Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-25 Thread Jimmie Houchin

Just a few comments to throw into the naming convention.

Any name chosen will require educating the user as to it's definition.
Some names are already defined in other spaces. Some of which are
heavily overloaded. There is also discussion as to the accuracy of
various names in the context of the usage within Zope. It is apparent
the choice isn't clear and easy.

As Michel has posted that a vote will occur in the near future a
determination will be made.

Currently one of the terms in usage is External Methods. From my
understanding of the future direction of the Python Methods (restricted
and unrestricted) the term External will not be accurate as the code
will be within the ZODB and the differentiation will be in the
capability of the method. Due to this I think the usage of External not
be included in the name. Likewise Internal.

Regarding Safe and Power. I have no major problems with Safe, however I
thing Power brings along a lot of connotations or implications which may
or may not be accurate concerning the abilities of Safe. As others have
noted why choose Safe when you can use Power. Why, will have to be a
part of the educational process. However proper perspective and
understanding can start by not using Power in the name. I believe Power
is not the right choice.

Unsafe has also been proposed. I do not like this either because it is
not accurate. Simply because something dangerous, foolish or stupid can
be done using this method type does not mean it will be. Are we to label
all objects "unsafe" simply because of the capacity of harm? Safety is
in the hands of the programer. You cannot stop someone with the
capability from doing something harmful if they choose. I would prefer
the term Unrestricted or something similar. It simply denotes
capabilities without implying it is dangerous. It isn't dangerous, it
can be used dangerously, there is a difference. It is like many tools
which can be used or abused.

Hope this helps.

Jimmie Houchin

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Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-24 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Some name suggestions

- block has been suggested before

What about

- ZopeCodeBlock

from there:

Internal Python ZopeCodeBlock
External Python ZopeCodeBlock

Internal Perl ZopeCodeBlock

Safe Python ZopeCodeBlock

Alternatively something like


might be considered, though I do not particularly like it

my 2 cents


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Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-24 Thread mmillikan


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Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-23 Thread jpenny

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 03:07:25PM -0700, James Johnson wrote:
> Is there a Wiki or some other starting point for this thread. As a 
> newbie I like safe vs power over anything else.  I also understand 
> that with using anything in a power mode can be risky for a newbie.  
> It's nice to know that I can start out learning in a safe mode and 
> then graduate to a power mode after learning more. Is there a 
> ZopeScript and why not? Safe ZopeScript can be written in using other 
> scripting languages.  Zopelet imho is not as marketable as ZopeScript.

OK, this is the problem.  There are several ways of writing executable
code available to other objects in Zope.  One is the Python Method.
It is available from

>From 4am's page:
PythonMethods will not allow assignment to an attribute, element, or slice. 
No "del" is allowed.  Names starting with "_" are not accessible. Import 
is controlled. Globals all live in a private namespace.

There is a proposal to call this construct a Zope Script.  And your
message is exactly the ammunition I wanted.  Thanks!

The other way to script in python is currently called an External
Method.  Since perl is being added as a Zope scripting option, this
will clearly have to be renamed, as well.  External Methods have none
of the restrictions of PythonMethods.  This makes it quite easy to escape
all Zope security, to crash Zope, and to do other nasty things.  Needless
to say, Zope hosting sites do not generally provide External Methods.

There is no ZopeScript, and probably never will be.  What would
ZopeScript do?  Would it be a construct like JavaScript that was
executed on the client's computer?  If so, every browser vendor would
have to support it.  This is unlikely, to say the least.

Is it server side?  Then DTML, PythonMethods (to be renamed), PerlMethods
(which don't exist yet), External (Python) Methods, External Perl Methods
(which also don't exist yet) give plenty of scripting options, without the
need for another language.

It is not at all clear that Safe scripting methods (in the strong sense
meant here, meaning that it can neither damage the client nor the 
server), can be written in languages other than Python (I have
heard some doubts expressed about perl).

