On 03/10/2018 00:04, Nico Williams wrote:

We at Two Sigma Open Source, LLC, would like to make a contribution, to
the OpenJDK, of various enhancements to the the OpenJDK's JGSS stack,
specifically for better interoperability with native C GSS-API
implementations.  As I understand it, Two Sigma Open Source, LLC, has
signed the OCA already.

The "How to contribute" [1] is the best place to start. I see you are listed on the OCA signatories so that gets you through step 0. For the patches then I think you'll need to start a discussion here on the specific issues and changes that are you looking to contribute. This project requires all contributions to be sent on the mailing list or hosted on locations such as cr.openjdk.java.net. From your mail then it sounds like you have a lot of changes so it's probably best to start small, say with small fixes, until you've gain some experience with the process of contributing and sponsors/reviewers build up confidence in the changes. I suspect you will have the experience of doing significantly better than showing up with large patch that add features and changes large areas of JGSS. Starting small is really important for sponsors and reviewers as the review and testing effort for many contributions can be significant.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/

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