should I scrap Zserver and do the pcgi patches?
(This machine will eventualy host 2 domains so I may have answered my own

Input please...


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] weired zope behaviour

2000-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi all

i have a zope site that uses ZEO, runs behind apache and on RH6.x

what puzzles me is that only *one* zserver thread is alive after some time 
and it consumes most of the processors cycle. 
the top snapshots are at the bottom of this message

anybody got any ideas why this happened?  i think this may have contributed 
to the slow response to the site.  if i restart zope, everything works 
dandy... until some time when only one thread is used, instead of 4

what are others seeing?  is it my codes?


 4515 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  4.1  2.5 183:37 python
 4537 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  0.0  2.5   0:07 python
 4538 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  0.0  2.5 724:16 python
 4539 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  0.0  2.5 751:47 python
 4540 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  0.0  2.5 735:11 python
 4541 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  0.0  2.5 749:27 python
 4542 nobody 0   0 99.2M  99M  1592 S   0  0.0  2.5 741:45 python
 4543 nobody13   0 99.2M  99M  1592 R   0 94.0  2.5  1734m python  

 4348 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  2 S 2.1 13.5 214:33 python
 4350 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  2 S 0.0 13.5   0:10 python
 4351 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  2 S 0.0 13.5 398:08 python
 4352 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  2 S 0.0 13.5 407:02 python
 4353 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  3 S 0.0 13.5 406:32 python
 4354 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  3 S 0.0 13.5 392:10 python
 4355 nobody14   0  102M 102M  1828  2 R95.5 13.5  4712m python
 4356 nobody 0   0  102M 102M  1828  2 S 0.0 13.5 388:41 python

18567 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  4.4 14.2 273:56 python
18571 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  0.0 14.2   0:44 python
18572 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  0.0 14.2  42:03 python
18573 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  0.0 14.2  63:13 python
18574 nobody19   0 73652  71M  1724 R   0 91.2 14.2  6144m python
18575 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  0.0 14.2  47:54 python
18576 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  0.0 14.2  57:10 python
18577 nobody 0   0 73652  71M  1724 S   0  0.0 14.2  57:13 python 


if you SMELLL ... what the Rock is cookin

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] [BUG] Background processes interfere with Zope's HTTP responses

2000-12-19 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Deiter,

   Hmm.. I just tried this with my highly experimental product
(LocalProc 0.0.1) and I didn't observe the same effect that you did
behind my Proxy Server. (I normally run with Rewrite... but when I got
your note I tried ProxyPass and it worked on the first try.)

(Good howto Anser! http://www.zope.org/Members/anser/apache_zserver/)

Anyway... I ran 'sleep 20' as my local process (I checked the
'background' button on my product) and the web page returned
immediately, but the process ran on in the background as I wished. The
main difference I see between what you are doing and what I do.. is
that I redirect stdout and stderr so that my subprocess has no open
files shared with the parent process.. anyway.. you might try this to
see if it suits your needs. Lightly tested on FreeBSD only.. but any
unix should work the same...



> "Dieter" == Dieter Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dieter> Today was again a hard Zope day.

Dieter> Did you ever hear, that usually (i.e. if you do not do
Dieter> special things) Zope renders a complete page before it
Dieter> starts sending the result back to the client.  This
Dieter> implies that you should never see only half of a page.

Dieter> I heard it and I saw the code that does it.  Therefore, I
Dieter> was convinced that this were really the case.

Dieter> Then our client phoned:

Dieter>   He visits a page that allows him to generate a
Dieter> newsletter. When he presses the "generate newsletter
Dieter> button", a result page is build that tells him that the
Dieter> newsletter is being generated and send is a few minutes.

Dieter>   He reported, that this response page is build only
Dieter> half, then stops, to be completed only half a minute
Dieter> later, at the same time when the newsletter arrives.  The
Dieter> effect is reproducible. If newsletter generation takes
Dieter> longer, he must wait longer for the page to complete.

Dieter>   He is convinced that we generate the newsletter
Dieter> synchronously and let him wait until the generation is
Dieter> complete.  And he is angry.

Dieter>   I know, that the newsletter is generated in a
Dieter> background process, started in an external method with:

Dieter>os.system("gen_newsletter &")

Dieter>   I try to reproduce the behaviour in our test
Dieter> environment and fail. I do not have to wait, until the
Dieter> newsletter generation finished. Then, I use the official
Dieter> service URL and see, I observe the same behaviour.  The
Dieter> difference: in the test environment, the browser connects
Dieter> directly to ZServer; with the official URL, it connects
Dieter> via a proxy.

Dieter>   Puzzling!

Dieter> What happened?

Dieter>  The background process inherits Zope's open file
Dieter> descriptors.  Among them are all currently open HTTP
Dieter> request sockets.  The process keeps these sockets open
Dieter> until it finishes.

Dieter>  There are two HTTP modes:

Dieter>1. single request mode a new TCP connection is
Dieter> created for each HTTP request, the request is completed,
Dieter> when the TCP connection is closed.

Dieter>2. multi request mode several requests share a
Dieter> single TCP connection.  The "Content-Length" HTTP header
Dieter> allows client and server to determine the request
Dieter> boundaries.

Dieter>  That means: when a client uses the multi request
Dieter> mode, everything is fine. Clients, however, that use the
Dieter> single request mode wait until their connection is closed
Dieter> and can observe serious delays.

Dieter>  These delays may be very difficult to explain, as the
Dieter> background process not only delays its own request but may
Dieter> delay arbitrary other requests that happen to be served at
Dieter> the same time.

Dieter> How to fix the problem:

Dieter>   There should be a (file) control "CloseOnExec", that
Dieter> tells Unix to automatically close the file like object
Dieter> upon an exec.  ZServer should probably use it on each of
Dieter> its sockets.  I can not see a serious application that
Dieter> should have direct access to ZServer's HTTP request
Dieter> socket.

Dieter> I will soon file a bug report into the Collector.

Dieter> Dieter

Dieter> ___ Zope
Dieter> maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dieter> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope ** No cross
Dieter> posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Dieter> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
Dieter> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope mailli

Re: [Zope] Editing Property Sheet HTML

2000-12-19 Thread Geoffrey L. Wright

Tres Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "Geoffrey L. Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The question is ... how do I do it?  I'd like to make the default
> > textarea field quite a bit bigger -- but I wasn't able to explore my
> > way to success in the interface, and about 20 mins of seaching has
> > yielded no answers.
> > 
> > Then again, it's pretty late, so mebbe I'm just being dim
> If the propertysheet you want to customize belongs to a ZClass, then
> you are in luck.  Try adding a "Property Sheet Interface" object to
> the methods tab of your ZClass:  it will prompt you for the name of
> the sheet, and whether you want a "view" interface or an "edit"
> interface;  it then creates a DTML Method with appropriate chrome
> for customization.

Ah -- it does, in fact.  Very nice and works like a champ.


> Tres.