And, there is generally no need to "graduate" to external (power)
methods.  You only need to use an external method when you need a
module not imported by Zope (not available through the _ namespace).

So, you have written several things in your message that really
bolster my dislike for both zope script and power as terms.
1) You have gone from the word Zope Script to a separate language
ZopeScript in a single bound.  2)  You have assumed that you will
want to "graduate" from Safe Methods to "Power" Methods (You don't,
external methods are last resort options).  3)  "Power" methods
don't require a lot more learning than Safe Methods.  You have
to learn what modules are available, but you are using the same
language in either case!

Maybe my suggeston of flexible is to weak.  Maybe they should be
Escape Hatch Python Operations (Escape Hatch Python Zopelets)!

>   When you call it operation, method, or function it takes it away 
>  from it's context.  This is zope specific right?  Excuse me while I 
> use safe ZopeScriptPython or power ZopeScriptPerl.

Not really Zope specific in the sense you mean.  It is an object (not
in the OO meaning) that can be called from a Zope site.  But the 
language is pure Python (perl), with no modifications, and usually
can be snipped and executed outside of Zope.

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[Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-23 Thread James Johnson

Is there a Wiki or some other starting point for this thread. As a 
newbie I like safe vs power over anything else.  I also understand 
that with using anything in a power mode can be risky for a newbie.  
It's nice to know that I can start out learning in a safe mode and 
then graduate to a power mode after learning more. Is there a 
ZopeScript and why not? Safe ZopeScript can be written in using other 
scripting languages.  Zopelet imho is not as marketable as ZopeScript.
  When you call it operation, method, or function it takes it away 
 from it's context.  This is zope specific right?  Excuse me while I 
use safe ZopeScriptPython or power ZopeScriptPerl.

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[Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-23 Thread Spicklemire, Jerry

Sorry for the duplicate post, forgot the subject. :)

Hi Name Hunters,

My problem with Zopelet is that it already has a meaning, at least to me. 

Looking down the road, not nearly as far as one might imagine, let's see
where we may be heading. Think about minimal Zope instances running on Palm
Gizmos, Cell Phones, whatever, a sort of personal ZEOClient, that enables
offline or intermitent access to Zope Applications (e.g. WorldPilot). That's
a Zopelet to me, a "little Zope".

As for the other suggestions, "Op" sounds right to me. An Operation, or an
Operative carrying out some work on behalf of the caller. 

Python Op, Perl Op, XSLT Op. It's short too!

Also, Safe is clear, and easy to grasp, since most folks are aware how
critical security can be. As for Flexible vs. UnSafe, how about "Direct", as
in, "running directly from the file system"?. The term implies a trade-off
of power for some degree of insecurity, at least to the initiated. Newbies
should be warned away if they don't get the connotation.

This leads to:

Direct Python Op, etc.

Jerry S.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-23 Thread jpenny

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 11:08:14AM +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
> > I can see four potential properties that one could want to emphasize
> > about a python method.
> > 
> > 1) It is safer (to the Zope server) than a python external method.
> > 2) It safer to the end user than a JavaScript (it never touches the client).
> > 3) It uses python, and not something else as its implementation technique.
> > 4) In OO terms, it is not really a Method.
> Good points :-)
> > Hence the preference for Safe in the name.  Even a newbie ought not to
> > be able to cut himself too badly on a python method.
> I dunno...
> > descriptive.  Widget has technical meaning.  Perhaps task or job are
> > suitable, as in
> > Safe Python Task
> > Safe Python Job
> > Then external methods, which are often also not methods, can become
> > Flexible Python Task
> Well, felxible doesn't really explain a lot. Filesystem is probably the
> most explicit.
> I dunno, I actually like Jeff's suggestion of Operation giving you:
> PythonMethod-> Python Operation
> External Method -> Filesystem Python Operation
> The same could also apply to DTML and Perl Methods. A nice side effect
> is that you could have Filesystem DTML Operation replace those horribly
> named HTML File objects you get when use grab your DTML out of .dtml
> files on disk. Especially as they bypass all known security ;-)

OK, here is why I used Safe/Flexible.  I still think that it is important
to give newbies guidance as to which to choose.  Because of the restrictions
(no import, no _ variables, etc.) that Python Methods provide, it is
far safer for a newbie to tackle Python Methods, and discarding them only 
when they are incapable of doing the needed operation.

