Brent Christian wrote:
> Mandy Chung wrote:
>> I think we could take out the automatic module case as named module
>> would verify it.  One refactor you can consider  by separating them
>> in several @run actions.
I think it would make the test easier to read and understand the cases
it cover.

True.  I'll see what I can do, then.

I've removed the test case for automatic modules, and added a @run action for each policy file + system classloader configuration. I also removed the code to compile test sources, using @build instead.

I also made some (hopefully) clarifying changes to the code.

The String[] argument to execute() is now separated into args/status/message, instead of being lumped into one String[], and then having to be split() out of a single String. Where execute() is called, it's easier to read the args in order (versus assembled using String.format()).

I also simplified the code for expected status/output, and made some path variable names more descriptive.



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