Geoffrey L. Wright
Developer / Systems Administrator

(907) 563-2721 ex. 4900

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Newbie: manage_changeProperties and wrong permission

2000-12-19 Thread Milos Prudek

I need to call manage_changeProperties but Zope refuses to accept my

There's a "Fir" class with two subfolders ("cz" and "en"). The
subfolders contain identically named properties: lst_name and lst_text.
These properties are then displayed using simple acquisition:
http://...instance/cz/display and http://...instance/cz/display, where
"display" is a method of Fir class that calls .

To change the lst_name and lst_text properties thru the web, I created
simple form and a method within the Fir class. This is the

  The property 'lst_name' has changed

  No properties were changed

  The property 'lst_text' has changed

  No properties were changed

Unfortunately, authorization fails when this script is supposed to run:
"You are not authorized to access manage_changeProperties."

I'm running this script as a "manager" defined at Zope root, in other
words with the default setup. Normally I can do anything in Zope with
this authorization.

Milos Prudek

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Editing Property Sheet HTML

2000-12-19 Thread Tres Seaver

"Geoffrey L. Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The question is ... how do I do it?  I'd like to make the default
> textarea field quite a bit bigger -- but I wasn't able to explore my
> way to success in the interface, and about 20 mins of seaching has
> yielded no answers.
> Then again, it's pretty late, so mebbe I'm just being dim

If the propertysheet you want to customize belongs to a ZClass, then
you are in luck.  Try adding a "Property Sheet Interface" object to
the methods tab of your ZClass:  it will prompt you for the name of
the sheet, and whether you want a "view" interface or an "edit"
interface;  it then creates a DTML Method with appropriate chrome
for customization.

Digital Creations "Zope Dealers"   http://www.zope.org

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog raises index out of range exception error

2000-12-19 Thread Aleksander Salwa

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Marcin Kasperski wrote:
> Partial solution: at something like 2:00 AM delete your SiteRoot rule,
> reindex with ZCatalog and create this rule again. Searching works
> (although I needed to edit the paths found a bit in the form responsilbe
> for search results presentation).

You don't need to delete your SiteRoot. You can use one of techniques
described in SiteRoot docs to suppress it within particular request.
I use trick with phantom folder, call it 'Z'.
So my AccessRule looks like:

Is there a path, and does it start with 'Z'?

  Get rid of 'Z': 
  Put it back logically: 

Is the first-level domain 'hotsite.com'? Ignore sub-domains and port

 Add physical root: 


In my SiteRoot, I have all properties left blank.

When I access my server using URL like www.myserver.com/Z/something, then
SiteRoot is turned off.

With this solution, your site may be still accessible to customers, while
you are working without SiteRoot (i.e. cataloging objects).


| `long long long' is too long for GCC |

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] A groupware package for zope

2000-12-19 Thread jimbo

>>For the last couple of months I've been working on a groupware
>>package for Zope, named ZopeGUM.  It has reached version
>>0.1.63 now, and it's in steady progress.
>Are you planning on making a win32 version.
>I had a problem tring to run it.  
>Something about posix module missing.

Just to clarify this.  Windows NT is posix compliant
so it seems to work ok on that platform. 9x lacks the posix support. I just verified 
on both systems.
  I believe there are ways to change the code but I'm not sure it's worth it for Win9x.
  It looks good and since I now have it on my NT machine you can expect
more feedback.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

2000-12-19 Thread Bill Welch

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Tim Cook wrote:

> Mohan Baro wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > I have tried it.
> > 
> > 
> > Logout!!
> > 
> > 
> > I guess it logs me out. But it also gives me a login dialog box  it does
> > not accept any of the account. So I cannot log back in! Why?
> > 

The login dialog is the reauthentication opportunity that's your browser's
response to the 'Unauthorized' exception and that's normal. Don't know why
you can't log back in. Works for me in Navigator, IE, and Konqueror. Lynx
displayed an opportunity to reauthenticate once, and then only showed the
exception after that.

> I'm not sure WHY it won't accept your username at this point.
> BUT, it doesn't really logout you out either. If you hit the back
> button a couple of times you'll notice that you are still logged
> in.  The only way to logout using standard authentication is to
> close the browser.

Not true, depends on the browser. My tests indicate that Navigator and IE
both trash the existing good credential with the garbage one and you're
really logged out. Konqueror and lynx seem to hang on to the last
successful authentication and this method doesn't log you out.

Hitting the back button doesn't tell you anything about what credential
your browser is sending to the server. Try visiting a privileged page
after going back or look at the request that's actually being sent. Try
using this one line method (I call mine 'debug'):

After visting yourSite/logout and trying to login as a garbage user at the
reauthentication opportunity (blanking the user name seems to work fine),
visit yourSite/debug. Check other/AUTHENTICATED_USER, Navigator and IE
show 'Anonymous User', Konqueror and lynx show the last good user.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2000-12-19 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 06:44:35PM -0200, Anderson Ami wrote:
> Is there a data limit if I am using the POST method ?I have been doing a
> form that has some input fields, when I do the post I receive a Zope Error
>  The Zope don´t get one form field, but this one exists).

Some older browsers have a limit to the amount of data they send in a
request, usually around 64k.

On the other hand, you may want to examine what is actually in the REQUEST
object. You can view the contents by including the REQUEST object in your


Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Help save my sanity (DTML-in string comparison)

2000-12-19 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 09:57:31PM +0100, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Darin Lee writes:
>  > ... comparisons involving "id" do not work ...
> "id" is particularly difficult in DTML.
> For some objects, "id" is an attribute (a string),
> for others, it is a method.
> Due to Zope's acquisition magic, it is difficult
> to compare method's to one another:
> the "same" method compare different, if accessed on different
> access paths.
> Thus, you want to work with strings only.
> The problem is: DTML does not let you test for types.
> You can do something like this:

Or you could use "_['id']" in place of "id". Which does exactly the same
as the let tag does in the above statement, ie a lookup in the namespace
and then calling it if it is a method. Example:



This kind of hoopjumping is exactly why in Zope 2.3 you now can use the
method 'getId()', which will hide the confusion for you. From Zope 2.3
onwards, *always* use getId():





Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

2000-12-19 Thread Tim Cook

Mohan Baro wrote:
> Thanks,
> I have tried it.
> Logout!!
> I guess it logs me out. But it also gives me a login dialog box  it does
> not accept any of the account. So I cannot log back in! Why?

I'm not sure WHY it won't accept your username at this point.
BUT, it doesn't really logout you out either. If you hit the back
button a couple of times you'll notice that you are still logged
in.  The only way to logout using standard authentication is to
close the browser.

-- Tim Cook, President --
Free Practice Management,Inc. | http://FreePM.com
Office: (901) 884-4126
Censorship: The reaction of the ignorant to freedom.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )


2000-12-19 Thread Farrell, Troy

Please be more specific: What type of field?  What error is Zope giving you?
What browser are you using?  If you are curious about what form variables
Zope is getting, set the form method to a DTML method with this in it:

Best of Luck,
Troy Farrell

-Original Message-
From: Anderson Ami [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: [Zope] POST METHOD

Is there a data limit if I am using the POST method ?I have been doing a
form that has some input fields, when I do the post I receive a Zope Error
 The Zope don´t get one form field, but this one exists).

