Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-03 Thread Chris Withers

Stefane Fermigier wrote:

Zed/The Component Architecture Formerlyknown as Zope/GoldEgg/whatever
that's not called Zope something: YUCK!

(Who's Zed? Zed's dead, baby!)

+ sys.maxint


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-03 Thread Max M

Jeff Shell wrote:

Yes it does. And I hate it. At Bottlerocket, we're a very small
company. We look at Plone and go "alright, how do we make it do less?
how do we turn this thing off, and this thing off, and this thing off,
and this thing off? why is it so slow? and it still doesn't do the
page we need to do. Let's just write our own CMS".

Apparently many people disagree with you.

Google hits:
**27,700,000* for **Plone
***23,600,000* for **Zope**
*14,800,000* for **Zope -Plone**

For small companies that needs a small subset of what Plone can do, 
Plone might be a bit big. But for consultants/developers like me it is 
*far* easier to use Plone, remove some features and add those that are 

A fully finished system, that end users can install and try out, is the 
biggest succes story of Zope. There *must* be a lesson in that somewhere.

That Plone is difficult does not reflect that a big integrated system is 
the wrong way to go! It only indicates that the Zope/CMF/Plone stack is 
too big. Which is exactly why Zope 3 was developed, and I can hardly 
wait until something like Plone is running directly on Zope 3.

Then we will both have a big hunking end user system and a clean 
development model.

I know that something like Plone isn't the best solution for everything. 
Eg creating a task based intranet is impractical. But its still the most 
succesfull approach so far.

Plone has become a very precise communication tool between programmers. 
If your product works in a straight Plone installation, it can be 
modified with known patterns by other developers.

If everything is fragmented we will loose this "unification by example" 
and setting up big systems will be a lot more difficult.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Chris McDonough

On Mar 2, 2006, at 6:41 AM, Peter Bengtsson wrote:

I'm with Max on this one.

What's the point? To save a few megabytes of harddisk space?
If you don't want the zope.bobo part of your zope3, ignore it. You
don't have to use it if you don't want to.

Let's keep it simple, bundle it all in one fat package and ignore the
excessive zmi files that gets thrown in.

That's a reasonable position; Zope 2 has really done well under this  
model.  But one of Zope's historical problems been that no two people  
have the same vision of what that "one fat package" should actually  
do.  Is it a content management system?  An app server?  A collection  
of Python packages?  It's all of those things to some level or  
another, but it's hard to "keep it tidy" when the huge package is  
being pulled in all of those directions.  It's be easier to compose  
the big package out of smaller, independently-maintained bits.  It's  
not just "excessive ZMI files" that clutter things up, cross-package  
dependencies creep in because nobody can tell what the boundaries  
are, and then it's impossible to not distribute the whole huge  
honking tarball.

It's also important to let the good parts of Zope thrive naturally on  
their own and let the bad parts die, and in order for this to happen  
they need to be packaged independently.  Zope 2 was *meant* to be a  
collection of smaller packages that could work outside of Zope-the- 
framework, but because of packaging issues, only a few things  
actually do work well outside (ZPT and ZODB).

- C

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Shane Hathaway

Marko Mikulicic wrote:

On 02.03.2006., at 12:41, Peter Bengtsson wrote:

I'm with Max on this one.

What's the point? To save a few megabytes of harddisk space?
If you don't want the zope.bobo part of your zope3, ignore it. You
don't have to use it if you don't want to.

not sure of what to think about this vision but the idea may be seen  
from a naming and documentation stand point.
I don't think there is a particulary need to phisically split the  
distribution, various zope subpackages are already quite independent  
from each other,
but a simple naming of "layers" of the entiere framework could be  
helpful to describe to a beginner how to approach to a given problem,  
and a set of instance installation scripts that will create the base  
for it.

Exactly.  I hope to see three kinds of tutorials and books: one set 
about using the component architecture, one set about using the 
application server, and one set about the CMS.  I believe all three 
layers are already complex enough to write a whole book about each one, 
and the methods of using each layer already seem quite different.  Thus 
choosing names for the layers, and choosing what software goes in what 
layer, would be quite beneficial for documentation authors.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Encolpe Degoute

Stefane Fermigier a écrit :

Paul Winkler wrote:

On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 10:23:17AM +0100, Max M wrote:

Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*. 
Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a 

but we already have that situation with current Products.

