On 08/04/16 03:52, Mandy Chung wrote:

On Apr 7, 2016, at 10:14 AM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> wrote:

Enough technical debt has been paid down that we can now create the new
JDK-specific module as proposed by JEP 260 [1], named jdk.unsupported.
This module will initially contain, and export, the sun.misc package,
and will eventually export the sun.reflect package too ( once it has
been sanitized ). The jdk.unsupported module will be present in full JRE
and JDK images.


I’m glad to see jdk.unsupported module be created.

jdeps tests are intended to test references to sun.misc and flagged as internal 
API. The jdeps test changes should be reverted.

It’s exported to allow existing applications to continue to run on JDK 9 while 
sun.misc and other critical internal APIs remains to be internal APIs.  jdeps 
-jdkinternals should flag them and get developers’ attention to prepare to 
migrate when the replacements are available.

I moved the tests from a directory named 'jdk.unsupported' to
unsupported', as other tests, in test/tools/jdeps/module, use
test/tools/jdeps as a test library, and the directory/test lib
name is conflicting with the module name. jtreg fails immediately.
The updates I made check that jdeps identifies both jdk.internal.misc
and sun.misc Unsafe as internal APIs.

Other than that, looks good.

Thanks for the Review.

There are so many tests that have @modules java.base sun/misc but unused.  It’s 
good that you clean that up.   I agree with Alan that JDK modules depending on 
jdk.unsupported should get the priority to get eliminated by FC.

I bumped the priority, and target the issues to 9.


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