Thanks so much !!!

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

RE: [Zope] Editing Property Sheet HTML

2000-12-19 Thread Brian Lloyd

> If I want to make a custom Properties view for a specific ZClass, how
> do I proceed?  Just create an additional method for the class and add it
> under Views?

That's what I'd do.

>  And if I do this, is there any kind of DTML templete
> (sort of like the default add and addForm methods) that I can work
> from?  And do I need to go this far if I (for example) simply want to
> change the display order for existing properties?

Yes - if you don't like the existing property form, you
need to make your own. You should be able to start with
the stock properties.dtml source for the new view and 
make your changes starting from there...

Software Engineer  540.371.6909  
Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com 

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] A groupware package for zope

2000-12-19 Thread Morten W. Petersen


| Are you planning on making a win32 version.
| I had a problem tring to run it.  
| Something about posix module missing.

Hmm, I'll try to find out what depends on the posix module.
(Maybe you could send me a traceback?)
A win32 compatible package shouldn't be too hard to fix,
but it's not on my priority list.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] passing parameters in a call/in/withboundary="------------E71ECEB67021068678FE1FB5"

2000-12-19 Thread Dieter Maurer

Olaf Zanger writes:
 > Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
 > --E71ECEB67021068678FE1FB5
 > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Please do not send MIME messages into this list!

 > with the znolk product i get data by "select * ..." out of my database.
 > some fields 
 > are id's and i would like to get data out of an other table basing on
 > this id.
 > how can i pass the id through a ? 



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] A groupware package for zope

2000-12-19 Thread jimbo

>For the last couple of months I've been working on a groupware
>package for Zope, named ZopeGUM.  It has reached version
>0.1.63 now, and it's in steady progress.

Are you planning on making a win32 version.
I had a problem tring to run it.  
Something about posix module missing.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Help save my sanity (DTML-in string comparison)

2000-12-19 Thread Dieter Maurer

Darin Lee writes:
 > ... comparisons involving "id" do not work ...
"id" is particularly difficult in DTML.

For some objects, "id" is an attribute (a string),
for others, it is a method.

Due to Zope's acquisition magic, it is difficult
to compare method's to one another:
the "same" method compare different, if accessed on different
access paths.

Thus, you want to work with strings only.
The problem is: DTML does not let you test for types.

You can do something like this:




Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

RE: [Zope] [BUG] Background processes interfere with Zope's HTTP responses

2000-12-19 Thread Brian Lloyd

> >How to fix the problem:
> >
> >  There should be a (file) control "CloseOnExec", that tells
> >  Unix to automatically close the file like object upon
> >  an exec.
> >  ZServer should probably use it on each of its sockets.
> >  I can not see a serious application that should have
> >  direct access to ZServer's HTTP request socket.
> >I will soon file a bug report into the Collector.
> >Dieter
> I'm on the win32 platform and thought that the problem was with my
> proxy software.  Now I'm not so sure.

Note that what Dieter is talking about would only affect 
you if you were spawning an external process that inherited 
the filehandles of the zope process. 

Software Engineer  540.371.6909  
Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com 

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] [BUG] Background processes interfere with Zope's HTTP responses

2000-12-19 Thread jimbo

>  He reported, that this response page is build only
>  half, then stops, to be completed only half a minute later,

Depending on how long the page is I never  see the bottom. When I use the products 
page I have to refresh 2-3 times to see the bottom part.
  This is thru a proxy only.

>  I try to reproduce the behaviour in our test environment
>  and fail. I do not have to wait, until the newsletter
>  generation finished. Then, I use the official service
>  URL and see, I observe the same behaviour.
>  The difference: in the test environment, the browser
>  connects directly to ZServer; with the official
>  URL, it connects via a proxy.
>  Puzzling!

I'm having this same sort of problem w/Zope 2.3a1.
I just started trying to use Zope through a proxy.

  If I work directly on the machine I have no problems.

>How to fix the problem:
>  There should be a (file) control "CloseOnExec", that tells
>  Unix to automatically close the file like object upon
>  an exec.
>  ZServer should probably use it on each of its sockets.
>  I can not see a serious application that should have
>  direct access to ZServer's HTTP request socket.
>I will soon file a bug report into the Collector.
I'm on the win32 platform and thought that the problem was with my
proxy software.  Now I'm not so sure.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )


2000-12-19 Thread Anderson Ami

Is there a data limit if I am using the POST method ?I have been doing a
form that has some input fields, when I do the post I receive a Zope Error
 The Zope don´t get one form field, but this one exists).

Thanks so much !!!

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

RE: [Zope] Zope's "." vs "_" unsolved issue (Re:To retrieve properties from a dtml document) document)

2000-12-19 Thread sean . upton

What kind of content is it that you are uploading to Zope, and what is your
workflow?  As someone working in the news industry with several online
newspapers and also fairly experienced with Zope and content automation, I
might be able to make some suggestions that might help you out.

Zope has some weird issues with namespaces and syntax that sometimes clash
with Python's.  That said, I think that things are constantly improving.
Perhaps _['identifier'] solves your problem, at the slight cost of being
just a bit kludgy.  Do you use Zope for your staging server, or just for
your live site?  There might be ways to use it at both ends, integrate with
dreamweaver, and bypass using wget...

>From the sounds of it, you are using zope as the back end to an
"editorial-system" workflow using Dreamweaver, but you are not taking
advantage of most of Zope's features that facilitate content management. If
I was familiar with your workflow, I'd be happy to provide advice if I could
be of any help.

Good luck,


-Original Message-
From: Ausum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 11:20 AM
Subject: [Zope] Zope's "." vs "_" unsolved issue (Re:To retrieve
properties from a dtml document) document)

> You still have given no cogent reason for using Zope.  If you have only,
> or predominatly static content, you are paying a huge overhead penalty.
> If you have mixed static content and dynamic content, use apache and
> ProxyPass to front-end the dynamic content, and apache to serve the
> static content.  Then you have no conversion worries at all on the
> static content.

Hello Jim,

I'm finding  myself greatly dissapointed that Zope doesn't have a
routine for this "." vs "_" problem.
Although it may not be a big issue if you remain in Zserver and Unix, it
is if we want the Zope's users base to keep growing, because we all
benefit from it. And this point is a sort of unpleasant barrier for
not-programmers Windows users like me. 

Dreamweaver is great for layout and design, and for nothing else. In
despite of its templates and libraries and everything else, it would be
unclever to let the journalists and editors in charge of content
creation at my job, to open Dreamweaver and insert their stories in each
page, asking them to not forget to write the summary in the description
tag and the story title as the page title tag. :)

For the time being we can't afford a 3 Mb/s connection (our current
bandwith needs) so we must upload to a remote server almost two hundred
pages daily. And even when relying page updating on trainned personnel
exclusively, there's been this funny experience that the printed edition
releases before the digital one, meaning that we have to deal with this
gap between releases all the time.