How many sites are still running Zope 2.7 and Plone 2.0
because there's one product they depend on that doesn't
work in 2.8 or 2.9?

That's Plone's problem, not Zope's.


Encolpe Degoute
INGENIWEB (TM) - S.A.S 5 Euros - RC B 438 725 632
17 rue Louise Michel - 92300 Levallois Perret - France
web : - « les Services Web Ingénieux »
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/2/06, Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Shell wrote:
> >I think this keeps Zope 3 as we know it alive, keeps the Zope brand
> >intact, and offers a future for Zope 2 and similar caliber desires for
> >a Big App Server while not interfering with the more "pure" and simple
> >concepts that makes Zope 3 appealing for developers like me.
> I think its an absolutely terrible idea!
> The most succesfull Zope 2 "product" out there is most likely Plone. And
> it has everything and the kitchen sink in it.

Yes it does. And I hate it. At Bottlerocket, we're a very small
company. We look at Plone and go "alright, how do we make it do less?
how do we turn this thing off, and this thing off, and this thing off,
and this thing off? why is it so slow? and it still doesn't do the
page we need to do. Let's just write our own CMS".

Real conversation, real decision. The second one made us feel more in
control. Plone is great, but it's incredibly overwhelming.

Contrast that with Zope 3, where already we've been able to take
advantage of some small components out of other projects ->
schoolbell.relationship, zc.catalog, hurry.query, hurry.file.

In Zope 2, some of those things would have ZMI interfaces. Some would
be standalone applications. Some would only be really configurable and
usable through the web. Some wouldn't.

Let Plone be Plone. But let me easily write and use things that are
not Plone. I don't need all those features. I don't need all those
features. I don't need all those features. I don't need all those
features. And the more I have to wrestle with turning them off (tell
the 353 some odd lines in my average browser zcml file that it's all
just a matter of configuration), and having to painfully extract the
core usable concepts out of other libraries, the less appeal it all
has. And again, I have to say that I'm a little grumpy as I ended up
working late chasing down how vocabularies and renderer factories get
initialized and set up so I could "do the right thing" and write a
unit test to prove, figure out, and solve a bug in my own code. That
was a long and twisty maze, and I basically lost a day of work to it.
Tell me a larger and more feature rich system is going to help me.

There's nothing wrong with having a lot of features. But there should
be simpler options with lower barriers to entry as well.

> I fear that loosely coupled libraries does not make an app server. I can
> just imagine the upgrade hell when one package requires two different
> packages, and another package requires the same two different packages,
> but in different versions.
> Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*.
> Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a
> disaster.
> Releases that contains a *huge* compatible collection of packages is the
> most effective way to move forward in an unified way.

That's why I want three simple packages. I'd expect that most of them
would be released at the same time, with same or similar version
numbers to show that 'Zope 3 3.3 AS builds on Zope 3 CA 3.3'

A package can then say "requires Zope 3 CA", "Zope 3 AS", or "Zope
Suite". It won't be "requires zope.interface 3.25; zope.tal 1.48;
zope.tales 2.33;" I don't want that either.

> Plone products works together because Plone is so well defined.
> Sometimes this feels like a straightjacket. On the othe hand, in plain
> Zope 2 it is practically impossible to reuse other peoples products on
> your own site because the playing field was too loosely defined.

Plone is a product and a finished application. Zope 2 could be a
standalone finished application out of the box, or a base toolkit to
start building web sites, or a framework for building web
applications, or all of the above. Zope 2 serves many masters. I've
written hoardes of different applications in it over the years,
serving very different markets and customers and architectures.

If you use Plone, you're running Plone.

Plus, I've seen arguments against Plone lately as having lost focus
from content management and into being its own little development
environment. It always happens when you try to make a generic tool for
everybody that's also feature rich and complete. "Great! Awesome
product. I wouldn't change a thing. Except.. We have a double editor
process and my boss has a weird thing against tabs and we really want
it to look like our corporate branding..."

> But just like you don't have to learn every Python library to use
> Python, you should not have to know every package in the app server.
> That is not a question of making seperate releases though, it's the age
> old programming problem of structuring code with few interdependencies.

