This change has been pushed to jdk9/dev. The hotspot gatekeeper
will bring it down into the hotspot forests.


> On 7 Apr 2016, at 18:14, Chris Hegarty <> wrote:
> Enough technical debt has been paid down that we can now create the new
> JDK-specific module as proposed by JEP 260 [1], named jdk.unsupported.
> This module will initially contain, and export, the sun.misc package,
> and will eventually export the sun.reflect package too ( once it has
> been sanitized ). The jdk.unsupported module will be present in full JRE
> and JDK images.
> Summary of the changes:
> - Restructure, what remains of, the sources in sun/misc to reflect the
> new modular layout. There are still a few non-Critical APIs in sun.misc
> that will be addressed later.
> - Add dependencies from several JDK modules to jdk.unsupported. All
> dependencies have issues tracking them, and should be removed in 9.
> - The test library in the top-level repo provides a convenience to
> tests to retrieve Unsafe. This has been updated to the "real" internal
> Unsafe, so there are many many tests that require to be updated, mostly
> the @modules tags. ( The Unsafe dependency in the library should
> probably be revisited at some point, as it requires many tests, not
> wishing to use Unsafe, to require an explicit dependency on it )
>   Note: with recent work from Mikael [2], sun.misc.Unsafe is now just a
>   delegate for the "real" internal Unsafe, so it is time to move the
>   tests to use it directly.
> - Cleanup any tests unnecessarily/incorrectly declaring a dependency
> on sun.misc ( this could have been unnecessarily added, been refactored
> out at one point, or the library upon which the tests depends refactored,
> that the dependency is no longer required ). I'm sure further cleanup
> could be done, but this is sufficient for now.
> - A small number of test in hotspot/test/compiler/unsafe, which are
> generated, have been updated, along with the generation script, to
> depend on jdk.unsupported/sun.misc ( they explicitly test the sun.misc
> version )
> All 'core', 'pit', and 'hotspot' testsets have been successfully run on
> Mac, Linux, Windows, and Solaris.
> -Chris.
> [1]
> [2]

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