On 10/2/18 2:47 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 02/10/2018 16:34, Sean Mullan wrote:

Thanks for all the comments so far, and the interesting discussions about the future of the SecurityManager. We will definitely return to those discussions in the near future, but for now I have a second webrev ready for review for this enhancement:

I see the mails between you and Mandy about not using the double equals and using "allow" and "disallow". That makes sense as it is consistent with "default" and the chances of someone of having a SM class named "allow" or "disallow" isn't wroth worrying about.

In System.java L85 it has "utilize" and might be clearer to stick with "set".

That sentence already has "setting" in it, so I think it would sound confusing to also have "set". I changed it to "use". I think this is fine since the previous sentence talks about setting the security manager at startup, and this sentence explains how you do that.

L88 has "installed at startup" where it might be more consistent to use "set" there too.



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