Re: [Zope] wherefore art thou NotMail?

2000-08-27 Thread Ben Leslie

Hi tav!

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, tav wrote:

> i was going to make use of the Bank Holiday weekend by trying out some zope
> products that i havent had time to play with... and NotMail was high on my
> list.
> i managed to install the IMAP server that it needed and went to get the
> tarball, and it has gone missing from the site ;p
> can someone please direct me to where i might find this elusive product.
> thanks

The original thing should be there somewhere. i was working on something
oname NotMail2 (yeah I'm not exactly imaginative), which worked to some
degree, it should still be on zope under my member area (Benno, or benno
I think). 

I got swamped by other work and never finished debugging it and then 
something else called WorldPilot ?? or something came out, which does the
same basically the same thing.

If you still really want to use NotMail and can't find it on the zope
website email me and I can send you a tar ball.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] cr/lf causing spaces

2000-07-08 Thread Ben Leslie

> On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Ben Leslie wrote:
> > > One of my "favorite" issues with win/DOS has always been its use of CR+LF
> > > combinations. Why? Because all browsers interpret the thing as a SPACE.
> > 
> > AFAIK this is an HTML thing, not a win/DOS thing. The HTML spec treats any
> > whitespace as a space.
> Well unix uses only cr by default, and browsers do not interpret that as a
> whitespace.

Which broswer do you use? I just test this by using the following HTML

This is a test
This is a te

(Typed in using `cat' on a dec machine).

Now, if browsers did not interpret cr as whitespace it should, in theory 
display something like:

This is a test
This is a test

However, in the browsers I tested it with (Netscape - Linux, Lynx - DEC), 
it is displayed as:

This is a test
This is a te st

This seems to be show that browsers _do_ interpret CRs as whitespace
(or have I misunderstood what you are saying?)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] cr/lf causing spaces

2000-07-08 Thread Ben Leslie

> Hello Folks,
> One of my "favorite" issues with win/DOS has always been its use of CR+LF
> combinations. Why? Because all browsers interpret the thing as a SPACE.

AFAIK this is an HTML thing, not a win/DOS thing. The HTML spec treats any
whitespace as a space.

> Would it be possible for Zope (which has to parse the dtml files etc
> anyway) to convert cr+lf to plain cr?
> The problem I have currently is that if I format my dtml source nice and
> orderly, I end up having spaces in my Output where I don't want any...
> Or is there already a way to avoid this?

I ran into the same problem (using Linux), and there isn't really anyway to
get around it, apart from having un-nicely formatted DTML source.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Is Zope slow?

2000-07-06 Thread Ben Leslie

> >  -maybe we could discuss network services/hoster_performance?
> This is more of a problem for most people. One evening whilst bored we
> calculated that Zope could happily serve enough people to fill up our
> pipe... so the bottle neck is our connection.
> Mind you we'd had a beer or two so calculations could be flawed.

That sounds about right (with no idea what size pipe you have ;). I also 
was worried about the speed of Zope however after doing the calculations, 
I figured our current Zope server can fill the pipe we have twice so it 
is definately a bandwidth problem.

(And I was sober when doing the calculations ;)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Howto engineer a scientific paper system

2000-06-29 Thread Ben Leslie

> XML stuff in zope. Which leads me to the later suggestion, I have
> tried out DocBook product, rendering is very slow on my computer.
> And again it is too big of a new concept for me now.

Yeah, I find rendering slow on my workstation too. (And mine is reasonably
fast - 450mhz). DocBook does seem to take a while to get your head around the
whole thing, I'm still trying to grok it myself, however it does one thing
that I am really into, that is seperation of content from presentation (note, 
LaTeX also does this to an extent). I find it really handy to be able to give
people documentation to people in the most appropriate format, (HTML for web,
Postscript for print, and RTF for PHBs who use word ;).

The time to compile (for want of a better term) the DocBook into a presentation
format isn't too much of a problem IMHO, since once you become proficient in
its use yuo won't need to compile after each change just to see what it looks



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] OT: MS Outlook sucks

2000-06-28 Thread Ben Leslie

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Wilkinson Charlie E wrote:

