Do you have some sample XQJ API code that I could see Robby?



On 15 Jan 2013, at 15:07, Robby Pelssers <> wrote:

> Thx for the investigation. We indeed use the  XQJ API.  I guess I will need 
> to check out the packaged Java API. 
> Robby
> From: Konstantin Abakumov [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:16 PM
> To: Robby Pelssers
> Cc:; Ivan Shcheklein; Oleg Borisenko
> Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection
> Hi again!
> I suggest that you are using Sedna XQJ API, is it right?
> I've compared three drivers on your queries:
> 1. Java API
> , packaged with Sedna,
> 2. Sedna XML:DB API
> 3. Sedna XQJ API 
> , both from Charles Foster
> It took only several seconds to execute queries using 1 and 2, but XQJ API 
> worked about half a minute on each query - seems it can be a bottleneck in 
> your case.
> 2013/1/15 Robby Pelssers <>
> Hi,
> We use the driver from Charles Foster. But also a test using the Sedna 
> Database Administrator results in temporarily freezing.  It is indeed a 
> remote host. 
> Robby
> From: Konstantin Abakumov []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:49 AM
> To: Robby Pelssers
> Cc: ???? ?????????;
> Subject: Re: [Sedna-discussion] poor performance for large collection
> Hello again!
> Sorry for the late reply. And thank you for sending us the data!
> Both the queries you had profiled in previous letters executed fast on my 
> machine:
> for $i in index-scan("chemicalcontent_id", "", "GE")/@id return string($i)
> and 
> for $doc in collection("chemicalContent/released") return document-uri($doc)
> it took less than a second to execute each of them. I had executed queries on 
> locally through built-in terminal se_term.
> You noticed that:
> Serializing and sending that data over the wire… takes like forever.. >> 1 
> minute. 
> Seems that slowdown can be achieved during connection to Sedna and sending 
> query results. Is Sedna server located on remote host? What driver do you use?
> --
> I've tried some tests on generated data. As expected, the more schema of 
> individual documents differs from each other, the more performance 
> degradation is observed. But in case of similar or not very different 
> documents (which is yours) Sedna performs satisfactory fast. Hope that we 
> will resolve your performance issue.
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Abakumov
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