On 10/2/18 8:34 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:

Thanks for all the comments so far, and the interesting discussions about the future of the SecurityManager. We will definitely return to those discussions in the near future, but for now I have a second webrev ready for review for this enhancement:



2. After further thought, I took Bernd's suggestion [1] and instead of adding a new property to disallow the setting of a SecurityManager at runtime, have added new tokens to the existing "java.security.manager" system property, named "=disallow", and "=allow" to toggle this behavior. The "=" is to avoid any potential clashes with custom SM classes with those names. I think this is a cleaner approach. There are a couple of new paragraphs in the SecurityManager class description describing the "java.security.manager" property and how the new tokens work.

I'm not a fan of using double == which is not obvious to catch the typo.  I think the `==` syntax may not be commonly known either (I suspect it's seldom for a user to override java.security.policy rather than augmenting it).

Have you considered using simple token `disallow` and `allow` (or all-caps)?  The possibility of a custom security manager class named `disallow` and `allow` should be low.


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