> ...but you already knew that didn't you?
> First, an apology for previously sending MIME/html crap to
> the list, even after being told about it and after I thought
> I had it turned off, and another apology for this OT message
> while I'm at it.
> I think I've got it now.  Using OL2k(CW) here, and I had set
> "plain text" everywhere I could find to set it.  After
> visiting the Zope mailing list archives today, I was alarmed
> to find that I was *still* sending out MIME/html attachments.
> (A hearty thanks to the list members for not beating me up
> about this.)  I checked the messages in my Sent box and these
> very same MIME/html attachement messages were listed as
> having been sent in plain text.  Grrr...
> After much bitching, whining and research, I stumbled across
> what is possibly a fix.  It seems that OL2k requires Outlook
> Express for some of its functionality, especially some aspects
> of handling SMTP (Internet) e-mail.  I've never used OE for
> anything (on purpose), but I fired it up and checked the
> format for sending messages.  It was set to html.  It's now
> set to plain text.  So maybe, just *maybe* its fixed now.
> (If it's not, then I've got some more bitching and whining
> to do...)
> I'm hoping this info might help anyone else here who may be
> having this problem.
> Sorry,
>   Charlie

This one still seems to have an HTML attachment as well :(. I don't think
most people notice since Outlook does actually do the right thing and sent
a plain text version and an HTML version, as a result I never see the HTML
version (unless I go looking).

(Oh by right thing I mean per MIME spec, not right thing overall since they
end up chewing twice as much bandwidth, disk space etc etc).

Sorry I can't offer any hints on how to fix it (except to ssh to a linux box
and use mutt ;).



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Howto engineer a scientific paper system

2000-06-28 Thread Ben Leslie

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> How to engineer a scientific paper system
> Are there products out for this, should we produce one?
> --
> In short, I would like to have Zope assist me in producing a
> scientific paper.
> So how can I produce pointers from within the text to objects holding
> more information about these pointers, i.e. a referene within a
> paragraph is linked to the bibliography.
> --
> My setup so far is a folder structure, with DTML Documents for
> content that have Properties holding the references in token
> (semi-colon) separeted lines.
> Methods are used to parse the folder (having chapter properties) and
> DTML Documents in order to get a table of content structure and
> html-styled reference list respectively. 

You might want to check out DocBook, (sorry don't have a URL handy).

DocBook is an SGML DTD which defines a lot tags used for making books and
articles. These might be applicable to scientific papers.

Once you write up the DocBook you can then convert it HTML, rtf, TeX (and then
to postscript). Or you could make up any other stylesheets to convert it to
other formats. (I'm stil new to this so my exact terminology might be a bit
off ;). 

There is also XML DocBook DTD for those who want to be buzzword compliant ;)

Then again I've used plain old LaTeX for writing up university reports and this
is also quite a nice markup language as well.

Anyway this might be something for you to look at, you could quite easily 
intergrate this into Zope (ie: have a docbook class, which lets you edit the
document and then methods to convert to other formats or something similar).

Anyway, just my 2c.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to retrieve content of a document?

2000-06-27 Thread Ben Leslie

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Luke Tymowski wrote:

> Hello,
> Yet another question. I've gone through the DTML Reference Guide but
> couldn't find the answer.
> How do I display the content of a DTML Document through a query?
> For example:
> Displays the document's name and title. But how do i display the content of
> that document within that query?
> I apologise if it's obvious.

If it's obvious you wouldn't be asking the question ;).

I think what you need is  which will display the content
of the document, iirc. Of course you probably _don't_ want to do this because it
will likely have standard_html_header and standardh=_html_footer embedded in there.



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Re: [Zope] how to get email delivery errors

2000-06-27 Thread Ben Leslie

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Dan Rusch wrote:

> Our site allows supervisors to email orders back to sales reps. We have
> this working very well. The problem is if the supervisor types in an
> non-existant email address we aren't getting Mail System Error -
> Returned Mail messages like you would from other email apps such as
> Netscape Messenger. Does anyone know how to accomplish this.
> Thanks,
>  DR

AFAIK Returned Mail messages are generated by the SMTP server, not by the
email client application. 

The reason you might not be recieving these _could_ be because the headers 
are being incorrectly genereated. You probably want to check what you set
the "From:" header as, this would usually be the address that any errors
are sent to (unless you state a "Sender:" header in which case that is used
IIRC, you can always check RFC822 ;).

I would suggest checking the smtp server logs to see what is actually happening



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] programatically generating images

2000-06-17 Thread Ben Leslie

> I remember that I saw once a product, which could do this.
> I think it used the PIL-library from python. I canĀ“t find it on
> Any hints ?

I'm not sure if there is any special products, however it is quite easy to
create an external python method, which uses the PIL-library to generate 

THe only tricky bit is making sure that the module is loaded correctly and then
you should have a problem. Oh also make sure to set the content type correctly.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] PROPOSAL: Online chat with Jim and Paul

2000-05-29 Thread Ben Leslie

Hi Steve!

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Steve Alexander wrote:

> Paul Everitt wrote:
> >  
> > I propose an IRC chat on Wednesday with Jim Fulton and me.  
> Try and pick a time that's not *too* late at night for us Europeans.

Or for us Australian's ;) (Although that might get a tad difficult ;)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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