So that's why we need Zope, and why we need to get over its behaviours.
Maybe it's time to throw the ball to Macromedia's ground. :)

Thanks again for your comments, Jim


> On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:10:54PM -0500, Ausum wrote:
> > Hello Andy, thanks for the advice.
> > It didn't work. Maybe I'm wrong at any point, so please tell me whether
> > it worked for you.
> >
> > I'm aware that this problem has been discussed here before, that it
> > happens because of Python's object naming, and also that there's a
> > workaround at least (and just)for expressions, using _['whatever.html']
> >
> > Due to the kind of workflow we have, we need all of the documents to be
> > editable with Dreamweaver at any moment, directly, after the daily WGET
> > process. Batch-replacing every "_html" with ".html" in file names and
> > content seems to be very complicated within this scenario.
> Going from dreamweaver to Zope, if you are working on
> unix, batch replacing is EASY, a single find command to
> change the file names and a simple
> sed script (or python or perl)  to change hrefs.
> You will need to write such a script anyway, if your servers
> are Unix or Linux and your Dreamweavers are Windows.  You will
> find that your windows people mix filename case randomly and
> expect it to work; you will have to canonify all hrefs to a
> single case convention.
> If going from zope to dreamweaver, either write the corresponding
> _ to . scripts and batch it, or write a checkout external script
> that does it for you.  I have not thought about this latter option
> very much, but the export facility should give you an example of
> how to do this.  I doubt if it is much more than a day's reading
> and two days coding (and this is being damn generous, as I suspect
> that this is a ten line script).
> You still have given no cogent reason for using Zope.  If you have only,
> or predominatly static content, you are paying a huge overhead penalty.
> If you have mixed static content and dynamic content, use apache and
> ProxyPass to front-end the dynamic content, and apache to serve the
> st

Re: [Zope] To retrieve properties from a dtml document

2000-12-19 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hello Andy, thanks for the advice.
> It didn't work. Maybe I'm wrong at any point, so please tell me whether
> it worked for you.

> I'm aware that this problem has been discussed here before, that it
> happens because of Python's object naming, and also that there's a
> workaround at least (and just)for expressions, using _['whatever.html']

> Due to the kind of workflow we have, we need all of the documents to be
> editable with Dreamweaver at any moment, directly, after the daily WGET
> process. Batch-replacing every "_html" with ".html" in file names and
> content seems to be very complicated within this scenario.

not overly complicated,
here is a slightly modfied script (untested) which I used 
for a similar task (creating an "offline"-version for a client):

rm -rf myimport
wget -r -k
mv myimport/
rm myimport/index.html
perl -pi -e 's/http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

RE: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

2000-12-19 Thread Mohan Baro


I have tried it.


I guess it logs me out. But it also gives me a login dialog box  it does
not accept any of the account. So I cannot log back in! Why?

What is going on here?


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 11:06 AM
To: Mohan Baro
Subject: RE: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

this is my logout DTML method


On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Mohan Baro wrote:

> Can you please give an example of this code or method?
> Mohan.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] [BUG] Background processes interfere with Zope's HTTP responses

2000-12-19 Thread Dieter Maurer

Today was again a hard Zope day.

Did you ever hear, that usually (i.e. if you do not do special
things) Zope renders a complete page before it starts
sending the result back to the client.
This implies that you should never see only half of a page.

I heard it and I saw the code that does it.
Therefore, I was convinced that this were really the case.

Then our client phoned:

  He visits a page that allows him to generate a
  newsletter. When he presses the "generate newsletter button",
  a result page is build that tells him that the newsletter
  is being generated and send is a few minutes.

  He reported, that this response page is build only
  half, then stops, to be completed only half a minute later,
  at the same time when the newsletter arrives.
  The effect is reproducible. If newsletter generation
  takes longer, he must wait longer for the page to complete.

  He is convinced that we generate the newsletter synchronously
  and let him wait until the generation is complete.
  And he is angry.

  I know, that the newsletter is generated in a background
  process, started in an external method with:

   os.system("gen_newsletter &")

  I try to reproduce the behaviour in our test environment
  and fail. I do not have to wait, until the newsletter
  generation finished. Then, I use the official service
  URL and see, I observe the same behaviour.
  The difference: in the test environment, the browser
  connects directly to ZServer; with the official
  URL, it connects via a proxy.


What happened?

 The background process inherits Zope's open file descriptors.
 Among them are all currently open HTTP request sockets.
 The process keeps these sockets open until it finishes.

 There are two HTTP modes:

   1. single request mode
  a new TCP connection is created for each HTTP request,
  the request is completed, when the TCP connection
  is closed.

   2. multi request mode
  several requests share a single TCP connection.
  The "Content-Length" HTTP header allows
  client and server to determine the request boundaries.

 That means: when a client uses the multi request mode,
 everything is fine. Clients, however, that use
 the single request mode wait until their connection
 is closed and can observe serious delays.

 These delays may be very difficult to explain, as
 the background process not only delays its own
 request but may delay arbitrary other requests
 that happen to be served at the same time.

How to fix the problem:

  There should be a (file) control "CloseOnExec", that tells
  Unix to automatically close the file like object upon
  an exec.
  ZServer should probably use it on each of its sockets.
  I can not see a serious application that should have
  direct access to ZServer's HTTP request socket.

I will soon file a bug report into the Collector.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Editing Property Sheet HTML

2000-12-19 Thread Geoffrey L. Wright

"Brian Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > The question is ... how do I do it?  I'd like to make the default
> > textarea field quite a bit bigger -- but I wasn't able to explore my
> > way to success in the interface, and about 20 mins of seaching has
> > yielded no answers.
> You could edit lib/python/OFS/properties.dtml, which renders
> the property management screen. The DTML in there has gotten
> pretty scary over time though :^)


But thanks ... I think I can hack it into submission.

And here's a followup question:

If I want to make a custom Properties view for a specific ZClass, how
do I proceed?  Just create an additional method for the class and add it
under Views?  And if I do this, is there any kind of DTML templete
(sort of like the default add and addForm methods) that I can work
from?  And do I need to go this far if I (for example) simply want to
change the display order for existing properties?

Many thanks (as always) for any answers you have...

> Software Engineer  540.371.6909  
> Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com 
> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> (Related lists - 
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Geoffrey L. Wright
Developer / Systems Administrator

(907) 563-2721 ex. 4900

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Zope's "." vs "_" unsolved issue (Re:To retrieve properties from a dtmldocument)document)

2000-12-19 Thread Ausum

> You still have given no cogent reason for using Zope.  If you have only,
> or predominatly static content, you are paying a huge overhead penalty.
> If you have mixed static content and dynamic content, use apache and
> ProxyPass to front-end the dynamic content, and apache to serve the
> static content.  Then you have no conversion worries at all on the
> static content.

