On 08/04/16 15:31, Peter Levart wrote:

On 04/08/2016 12:24 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
On 7 Apr 2016, at 19:14, Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> wrote:

Enough technical debt has been paid down that we can now create the new
JDK-specific module as proposed by JEP 260 [1], named jdk.unsupported.
This module will initially contain, and export, the sun.misc package,
and will eventually export the sun.reflect package too ( once it has
been sanitized ). The jdk.unsupported module will be present in full JRE
and JDK images.

And in the modular world it’s necessary to explicitly declare a
requirement on idk.unsupported.

Will jdk.unsupported be "required public" by java.se?

No.  Since jdk.unsupported will be in the JDK and JRE images,
and it exports sun.misc, then it will be available ( see below ).

>  Will you have to
explicitly -addmodule jdk.unsupported for class-path programs too?

Applications running on the class path will be able to access
sun.misc without any command line flags, since it is exported.

Modular applications, if they wish to use sun.misc, will have to
'require jdk.unsupported'.


Regards, Peter



An important milestone.


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