> So throw everything into the release. heck even throw Zope 2 in there if
> you have to. But dont force the programmers to use it before they need
> the functionality.

I just fear people having the discipline or understanding of when to
use feature X and when not to or i

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Stefane Fermigier
Paul Winkler wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 10:23:17AM +0100, Max M wrote:
>> Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*. 
>> Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a 
>> disaster.
> but we already have that situation with current Products.
> How many sites are still running Zope 2.7 and Plone 2.0
> because there's one product they depend on that doesn't
> work in 2.8 or 2.9?

That's Plone's problem, not Zope's.


Stéfane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server:
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source!

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Paul Winkler
On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 10:23:17AM +0100, Max M wrote:
> Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*. 
> Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a 
> disaster.

but we already have that situation with current Products.

How many sites are still running Zope 2.7 and Plone 2.0
because there's one product they depend on that doesn't
work in 2.8 or 2.9?
> Releases that contains a *huge* compatible collection of packages is the 
> most effective way to move forward in an unified way.

That requires a huge coordination effort.
It's not sustainable.

This is why there's so much attention being paid to eggs lately.
Eggs are one packaging solution that allows version dependencies
to be explicitly stated in each package, and allows multiple
installed versions at the same time.

Paul Winkler
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Stefane Fermigier
Jeff Shell wrote:
> - Zope 3 CA: The Zope Component Architecture. Core services. Would
>   include zope.publisher and most other current top level zope.* things.
>   Usable as a library, as a publisher for other environments, perhaps as a
>   simple standalone server. Easy to deploy against WSGI, Paste.deploy,
>   whatever.
> - Zope 3 AS: The Zope 3 Application Server. A Zope 3 CA stack using the
>   ZODB, ILocation, and most of the services but without any content
>   objects. Perhaps only an application server configuration skin (process
>   management) but no ZMI. Maybe have the current configuration installable as
>   an option.
> - Zope Suite (or Zope Web or Zope DE): This is the full "application server"
>   perhaps Jim is envisioning. A comprehensive web based user interface, based
>   on features (and implementations) of both Zope 2 and Zope 3 application
>   servers and offerings.

Zope 3 CA, Zope 3 AS: good.

Zope Suite: moderately bad.

Zope 3 ECM (currently known as Z3ECM): good ;)

Zed/The Component Architecture Formerlyknown as Zope/GoldEgg/whatever
that's not called Zope something: YUCK!

(Who's Zed? Zed's dead, baby!)


Stéfane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server:
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source!

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Marko Mikulicic

On 02.03.2006., at 12:41, Peter Bengtsson wrote:

I'm with Max on this one.

What's the point? To save a few megabytes of harddisk space?
If you don't want the zope.bobo part of your zope3, ignore it. You
don't have to use it if you don't want to.

not sure of what to think about this vision but the idea may be seen  
from a naming and documentation stand point.
I don't think there is a particulary need to phisically split the  
distribution, various zope subpackages are already quite independent  
from each other,
but a simple naming of "layers" of the entiere framework could be  
helpful to describe to a beginner how to approach to a given problem,  
and a set of instance installation scripts that will create the base  
for it.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Peter Bengtsson
I'm with Max on this one.

What's the point? To save a few megabytes of harddisk space?
If you don't want the zope.bobo part of your zope3, ignore it. You
don't have to use it if you don't want to.

It's been a while but the last time I installed Plone it came with
stuff like CookieCrumbler and Formulator. What a bliss and time-saver!
It's not "unix-right" but I don't care, I have other stuff to spend my
precious time on such as coding.

Making things simple will (and always has) be superior to making
things clinically correct in the computer industry.

You point, Jeff, was that the Zope2 ZMI is "plaguing" the true Zope3
as you know it. I'm not worried about this personally. On most of my
zope2 products the ZMI is just used as a debug tool rather than
something clients get to work in.

Sure, people have misstaken Zope for Plone when they use the windows
installer and we've all seen newbies complaining about bugs in zope on
the zope mailing list which just happens to be a 100% plone related
Tough. I'd rather have a few of these lost beginners who are wrong
than no new beginners at all.