Hello Jim,

I'm finding  myself greatly dissapointed that Zope doesn't have a
routine for this "." vs "_" problem.
Although it may not be a big issue if you remain in Zserver and Unix, it
is if we want the Zope's users base to keep growing, because we all
benefit from it. And this point is a sort of unpleasant barrier for
not-programmers Windows users like me. 

Dreamweaver is great for layout and design, and for nothing else. In
despite of its templates and libraries and everything else, it would be
unclever to let the journalists and editors in charge of content
creation at my job, to open Dreamweaver and insert their stories in each
page, asking them to not forget to write the summary in the description
tag and the story title as the page title tag. :)

For the time being we can't afford a 3 Mb/s connection (our current
bandwith needs) so we must upload to a remote server almost two hundred
pages daily. And even when relying page updating on trainned personnel
exclusively, there's been this funny experience that the printed edition
releases before the digital one, meaning that we have to deal with this
gap between releases all the time.

So that's why we need Zope, and why we need to get over its behaviours.
Maybe it's time to throw the ball to Macromedia's ground. :)

Thanks again for your comments, Jim


> On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:10:54PM -0500, Ausum wrote:
> > Hello Andy, thanks for the advice.
> > It didn't work. Maybe I'm wrong at any point, so please tell me whether
> > it worked for you.
> >
> > I'm aware that this problem has been discussed here before, that it
> > happens because of Python's object naming, and also that there's a
> > workaround at least (and just)for expressions, using _['whatever.html']
> >
> > Due to the kind of workflow we have, we need all of the documents to be
> > editable with Dreamweaver at any moment, directly, after the daily WGET
> > process. Batch-replacing every "_html" with ".html" in file names and
> > content seems to be very complicated within this scenario.
> Going from dreamweaver to Zope, if you are working on
> unix, batch replacing is EASY, a single find command to
> change the file names and a simple
> sed script (or python or perl)  to change hrefs.
> You will need to write such a script anyway, if your servers
> are Unix or Linux and your Dreamweavers are Windows.  You will
> find that your windows people mix filename case randomly and
> expect it to work; you will have to canonify all hrefs to a
> single case convention.
> If going from zope to dreamweaver, either write the corresponding
> _ to . scripts and batch it, or write a checkout external script
> that does it for you.  I have not thought about this latter option
> very much, but the export facility should give you an example of
> how to do this.  I doubt if it is much more than a day's reading
> and two days coding (and this is being damn generous, as I suspect
> that this is a ten line script).
> You still have given no cogent reason for using Zope.  If you have only,
> or predominatly static content, you are paying a huge overhead penalty.
> If you have mixed static content and dynamic content, use apache and
> ProxyPass to front-end the dynamic content, and apache to serve the
> static content.  Then you have no conversion worries at all on the
> static content.
> Jim

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] test

2000-12-19 Thread Matthew Burleigh

- Matthew Burleigh
- Systems Administrator, Digital Creations - publishers of Zope.
- (888)344-4332 -- http://www.digicool.com - http://www.zope.org

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] test

2000-12-19 Thread Matthew Burleigh

- Matthew Burleigh
- Systems Administrator, Digital Creations - publishers of Zope.
- (888)344-4332 -- http://www.digicool.com - http://www.zope.org

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] test

2000-12-19 Thread Matthew Burleigh

- Matthew Burleigh
- Systems Administrator, Digital Creations - publishers of Zope.
- (888)344-4332 -- http://www.digicool.com - http://www.zope.org

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Re: [ZWeb] Feedback

2000-12-19 Thread Martijn Pieters

Hi Martin,

I moved this thread over to the Zope mailinglist; the Zope-Web mailinglist
is intended for discussion related to the Zope.org website itself. You'll
get more feedback on the Zope mailinglist.

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 05:41:34PM +0100, Edwin Martin wrote:
> The last couple of months I developed a dynamic website in Zope.
> You can take a look: http://www.joods.nl/, but be warned: it's Dutch.

Cool, I always like to see more Dutch websites. I never really convinced
my colleagues at my previous employer about the advantages of Zope; they
were/are entrenched in the Java point of view of the world. I did manage
to convince my COO though, who is now starting his own Zope-driven

You may want to tap into the Dutch Zope community as well; see

> I used  Zope 2.1.6 with python 1.5.2 on Debian Linux 2.2r2.
> While developing in Zope should be fast, unfortunately, it was not.
> Some minor things, which would be no problem in any other
> language, took me hours to do in Zope.
> Here is a list. I'm sure some things are already solved in the newest
> version of Zope. I'm posting this list not to offend, but to help you
> improve the system.

Feedback is always welcome, please keep it up.

Indeed, many issues are already solved in the current release of Zope.
Note that Debian Woody has the most recent version, 2.2.4, packaged as a
.deb distribution. You don't need to upgrade to Debian Woody to be able to
run this; you can download the distribution and use dpkg --install


> 1) When I make an error in an DTML-page, all my changes are
> lost! This is really frustrating. And unnecessary.

This is more a browser cache issue, where the browser (esp. Netscape,
IIRC), would re-retrieve the edit form when pressing the Back button.
Try tuning your browser cache parameters.

> 2) Variables with a minus-sign in it! Who came up with that?
> Now I have to write .

Yep, they are lame. They are a remnant of the times before expressions in
DTML where added, something that many regard as a mistake.

You can use  to create an alias of such variables. Another
option is using external methods to deal with the coding of these areas;
usually you are dealing with logic, not presentation, and that is better
suited for Python code. DTML should only be used for presentation.

In Zope 2.3 you'll be able to use Python Script objects for this as well,
giving you TTW python code.

> 3) sequence-start is only valid at the beginning of .
> This really limit it's use, for example to print a 'previous'-button
> on the bottom of the page.

You can use a seperate  construct for that, using the 'previous'
or 'next' attributes.

> 4) Zope has an Image object, but you can't ask for the width and
> height (which should be trivial).

You can actually. In DTML:

  This image is &dtml-width; wide

> 5) You can use  to show an image. But it's
> not possible to set border=0, which is also trivial.



The tag method generates an  tag for you, with the extra attributes
inserted. You can also use this to remove or replace the autogenerated
alt, width and height attributes, or scale the width and height values.

> 6) I invested some time to learn ZClasses. Only to find out the
> query-features are very poor, which made it useless to me.
> Now I only use 'real' databases.

Query features? Could you elaborate?

> 7) The  tag is nested. So how can I remember a value
> I discovered in an  loop?

I am not sure what you mean here. Within a  tag the surrounding
namespace is still available, including the  loop values.

> 8) I made a big HTML-form to post and edit articles.
> To make a form to edit an article, I used:
> Big form here
> But how can I use the *same* big form for a new article?
> I think putting the form in another file (as I did) is not the right solution.

Why not? Putting the form into a seperate DTML Document or Method would
make the form a reusable object, which to me looks like the right thing to
do in this case.

> 9) I consider this a bug: 
> gives the value HTML-quoted. Very strange.

I can't reproduce this. What object is returned by objectValues()[0]?
(objectValues returns an array of object instances, of which you select
the first, which is then 'represented' in the output stream).

