
Hmm, Python.

Well as for STRUTS, every time I am forced to work on some application that uses
STRUTS, I get frustrated.  I want to to rewrite STRUTS.  IMO, it way too much
overhead for what you get out of it.

I think the reason that STRUTS is used by some is the developer does not know
how to write a MVC II  application.

Just go out and study MVC II and do you app.  Be done with it.


Your app. will be better performing, easier to maintain, easier to move between
Unix OSs, less worry about JDK versions, less worry about XML parser versions,
less worry about Servlet Container issues.

Please believe me, I am not puffing.  I moved my applications to
many different platforms and I never have any problem.

We have discussions on an academic level, and this is good.  We get better
and better software systems, thus so.  But for the guy who is implementing
Business Models in a corporate production environment, the needs are

I am happy to see some old familiar names.  Boy!... are you guys getting
old. ;>)

Sans adieu,
Danny Rubis

Nic Ferrier wrote:
Spring is dead, too.  JSF is the future.

Java is dead. Python is the future.


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