On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 02:26:35PM +0530, Himanshu Joshi wrote:
>      I suspect you probably want to use inst_sge to configure the node as an
>      execd as well.
>    Is there any documentation available for doing that because I do not have
>    any idea how to do it
If you are just making the initial qmaster into an execution host as well
then changing to $SGE_ROOT and running ./install_execd should do it.

Make sure you have SGE_ROOT set correctly first (see below)

>    And I tried some computations with the current setup but some of the
>    errors were
>    Error: which: no qconf in (/usr/local......    ....   )
>    Warning SGE_ROOT environment variable is set but Grid Engine software is
>    not found, will run locally
If you installed Dave's packages then they install into /opt/sge by default so 
set the 
SGE_ROOT environment variable to point to that.

sourcing /opt/sge/default/common/seetings.sh should set up the enironment.

>    And there is no folder gridengine in usr/share/doc
>    Thus it indicates the software is not at all installed
Dave's packages are designed to be installed under /opt and don't
stick things into /usr/share/doc.


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