> 10) It's pretty hard to use a checkbox in a form. Browsers don't
> submit unchecked checkboxes, which result in Key-errors.
> Writing wrappers for every checkbox is an ugly way to solve this.

Use a hidden value with ':default' appended to the name. This makes the
variable alwas available, browsers always send hidden fields, even if the
value is empty:


Even if the user now unchecks the 'a_checkbox' box, your object will be
handed a 'a_checkbox' paramater, which will be an empty string.

> 11) Some dates in my (MySQL) database are "-00-00 00:00:00".
> I couldn't find a way to handle this in Zope. All I got was errors.

[Zope] Import/Export error

2000-12-19 Thread Otto Pichlhoefer


This is a question concerning the Import/Export of *.zexp files.

I am new to Zope and experimented during the last month. The installation
went smoothly and all the features worked smoothly. However at some point
the Import stoped working. I thought there might be a conflict with one of
the many products that I had installed. So I installed a completely new and
clean Zope. However the problem persists.

When trying to import a *.zexp file from the \Import\ directory:

Zope Error
Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

Error Type: Bad Request
Error Value: File does not exist: G:\PROG_I~1\ZopeSite\import\

This is my Zope:
Zope version: Zope 2.2.4 (binary release, python 1.5.2, win32-x86)
Python version: 1.5.2 (#0, Jul 30 1999, 09:52:18) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
System Platform: win32 (WinNT SP5)

I would appreciate any help since I have no clue as to what the problem
might be.


- Otto Pichlhoefer

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] parameters

2000-12-19 Thread Tim Cook

Nuno Goncalves wrote:
> Hi everybody !
> I'm trying to pass some parameters to a dtml method.
> It's something like 
> written in a dtml document XPTO.
> template is a dtml method !
> Question is :
> Is it possible to catch in a dtml method the parameters passed by
>  ???
> How can i catch menu and menu2 in the dtml method template ??


-- Tim Cook, President --
Free Practice Management,Inc. | http://FreePM.com
Office: (901) 884-4126
Censorship: The reaction of the ignorant to freedom.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Newbie question - Link between Methods based on Authorization

2000-12-19 Thread Timothy Wilson

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Michal Krejza wrote:

> I have problem with access to method. Example - There are two methods: A and
> B. Method A contains common information, accessible for all user (include
> anonymous). Source code in method B updates data for method A and access for
> method B is restrict only for users with roles "AdminTables". There is a
> link from method A to method B in the code of script A, and this link is
> viewable for all user (also for anonym). After click on this link, user is
> asked for authentication. So there is no problem, but HOW MAKE THIS LINK

Hello Michal,

This may work:

 Method B


Tim Wilson  | Visit Sibley online: | Check out:
Henry Sibley HS | http://www.isd197.k12.mn.us/ | http://www.zope.org/
W. St. Paul, MN |  | http://slashdot.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] || http://linux.com/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] A groupware package for zope

2000-12-19 Thread Morten W. Petersen

For the last couple of months I've been working on a groupware
package for Zope, named ZopeGUM.  It has reached version
0.1.63 now, and it's in steady progress.

All the planned components, like messenger, address book,
calendar, todos, etc. are there and working now; though
it's definently not ready for a production enviroment yet.

Anyways, just wanted to let you all know. (And yes, I
do appreciate feedback.  =)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] ZCatalog raises index out of range exception error

2000-12-19 Thread Marcin Kasperski

> > I believe I saw this error when
> > trying to use the Catalog in a SiteRoot-ed folder...
> Me too :-(

And me too. The most irritating Zope bug for me. 

> > No solution, sorry ;)
> :-(

Partial solution: at something like 2:00 AM delete your SiteRoot rule,
reindex with ZCatalog and create this rule again. Searching works
(although I needed to edit the paths found a bit in the form responsilbe
for search results presentation).

I can imagine writing the script (XMLRPC?) which would do it from the
cron job - although I have not yet found spare time (I still think
someone will do something with this nasty bug).

http://www.mk.w.pl /
 Marcin.Kasperski | Dokumentację kodu warto wygenerować:  
   @softax.com.pl |   http://www.mk.w.pl/narzedzia/narzedzia_gendoc   
 @bigfoot.com  \

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] parameters

2000-12-19 Thread Nuno Goncalves

Hi everybody !
I'm trying to pass some parameters to a dtml method.
It's something like 
written in a dtml document XPTO.

template is a dtml method !

Question is :
Is it possible to catch in a dtml method the parameters passed by

How can i catch menu and menu2 in the dtml method template ??

thanks in advance
best regards, Nuno

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] To retrieve properties from a dtml document

2000-12-19 Thread jpenny

On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:10:54PM -0500, Ausum wrote:
> Hello Andy, thanks for the advice.
> It didn't work. Maybe I'm wrong at any point, so please tell me whether
> it worked for you.
> I'm aware that this problem has been discussed here before, that it
> happens because of Python's object naming, and also that there's a
> workaround at least (and just)for expressions, using _['whatever.html']
> Due to the kind of workflow we have, we need all of the documents to be
> editable with Dreamweaver at any moment, directly, after the daily WGET
> process. Batch-replacing every "_html" with ".html" in file names and
> content seems to be very complicated within this scenario.

Going from dreamweaver to Zope, if you are working on 
unix, batch replacing is EASY, a single find command to 
change the file names and a simple
sed script (or python or perl)  to change hrefs.  
You will need to write such a script anyway, if your servers
are Unix or Linux and your Dreamweavers are Windows.  You will
find that your windows people mix filename case randomly and
expect it to work; you will have to canonify all hrefs to a
single case convention.

If going from zope to dreamweaver, either write the corresponding
_ to . scripts and batch it, or write a checkout external script
that does it for you.  I have not thought about this latter option
very much, but the export facility should give you an example of
how to do this.  I doubt if it is much more than a day's reading
and two days coding (and this is being damn generous, as I suspect 
that this is a ten line script).

You still have given no cogent reason for using Zope.  If you have only,
or predominatly static content, you are paying a huge overhead penalty.
If you have mixed static content and dynamic content, use apache and
ProxyPass to front-end the dynamic content, and apache to serve the
static content.  Then you have no conversion worries at all on the
static content.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Editing Property Sheet HTML

2000-12-19 Thread Brian Lloyd

> The question is ... how do I do it?  I'd like to make the default
> textarea field quite a bit bigger -- but I wasn't able to explore my
> way to success in the interface, and about 20 mins of seaching has
> yielded no answers.

You could edit lib/python/OFS/properties.dtml, which renders
the property management screen. The DTML in there has gotten
pretty scary over time though :^)

Software Engineer  540.371.6909  
Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com 

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Newbie question - Link between Methods based on Authorization

2000-12-19 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> I am still newbie in Zope, so my question may be stupid - sorry.

