From: Tom Eastep <teas...@shorewall.net>
> Unfortunately, the FW2 configuration has the same shortcoming as did FW1
> - namely, that there are DROP policies that don't log. So it isn't
> possible to see what is being dropped and I was unable to come to any
> conclusion...


I set up a trimmed-down shorewall system today in order to find the root cause 
of my woes.

I'm attaching 3 files (on Google Drive, actually):

- shorewall dump while pinging,,, from "lan" host with IP addr.
- kernel messages as the shorewall dump did NOT grab the full data for some 
reason (ie. the dump was done at 07:24 with counters reset at 07:22, but oddly 
it did not include syslog messages before 07:24)
- the full shorewall config files (in the hope you see something I oversaw)


I'm interested in lan-wan communication for now.
$FW-wan is OK.
lan-wan does not work.
All the pings from listed above FAIL except to 
which is one of the IP addresses of this shorewall system ($FW).

I'm logging everything, even ACCEPTs, but I don't see anything being dropped 
regarding the failing pings.
I only see "lan-wan ACCEPT" messages for my ICMP tests.

I don't think the issue is with the other shorewall gateway at 
because replacing this failing shorewall system with the old one restores all 
traffic as expected. However, if you require a dump of the other gateway as 
well then please let me know.
I'm also sending a link to the dump taken on the "old" shorewall system while 
doing the same ping tests:


Of course, the "rules" are more comlpex than on the failing system, but some 
settings are identical (eg. interfaces).
So now I'm trying to find the diffs between the old/working shorewall system 
and the new/failing one (you might not see all ACCEPT kernel messages for the 
same reason described previously, but all's working with the old FW).

Any ideas?


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