Let's keep it simple, bundle it all in one fat package and ignore the
excessive zmi files that gets thrown in.

On 3/2/06, Max M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Shell wrote:
> >I think this keeps Zope 3 as we know it alive, keeps the Zope brand
> >intact, and offers a future for Zope 2 and similar caliber desires for
> >a Big App Server while not interfering with the more "pure" and simple
> >concepts that makes Zope 3 appealing for developers like me.
> >
> >
> I think its an absolutely terrible idea!
> The most succesfull Zope 2 "product" out there is most likely Plone. And
> it has everything and the kitchen sink in it.
> Python also has a lot of libraries included, which means that you
> seldomly need 3. party libraries to extend Plone.
> I fear that loosely coupled libraries does not make an app server. I can
> just imagine the upgrade hell when one package requires two different
> packages, and another package requires the same two different packages,
> but in different versions.
> Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*.
> Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a
> disaster.
> Releases that contains a *huge* compatible collection of packages is the
> most effective way to move forward in an unified way.
> Plone products works together because Plone is so well defined.
> Sometimes this feels like a straightjacket. On the othe hand, in plain
> Zope 2 it is practically impossible to reuse other peoples products on
> your own site because the playing field was too loosely defined.
> But just like you don't have to learn every Python library to use
> Python, you should not have to know every package in the app server.
> That is not a question of making seperate releases though, it's the age
> old programming problem of structuring code with few interdependencies.
> So throw everything into the release. heck even throw Zope 2 in there if
> you have to. But dont force the programmers to use it before they need
> the functionality.
> --
> hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
> IT's Mad Science
> ___
> Zope3-users mailing list

Peter Bengtsson,
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-02 Thread Max M

Jeff Shell wrote:

I think this keeps Zope 3 as we know it alive, keeps the Zope brand
intact, and offers a future for Zope 2 and similar caliber desires for
a Big App Server while not interfering with the more "pure" and simple
concepts that makes Zope 3 appealing for developers like me.

I think its an absolutely terrible idea!

The most succesfull Zope 2 "product" out there is most likely Plone. And 
it has everything and the kitchen sink in it.

Python also has a lot of libraries included, which means that you 
seldomly need 3. party libraries to extend Plone.

I fear that loosely coupled libraries does not make an app server. I can 
just imagine the upgrade hell when one package requires two different 
packages, and another package requires the same two different packages, 
but in different versions.

Canonical releases of compatible package collections is a *must*. 
Splitting it all up in small chunks that are out of sync would be a 

Releases that contains a *huge* compatible collection of packages is the 
most effective way to move forward in an unified way.

Plone products works together because Plone is so well defined. 
Sometimes this feels like a straightjacket. On the othe hand, in plain 
Zope 2 it is practically impossible to reuse other peoples products on 
your own site because the playing field was too loosely defined.

But just like you don't have to learn every Python library to use 
Python, you should not have to know every package in the app server. 
That is not a question of making seperate releases though, it's the age 
old programming problem of structuring code with few interdependencies.

So throw everything into the release. heck even throw Zope 2 in there if 
you have to. But dont force the programmers to use it before they need 
the functionality.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-01 Thread Chris McDonough
I think packaging efforts are really the key to being able to tell a  
story like this.  The efforts happen to be couched in a process of  
converting z3 packages into eggs, but really the process of  
identifying dependencies and eliminating the silly ones is the  
valuable work here, and it seems to be getting done by embracing egg  
packaging, which is really wonderful.  One we have well-factored  
modules that are packaged and maintained independently, all sorts of  
things like the "AS" vs. "CA" you mention or a Zope 3 core that is  
more like "zope.bobo", or a Zope that combines both z3 and z2 in  
various ways becomes a lot more possible.

On Mar 1, 2006, at 7:42 PM, Jeff Shell wrote:

We've been through a lot lately. You know it, I know it. Zope has a
reputation. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. This has affected
Zope 3, since Zope 3 is very much "not Zope 2". But it's affecting
Zope 2 as well, as Jim has brought to our attention. Zope 3 is Mature.
Zope 3 sounds like Zope 2+1. Zope 2 and Zope 3 have very different
concepts. Zope 3 has restricted its audience, for now, to developers;
while Zope 2 is appealing to many different kinds of end users and
programmer types. Five offers a bridge so that Zope 3 as a library may
be used in Zope 2, and the Zope 2 core has started making use of some
Zope 3 concepts.