> I have problem with access to method. Example - There are two methods: A
> and
> B. Method A contains common information, accessible for all user (include
> anonymous). Source code in method B updates data for method A and access
> for
> method B is restrict only for users with roles "AdminTables". There is a
> link from method A to method B in the code of script A, and this link is
> viewable for all user (also for anonym). After click on this link, user is
> asked for authentication. So there is no problem, but HOW MAKE THIS LINK



and zdp.zope.org in general.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog raises index out of range exception error

2000-12-19 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer

On Saturday 16 December 2000, at 19 h 21, the keyboard of "Stefan H. Holek" 

> Do you have a SiteRoot-ed environment? 

I do.

> I believe I saw this error when
> trying to use the Catalog in a SiteRoot-ed folder...

Me too :-(

> No solution, sorry ;)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Weired catalog_object problem in python product

2000-12-19 Thread Grégoire Weber


I read about ZCatalog been _the_ method of managing and searching objects 
in the ZODB. So I decieded to do searches and lists of object using ZCatalog.

After reading all how-to's/API-doc about ZCatalog, a lot in mailings lists
studying a lots of code (ZDiscussions, Squishdot, PTK) I tried to use
ZCatalog the
proper way.

But there is one problem I could not solve for about 8 hours of work.

A short description of what my code does:
   I have three classes (NewsManager, NewsItem and ContentFolder) caring
   news items. If I am creating a news item, it's object gets saved and 
   cataloged in the content folder (the content inherits from ZCatalog). 
   The NewsManager object responsible about creating the news item is named 
   news and resides in the same directory as the folderish content object
   So the directory structure is:
  /orgname/content (content object, inherits from Products.ZCatalog)
  /orgname/news(NewsManager object, inherits from OSF.Folder)

Now the problem (for a step by step description see below):
   The news items are correctly created in the content folder. But the item is
   cataloged as it would reside in xxx/news/content (which does not exist).
   I use self.absolute_url(relative=1) (called by __uniqueCatalogId()) to 
   generate the catalog id (see manage_afterAdd below). It seems (for me)
   some aquisition magic is going on. Later when I edit the news item
   (manage_editNewsItem called by manage_editNewsItemForm) there appears an
   additional catalog entry with the id xxx/content. 

   Now there are two catalog entries for one news item. If I delete the 
   news item manualy using the zope management GUI one of these catalog 
   entries will be deleted only.

1) The following status message appears in zopes error log
   after having edited /orgname/news/content/20001219_news22:
  2000-12-19T11:10:41 ERROR(200) Catalog uncatalogObject unsuccessfully 
  attempted to uncatalog an object with a uid of 

2) It seems for me that the magic resides in absolute_url().

Does somebody know about a solution of this problem or have an additional 
hint about generating catalog id's (it's a requirement for me to have the 
/orgname/-info in the catalog id!)?

I'am a Zope newby, so forgive me errors that are obvious.

System and SW-Versions:
- WinNT4 SP6 US
- Zope 2.2.4 started manualy

Remark: It's all programmed in Python because I don't like GUI programming 
tools (click, click, ... :-( ). So I implement all logic in python (as a

> what I've done in the zope management GUI <<

   Create a news item:

   View Contents (content folder):
  --> item 20001219_news22 is listed and links to:
  --> item 20001219_news22 is listed and links to:


   View Cataloged Objects (content folder):
  --> content contains 1 record(s).
  NewsItem /up/news/content/20001219_news22 (test item)
  ??? why catalogized with path containing /news/?

   Edit the item by clicking the link in Cataloged Objects:
   Edit the item by clicking the link in Cataloged Objects:


   View Catalog Objects:
  --> content contains 2 record(s).
  NewsItem /up/news/content/20001219_news22 (test item) 
  NewsItem /up/content/20001219_news22 (test item edited)
  ??? why couldn't the old item be uncatalogized?
  ??? why the changed item is catalogized without /news/ path?
  !!! I think there is one answer to both questions!
  !!! Rem.: I'd like to have the items cataloged without /news/ in the

  1) content is the folder containing all kind of items
  2) content is also a ZCatalog folder containing a Vocabulary

> Code snippets <<

   # NewsManager.py
   # The only functionality of NewsManager is adding a new newsItem. It 
   # builds a unique news item id and then calls the addNewsItem method of 
   # NewsItem.
   class NewsManager(OFS.Folder.Folder):
   # ... some code

   def __init__(self, parentFolder, contentFolder):
   self.contentFolder = contentFolder
   self.newsCounter = 0
   return dbhelpers.instObject(self, parentFolder, "news")

   # ... unimportant another code

   manage_addNewsItemForm = NewsItem.manage_addNewsItemForm

   def manage_addNewsItem(self, title, abstract, location,

Re: [Zope] Newbie question: adding a tinyTables object

2000-12-19 Thread peter bengtson

If a product contains only a Help object, it means that the product is a
Python Product, rather than a ZClass Product.

No broken box in front of the Product name, hmm...
Does Zope raise any errors when you try to start it? Try to remove the whole
TinyTable folder and reinstall it again after having had a second look in
the INSTALL or README docs. If there are any.

Don't give up my friend!

> No, that's the problem. The icon isn't a broken box, but a regular
> product icon. Clicking on the link shows that there's one item in
> TinyTablesPlus, a Help document; when I open that, it tells me that
> there are no items in TinyTablesPlus. So Zope seems to be seeing the
> product, but not adding a TinyTable to the list of Available Objects.
> Is there some setting that I need to change?
> Sorry to be so dense. It's tantalizing to have all this power so
> close at hand, and not be able to access it.
> Richard
> At 10:25 PM + 12/18/00, Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> >Go to the Control Panel and click on Products. The TinyTable product
> >is probably going to have a little "broken box"-icon.
> >Click on it and wish that it will tell you the error so that you can fix
> >
> >Good luck, Peter
> >
> >>  I'm running Zope on a Win98 machine; downloaded, unstuffed, and
> >>  installed tinyTablesPlus folder in the lib\python\Products directory.
> >>  TinyTablesPlus shows up in the product list of the
> >>  Control_Panel/Products folder of my Zope installation. But it does
> >>  not show up in the Available Objects pull-down menu in my Zope
> >>  content folders. I can't figure out how to Add a TinyTables object.
> >>
> >>  Can anyone help?
> >>
> >>  Richard
> >>
> >>  ___
> >>  Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> >>  **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> >>  (Related lists -
> >>   http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> >>   http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
> >>
> >
> >
> >___
> >Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> >**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> >(Related lists -
> >  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> >  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> (Related lists -
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Newbie question: adding a tinyTables objec

2000-12-19 Thread peter bengtson

If a product contains only a Help object, it means that the product is a
Python Product, rather than a ZClass Product.

No broken box in front of the Product name, hmm...
Does Zope raise any errors when you try to start it? Try to remove the whole
TinyTable folder and reinstall it again after having had a second look in
the INSTALL or README docs. If there are any.

Don't give up my friend!

