My mistake… I really don’t know why I always mix those 2. For the particular
test it looks like we use the sedna-xmldb-api. I played with XQJ and Apache
Cocoon 3 in the past, hence my confusion.
From: Charles Foster []
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:54 PM
To: Robby Pelssers
Cc: Konstantin Abakumov;; Ivan Shcheklein
Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection
Do you have some sample XQJ API code that I could see Robby?
On 15 Jan 2013, at 15:07, Robby Pelssers
<<>> wrote:
Thx for the investigation. We indeed use the XQJ API. I guess I will need to
check out the packaged Java API.
From: Konstantin Abakumov [<>]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:16 PM
To: Robby Pelssers
Ivan Shcheklein; Oleg Borisenko
Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection
Hi again!
I suggest that you are using Sedna XQJ API, is it right?
I've compared three drivers on your queries:
1. Java API
, packaged with Sedna,
2. Sedna XML:DB API
3. Sedna XQJ API
, both from Charles Foster
It took only several seconds to execute queries using 1 and 2, but XQJ API
worked about half a minute on each query - seems it can be a bottleneck in your
2013/1/15 Robby Pelssers <<>>
We use the driver from Charles Foster. But also a test using the Sedna Database
Administrator results in temporarily freezing. It is indeed a remote host.
From: Konstantin Abakumov
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:49 AM
To: Robby Pelssers
Cc: ???? ?????????;<>
Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection
Hello again!
Sorry for the late reply. And thank you for sending us the data!
Both the queries you had profiled in previous letters executed fast on my
for $i in index-scan("chemicalcontent_id", "", "GE")/@id return string($i)
for $doc in collection("chemicalContent/released") return document-uri($doc)
it took less than a second to execute each of them. I had executed queries on
locally through built-in terminal se_term.
You noticed that:
Serializing and sending that data over the wire… takes like forever.. >> 1
Seems that slowdown can be achieved during connection to Sedna and sending
query results. Is Sedna server located on remote host? What driver do you use?
I've tried some tests on generated data. As expected, the more schema of
individual documents differs from each other, the more performance degradation
is observed. But in case of similar or not very different documents (which is
yours) Sedna performs satisfactory fast. Hope that we will resolve your
performance issue.
Best regards,
Konstantin Abakumov
Master SQL Server Development, Administration, T-SQL, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS
and more. Get SQL Server skills now (including 2012) with LearnDevNow -
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С уважением,
Константин Абакумов.
Master SQL Server Development, Administration, T-SQL, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS
and more. Get SQL Server skills now (including 2012) with LearnDevNow -
200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Microsoft MVPs and experts.
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Master SQL Server Development, Administration, T-SQL, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS
and more. Get SQL Server skills now (including 2012) with LearnDevNow -
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