But it's obvious we have a name problem. Even within Zope 3, there's a
name problem, between "Zope 3 as Application Server" and "Zope 3 as
cool collection of packages".

Today, I wrote a much longer message in response to the "Two Visions"
thread. But I was in a bit of a bad mood, having spent many hours
trying to set up a test harness to test one little thing in my own
code that was causing problems - a "one little thing" that depended on
quite a few components being set up, and it was painful. And I'm still
not done. And I realized, as I stewed away, that I like Zope 3 as an
Application Server... But I'd like it with less. And this option
hasn't been proffered, so far as I can tell. It seems like Jim's
Vision might be two options - "zope as library" and "big zope
application server with all of the object file system and probably
through the web stuff and so on and so on and would be largely
compatible with both Zope 2 and Zope 3 as they stand today."

Personally, I'd love to have the first option. I also, personally,
don't care if I have the second option, but I recognize the need or
desire for it, and the desire to get out the message that Zope 2 and
the applications on it actually do have a future even though they may
not have a future with Zope 3 as Zope 3 is currently known.

I'd like a third option: the Zope 3 Application Server as it is right
now, but with less. No Rotterdam skin, perhaps no ZMI. No content
objects at all, except maybe for some example file and image objects
to show how to do BLOBs. It would still be ZODB based. It would still
be ILocation based. would be prominent, and would not be a distraction. It's the basis for
building applications like Schoolbell/Schooltool, custom content
management, itinerary managers, knowledge bases, whatever. Catalog,
local sites/utilities, all still there. But without the distraction of
"should I support the ZMI? use it as my user interface?" "should I use
the TTW page templates?". "IFolder and IContainer... What is the
difference and which should I use? Which should be my base class"
(because at Bottlerocket, we chose Folder when we shouldn't have, we
found out much later). Maybe that stuff would still be in the library.
Maybe it would still be available as a 'mkzopeinstance' option. But
the Zope 3 Application Server would probably work best if it promoted
custom development via persistent objects, views, and custom skins, as
the default way of working with it. It's easier to write documentation
for, it could be easy to write mkzopeinstance commands for (to
generate a basic starting point with skeleton code and a site.zcml
setup that loads the custom skin). There's not this other User
Interface and other objects providing a distraction. "I'm making a
wiki. How does SQL Script apply? I18N File?".

And then I thought about Taligent, for some reason. I'm not going into
the history of the company/project, whose products never really made
it out into the light of day. But at some point, they broke their
product (which was to be a new "object oriented operating system") out
into a small set of distinct offerings: TalOS (Taligent Object
Services), TalAE (Taligent Application Environment), and so on. And I
thought about doing this for Zope, and came up with the following:

- Zope 3 CA: The Zope Component Architecture. Core services. Would
  include zope.publisher and most other current top level zope.*  
  Usable as a library, as a publisher for other environments,  
perhaps as a

  simple standalone server. Easy to deploy against WSGI, Paste.deploy,

- Zope 3 AS: The Zope 3 Application 

Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-01 Thread Gary Poster

On Mar 1, 2006, at 7:42 PM, Jeff Shell wrote:


- Zope 3 CA: The Zope Component Architecture. Core services. Would
  include zope.publisher and most other current top level zope.*  
  Usable as a library, as a publisher for other environments,  
perhaps as a

  simple standalone server. Easy to deploy against WSGI, Paste.deploy,

- Zope 3 AS: The Zope 3 Application Server. A Zope 3 CA stack using  
  ZODB, ILocation, and most of the services but without  
any content
  objects. Perhaps only an application server configuration skin  
  management) but no ZMI. Maybe have the current configuration  
installable as

  an option.

- Zope Suite (or Zope Web or Zope DE): This is the full  
"application server"
  perhaps Jim is envisioning. A comprehensive web based user  
interface, based
  on features (and implementations) of both Zope 2 and Zope 3  

  servers and offerings.

