Heh, that's why you should always choose something NON moveable for your corner 
or braking markers. I've heard that one done to people before. 
> Date: 2005/06/22 Wed AM 09:13:47 EDT
> To: <shelby-dodge@imagicomm.com>,  "Betty Ann Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: SD> Ultimate Dodge Website Update.
> The story is that someone moved the cone the driver used as his slow down 
> point. It was moved down track by a large distance. Enough that when the 
> driver saw the cone to slow down, he couldnt slow down enough to make the 
> track exit. He still tried ot make the track exit, missed it and wrecked. 
> clay
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> >
> >I think there is a little more to the story about the Challenger pacing the
> >Indy 500, IIRC I think it hit the pit wall due to having better accelaration
> >performance than braking ability!!
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