Title: RE: Remove me from these lists please!

Unfortunately, that doesn't work. I've removed my name 3 times that way without success. 

Jennifer O'Hara
Contracts & Compliance Unit Coordinator
Corporate Resources, Gilsbar, Inc.
Phone: 985-898-1545; Fax: 985-898-1636

-----Original Message-----
From:   Tinsley, Carolyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, July 03, 2002 1:44 PM
To:     'Kaminaka, Mike'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:        RE: Remove me from these lists please!

Rather than email everyone on the list, pleae note the directions at the
bottom of each email, reprinted here.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kaminaka, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 1:43 PM
Subject: RE: Remove me from these lists please!

Me too!

Michael Kaminaka
Vice President of Sales
CareMedic Systems, Inc.
(530) 274-3289
Fax (866) 422-2687

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CareMedic Systems, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Risa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: Remove me from these lists please!

does anyone know how we remove our name from the list?  I've
tried with no success.

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