
On Wed, 01 May 2002 06:14:14 +0200 (CEST), Udo Schelp wrote:
>After having some mail with Adrian Gschwend he asked me for leading this project 

Welcome on the list, good to see somebody taking charge.

> ( ??projectname ??) 

OpenSybil for now.

>1) Environment:
>- there must be an entry for this project on netlabs.org --- Adrian answered he 
> will do it...

This is very important, without CVS access the project will probably die soon again. 
Besides that being on the Netlabs site would attract alot of attention and potential 
developers. With the "OS/2 is dead" rethorics a Delphi-like (and compatible?) RAD 
might have a very positive effect in the community and attract some Windows 
shareware developers to port their Delphi programs to OS/2. This is very attractive 
right now, because Linux is no option for shareware developers and Microsoft is 
making it hard for them too (e.g. integrating CD writing capabilities in XP, etc.) and 
is still alive. Sorry, I am somewhat OS/2 biased ;).

Personally I am using Pascal (/Modula-2 and sometimes C/C++) for my own small 
projects, so I do not have enough knowledge to port spcc to fpc or something like 
But I guess the OpenSibyl project also needs documentation writers and people 
advocating it;).

>2) Tools, compiler....

I mentioned this earlier, but you were probably not on the list yet, it might be 
useful to 
ask the ex-Sybil developers if they want to opensource the compiler sources too. The 
compiler is not the most efficient Pascal compiler around, but if we can get the 
we have two good new options:

a. Keep using the Sybil compiler and optimize it. IMHO this is a very good option, 
it already is multiplatform (OS/2, Windows, Linux) and the project could rather focus 
optimizing the compiler and making the class libraries/ide compatible with the latest 
Delphi release instead of having to start all over again.

b. Use the old Sybil compiler as an interim enviroment before the port to FPC is 
completed. Many people probably want to get their hands on Sybil, but most vendors 
can't sell them Sybil because it is not produced anymore. (I asked Mensys, they were 
out of copies some time ago and right now Sybil isn't listed anymore).

>I hope everyone can read my ugly english and we can start soo...

It is not that bad;)

With kind regards,
Daniel de Kok

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