This would meet what I'm looking for...but I don't think I'll be one  
of the hard ones to convince. ;-)

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Shell
We've been through a lot lately. You know it, I know it. Zope has a
reputation. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. This has affected
Zope 3, since Zope 3 is very much "not Zope 2". But it's affecting
Zope 2 as well, as Jim has brought to our attention. Zope 3 is Mature.
Zope 3 sounds like Zope 2+1. Zope 2 and Zope 3 have very different
concepts. Zope 3 has restricted its audience, for now, to developers;
while Zope 2 is appealing to many different kinds of end users and
programmer types. Five offers a bridge so that Zope 3 as a library may
be used in Zope 2, and the Zope 2 core has started making use of some
Zope 3 concepts.

But it's obvious we have a name problem. Even within Zope 3, there's a
name problem, between "Zope 3 as Application Server" and "Zope 3 as
cool collection of packages".

Today, I wrote a much longer message in response to the "Two Visions"
thread. But I was in a bit of a bad mood, having spent many hours
trying to set up a test harness to test one little thing in my own
code that was causing problems - a "one little thing" that depended on
quite a few components being set up, and it was painful. And I'm still
not done. And I realized, as I stewed away, that I like Zope 3 as an
Application Server... But I'd like it with less. And this option
hasn't been proffered, so far as I can tell. It seems like Jim's
Vision might be two options - "zope as library" and "big zope
application server with all of the object file system and probably
through the web stuff and so on and so on and would be largely
compatible with both Zope 2 and Zope 3 as they stand today."

Personally, I'd love to have the first option. I also, personally,
don't care if I have the second option, but I recognize the need or
desire for it, and the desire to get out the message that Zope 2 and
the applications on it actually do have a future even though they may
not have a future with Zope 3 as Zope 3 is currently known.

I'd like a third option: the Zope 3 Application Server as it is right
now, but with less. No Rotterdam skin, perhaps no ZMI. No content
objects at all, except maybe for some example file and image objects
to show how to do BLOBs. It would still be ZODB based. It would still
be ILocation based. would be prominent, and would not be a distraction. It's the basis for
building applications like Schoolbell/Schooltool, custom content
management, itinerary managers, knowledge bases, whatever. Catalog,
local sites/utilities, all still there. But without the distraction of
"should I support the ZMI? use it as my user interface?" "should I use
the TTW page templates?". "IFolder and IContainer... What is the
difference and which should I use? Which should be my base class"
(because at Bottlerocket, we chose Folder when we shouldn't have, we
found out much later). Maybe that stuff would still be in the library.
Maybe it would still be available as a 'mkzopeinstance' option. But
the Zope 3 Application Server would probably work best if it promoted
custom development via persistent objects, views, and custom skins, as
the default way of working with it. It's easier to write documentation
for, it could be easy to write mkzopeinstance commands for (to
generate a basic starting point with skeleton code and a site.zcml
setup that loads the custom skin). There's not this other User
Interface and other objects providing a distraction. "I'm making a
wiki. How does SQL Script apply? I18N File?".

And then I thought about Taligent, for some reason. I'm not going into
the history of the company/project, whose products never really made
it out into the light of day. But at some point, they broke their
product (which was to be a new "object oriented operating system") out
into a small set of distinct offerings: TalOS (Taligent Object
Services), TalAE (Taligent Application Environment), and so on. And I
thought about doing this for Zope, and came up with the following:

- Zope 3 CA: The Zope Component Architecture. Core services. Would
  include zope.publisher and most other current top level zope.* things.
  Usable as a library, as a publisher for other environments, perhaps as a
  simple standalone server. Easy to deploy against WSGI, Paste.deploy,

- Zope 3 AS: The Zope 3 Application Server. A Zope 3 CA stack using the
  ZODB, ILocation, and most of the services but without any content
  objects. Perhaps only an application server configuration skin (process
  management) but no ZMI. Maybe have the current configuration installable as
  an option.

- Zope Suite (or Zope Web or Zope DE): This is the full "application server"
  perhaps Jim is envisioning. A comprehensive web based user interface, based
  on features (and implementations) of both Zope 2 and Zope 3 application
  servers and offerings.

We don't need a hundred different "editions" like Microsoft. Nor do we
need a hundred different acronyms like Java development seems to have.
I think we could boil things down