Yes, it would be great if you give us the collection, it's much easier to
debug with real data :) And we will try to discover the reason as soon as

P.S: Don't forget to send a copy to's public) or (it's our private mail) please, it's much easier when all
the team sees what's going on. Thanks!

Best regards, Borisenko Oleg, Sedna team

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Robby Pelssers <>wrote:

>  Hi Oleg,****
> ** **
> I ran following profile statements:****
> **************************************************************************************************
> ****
> profile****
> for $i in index-scan("chemicalcontent_id", "", "GE")/@id return string($i)
> ****
> ** **
> which results in ****
> ** **
> <profile xmlns="";>****
>   <total-time>14.941</total-time>****
> </profile>****
> <prolog xmlns=""/>****
> <query xmlns="";>****
>   <operation name="PPQueryRoot" time="14.941" calls="1">****
>     <operation name="PPReturn" position="2:5" time="14.910" calls="24250">
> ****
>       <produces>****
>         <variable descriptor="0" name="i"/>****
>       </produces>****
>       <operation name="PPDDO" position="2:54" time="14.678" calls="24250">
> ****
>         <operation name="PPAxisStep" step="attribute::attribute(id)"
> position="2:54" time="14.486" calls="24250">****
>           <operation name="PPSeqChecker" mode="node" position="2:54"
> time="1.043" calls="24250">****
>             <operation name="PPIndexScan" index-scan-condition="GE"
> position="2:11" time="1.040" calls="24250">****
>               <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:string"
> value="chemicalcontent_id" position="2:22" time="0.000" calls="2"/>****
>               <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:string" value=""
> position="2:44" time="0.000" calls="2"/>****
>               <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:integer" value="0"
> position="2:11" time="0.000" calls="0"/>****
>             </operation>****
>           </operation>****
>         </operation>****
>       </operation>****
>       <operation name="PPFnString" position="2:65" time="0.215"
> calls="48498">****
>         <operation name="PPVariable" descriptor="0" variable-name="i"
> position="2:72" time="0.008" calls="48498"/>****
>       </operation>****
>     </operation>****
>   </operation>****
> </query>****
> **************************************************************************************************
> ****
> I also ran following ****
> ** **
> profile****
> for $doc in collection("chemicalContent/released") return
> document-uri($doc)****
> ** **
> ** **
> resulting in ****
> ** **
> <profile xmlns="";>****
>   <total-time>1.594</total-time>****
> </profile>****
> <prolog xmlns=""/>****
> <query xmlns="";>****
>   <operation name="PPQueryRoot" time="1.594" calls="1">****
>     <operation name="PPReturn" position="2:5" time="1.568" calls="24250">*
> ***
>       <produces>****
>         <variable descriptor="0" name="doc"/>****
>       </produces>****
>       <operation name="PPAbsPath"
> root="collection(chemicalContent/released)" position="2:13" time="1.247"
> calls="24250"/>****
>       <operation name="PPFnDocumentURI" position="2:59" time="0.302"
> calls="48498">****
>         <operation name="PPVariable" descriptor="0" variable-name="doc"
> position="2:72" time="0.012" calls="48498"/>****
>       </operation>****
>     </operation>****
>   </operation>****
> </query>****
> ** **
> ** **
> BUT !!! ****
> ** **
> Serializing and sending that data over the wire… takes like forever.. >> 1
> minute.  I know it’s like 24k strings in total but it still smells fishy to
> me to be honest.****
> ** **
> Thx upfront…  If you want I can actually zip the collection and make it
> available via dropbox so you can e.g. simulate my issue****
> ** **
> Robby****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Олег Борисенко []
> *Sent:* Monday, January 14, 2013 2:16 PM
> *To:* Robby Pelssers
> *Subject:* Re: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection***
> *
> ** **
> It's difficult to say anything particular in that case. But we have one
> more diagnostic query named "profile", look through documentation here:
> ****
> Could you send us the output please?****
> ** **
> Best regards, Borisenko Oleg, Sedna team****
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Robby Pelssers <>
> wrote:****
> Someone on the list gave me following tip:
> *********************************************************
> for $i in index-scan("chemicalcontent_id", "", "GE")/@id return string($i)
> - as a result, you will get the keyset of an index, maybe with duplicate
> keys (if they are presented in index), which can be removed with
> distinct-values function.
> Here, the blank key to compare with ( "" ) assumed to be less than any
> other key in index.
> *********************************************************
> But I tried that and it still is not responsive.  I think Sedna is not
> using the index only but still doing a full collection scan. Can someone
> shed some light on this?
> I was also looking a bit into the documentation for how to run an explain
> plan. But to my surprise I don't see anything back of index usage. It's
> something I would typically expect from an explain plan.
> To give an example, I have following index and xquery module
> *******************************************************************
> create index "package_id"
>   on fn:collection("packages/released")/Package
>   by @identifier
>   as xs:string
> *******************************************************************
> module namespace packages = "";;
> declare function packages:getPackage($id as xs:string) as
> element(Package)? {
>     index-scan('package_id', $id, 'EQ')
> };
> *******************************************************************
> Now I tried to explain a method invocation that uses a index:
> *******************************************************************
> explain
> import module namespace packages = "";;
> packages:getPackage("SOT669")
> *******************************************************************
> It shows me following explanation, but no evidence of an index being used.
> *******************************************************************
> <prolog xmlns=""/>
> <query xmlns="";>
>   <operation name="PPQueryRoot">
>     <operation name="PPFunCall" id="0" function-name="packages:getPackage"
> position="3:1">
>       <operation name="PPConst" type="xs:string" value="SOT669"
> position="3:21"/>
>     </operation>
>   </operation>
> </query>
> *******************************************************************
> So any tips on debugging my performance problem are very welcome !!
> Thx in advance,
> Robby****
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robby Pelssers []
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection
> Hi all,
> I have a single collection of 24468 documents.
> <count>{count(collection("chemicalContent/released")/TypeName)}</count>
>  == 24468
> When I just try to run below statement it takes very long to execute. The
> documents themselves are not even that big varying between 2kb and 12kb.
> for $i in collection("chemicalContent/released") return document-uri($i)
> I also have a index on that collection:
> create index "chemicalcontent_id"
>   on fn:collection("chemicalContent/released")/TypeName
>   by @id
>   as xs:string
> Is it normal for that statement to execute that long   (> 1 minute) ?
> Is there a way to perhaps speed up fetching a list of all @id's for that
> particular collection?
> Thx in advance,
> Robby
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