> No, that's the problem. The icon isn't a broken box, but a regular
> product icon. Clicking on the link shows that there's one item in
> TinyTablesPlus, a Help document; when I open that, it tells me that
> there are no items in TinyTablesPlus. So Zope seems to be seeing the
> product, but not adding a TinyTable to the list of Available Objects.
> Is there some setting that I need to change?
> Sorry to be so dense. It's tantalizing to have all this power so
> close at hand, and not be able to access it.
> Richard
> At 10:25 PM + 12/18/00, Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> >Go to the Control Panel and click on Products. The TinyTable product
> >is probably going to have a little "broken box"-icon.
> >Click on it and wish that it will tell you the error so that you can fix
> >
> >Good luck, Peter
> >
> >>  I'm running Zope on a Win98 machine; downloaded, unstuffed, and
> >>  installed tinyTablesPlus folder in the lib\python\Products directory.
> >>  TinyTablesPlus shows up in the product list of the
> >>  Control_Panel/Products folder of my Zope installation. But it does
> >>  not show up in the Available Objects pull-down menu in my Zope
> >>  content folders. I can't figure out how to Add a TinyTables object.
> >>
> >>  Can anyone help?
> >>
> >>  Richard
> >>
> >>  ___
> >>  Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> >>  **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> >>  (Related lists -
> >>   http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> >>   http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
> >>
> >
> >
> >___
> >Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> >**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> >(Related lists -
> >  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> >  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> (Related lists -
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Newbie question: adding a tinyTables object

2000-12-19 Thread peter bengtson

If a product contains only a Help object, it means that the product is a
Python Product, rather than a ZClass Product.

No broken box in front of the Product name, hmm...
Does Zope raise any errors when you try to start it? Try to remove the whole
TinyTable folder and reinstall it again after having had a second look in
the INSTALL or README docs. If there are any.

Don't give up my friend!

> No, that's the problem. The icon isn't a broken box, but a regular
> product icon. Clicking on the link shows that there's one item in
> TinyTablesPlus, a Help document; when I open that, it tells me that
> there are no items in TinyTablesPlus. So Zope seems to be seeing the
> product, but not adding a TinyTable to the list of Available Objects.
> Is there some setting that I need to change?
> Sorry to be so dense. It's tantalizing to have all this power so
> close at hand, and not be able to access it.
> Richard
> At 10:25 PM + 12/18/00, Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> >Go to the Control Panel and click on Products. The TinyTable product
> >is probably going to have a little "broken box"-icon.
> >Click on it and wish that it will tell you the error so that you can fix
> >
> >Good luck, Peter
> >
> >>  I'm running Zope on a Win98 machine; downloaded, unstuffed, and
> >>  installed tinyTablesPlus folder in the lib\python\Products directory.
> >>  TinyTablesPlus shows up in the product list of the
> >>  Control_Panel/Products folder of my Zope installation. But it does
> >>  not show up in the Available Objects pull-down menu in my Zope
> >>  content folders. I can't figure out how to Add a TinyTables object.
> >>
> >>  Can anyone help?
> >>
> >>  Richard
> >>
> >>  ___
> >>  Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> >>  **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> >>  (Related lists -
> >>   http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> >>   http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
> >>
> >
> >
> >___
> >Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> >**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> >(Related lists -
> >  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> >  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
> **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
> (Related lists -
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
>  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Newbie question - Link between Methods based on Authorization

2000-12-19 Thread Michal Krejza

I am still newbie in Zope, so my question may be stupid - sorry.

I have problem with access to method. Example - There are two methods: A and
B. Method A contains common information, accessible for all user (include
anonymous). Source code in method B updates data for method A and access for
method B is restrict only for users with roles "AdminTables". There is a
link from method A to method B in the code of script A, and this link is
viewable for all user (also for anonym). After click on this link, user is
asked for authentication. So there is no problem, but HOW MAKE THIS LINK

Thx for your tips, Michal

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Editing Property Sheet HTML

2000-12-19 Thread Geoffrey L. Wright

The question is ... how do I do it?  I'd like to make the default
textarea field quite a bit bigger -- but I wasn't able to explore my
way to success in the interface, and about 20 mins of seaching has
yielded no answers.

Then again, it's pretty late, so mebbe I'm just being dim

TIA for any help,


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Problem on running the ZOPE with ZmySQLDA

2000-12-19 Thread Petter Enholm


This is the same problem as I encountered when I installed the DLL that came
with the mySQL installation, instead of downloading the one which is
available as download via the HOWTO via this link:

I downloaded and installed all the files mentioned in this HOW-TO
 http://www.zope.org/Members/philh/mysql ) instead of building my own or
using other. I use Zope 2.2.2 and Python 1.5.2, latest version of mySQL

Best regards

Petter Enholm

- Original Message -
From: Angietel
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 2:57 AM
Subject: [Zope] Problem on running the ZOPE with ZmySQLDA

The following is the illegal operation msg details:-

PYTHON executed an invalid instruction in
module  at :01560f54.
EAX=00b3ceb1 CS=016f EIP=01560f54 EFLGS=00010286
EBX=0001 SS=0177 ESP=01dbf5dc EBP=01560f50
ECX=1e10f91f DS=0177 ESI= FS=57df
EDX= ES=0177 EDI=011c2a50 GS=
Bytes at CS:EIP:
f0 a2 1c 01 50 14 35 01 44 20 20 20 02 00 00 00
Stack dump:
00763130 1e16f958 00763130  00763130 1e10f831 01713570 00763130
 01713570 00b4497c 1e10e74c 01713570 00763130  00b0d970
and this is my ZSQL method:-
1.For search function:-
select *
from customer


2.For create table customer:-
(custid VARCHAR(10)NOT NULL,
custname VARCHAR(15),
custregno VARCHAR(10),
custactdate DATE,
custadd1 VARCHAR(30),
custadd2 VARCHAR(30),
custcity VARCHAR(20),
custstate VARCHAR(15),
custcountry VARCHAR(30),
custpostcode INTEGER,
custtel INTEGER,
custfax INTEGER,
custemail VARCHAR(30),
custurl VARCHAR(30),
custremarks VARCHAR(30),
shippingadd1 VARCHAR(30),
shippingadd2 VARCHAR(30),
shippingcity VARCHAR(20),
shippingstate VARCHAR(15),
shippingcountry VARCHAR(30),
shippingpostcode INTEGER,
shippingtel INTEGER,
shippingfax INTEGER,
shippingemail VARCHAR(30),
custstatus VARCHAR(10),
custcontname VARCHAR(15),
custcontdesg VARCHAR(20),
custconttel INTEGER,
custcontext INTEGER,
custconteml VARCHAR(30),
custcontmob INTEGER,
custcontfax INTEGER,
custcredlimit FLOAT,
custcredterm INTEGER,
custinterest FLOAT,
custopbal FLOAT,
custbaldue FLOAT,
custsales VARCHAR(15),
custpricelev INTEGER,

3.For view all records:-
select *
from customer order by custname
So far, i tried to install python1.6 and 1.5.2 but there no changes at all.
and i also reinstall my ZOPE because you said my ZOPE is died. Please tell
me what should i do?Because i have spend a long time in this problem.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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