It is simply true that python methods ARE safer than external methods and
ARE to be prefered if they have enough power.

Hence the strong preference for Safe in the term.

Now, what are things that stand in distinction to safe.  One set is
unsecure, risky, dangerous.  No sane company is going to call a thing
Dangerous Python Operation (even if true).  So that set of associations
is out.

Another set of anti-associations is unprotected, open, unguarded.  While this
set is better, there are still too many connotations of danger.

Another way of looking at it is that safe is similar to restricted (restrictions
are enforced to maintain safety).  Here the opposites are unrestricted, 
powerful, flexible.

I don't like powerful here.  It will encourage a newbie to skip the safe
version entirely (what newbie doesn't want unlimited power?).  Turbo,
and supercharged imply extra speed, which I don't believe to be significant.
Unrestricted has a double negative problem.  Hence something like flexible.

I really don't like Filesystem here.  It is true.  But, it provides the
newbie zero guidance.  Why should one use a Python Operation rather than
a Filesystem Python Operation?  The answer is nowhere to be found in the
name (unless you count that the name is shorter!).

I rather like the Zopelet suggestion.  I would like to retain Safe/(some
anti-association) in the name.  This would give something like:

Safe Python Zopelet
Flexible Python Zopelet  or Power Python Zopelet, or Filesystem Python Zopelet
or something else.

This is going on too long, but 2 more thoughts.

The Safe version should appear in the pulldown before the corresponding
Flexible/Power/Filesystem version.  These lists are read by Euro-language
readers fro top down and we want them to see the Safe version first.

Another set of terms for this might be chosen from magick terminology,
i.e. spell, incantation, cantrip.  Then we could have
grimoire/formula/cantrip.  Such a nice set of terms!

> cheers,
> Chris

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Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-23 Thread Ken Manheimer

Huh.  We're looking for something neutral, to connote code that runs in
zope to do some business logic or similar effect.  It should distinguish
the language used to express the logic - perl vs python vs xslt,
etc.  I hate "script", but it occurs to me that the "-let" convention may
be useful:

Python Zopelet
Perl Zopelet
XSLT Zopelet

Zope-specific, runs on the server, shows the implementation language,
won't be confused with non-remotely-editable functions, methods, scripts,
code in general.

This is the first one with which i'm comfortable - but i may well have
missed something.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Task, Job or Operation?

2000-10-23 Thread Chris Withers

> I can see four potential properties that one could want to emphasize
> about a python method.
> 1) It is safer (to the Zope server) than a python external method.
> 2) It safer to the end user than a JavaScript (it never touches the client).
> 3) It uses python, and not something else as its implementation technique.
> 4) In OO terms, it is not really a Method.

Good points :-)

> Hence the preference for Safe in the name.  Even a newbie ought not to
> be able to cut himself too badly on a python method.

I dunno...

> descriptive.  Widget has technical meaning.  Perhaps task or job are
> suitable, as in
> Safe Python Task
> Safe Python Job

Nah, they have too many cron-esque associations. Sounds like things to
be found on a to-do list on in a schedule of some sort.

> Safe Python Subtask


> Then external methods, which are often also not methods, can become
> Flexible Python Task

Well, felxible doesn't really explain a lot. Filesystem is probably the
most explicit.

I dunno, I actually like Jeff's suggestion of Operation giving you:

PythonMethod-> Python Operation
External Method -> Filesystem Python Operation

The same could also apply to DTML and Perl Methods. A nice side effect
is that you could have Filesystem DTML Operation replace those horribly
named HTML File objects you get when use grab your DTML out of .dtml
files on disk. Especially as they bypass all known security ;-)



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