On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 17:52:22 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> > What were the exact license conditions 
>> > for the original Sibyl sources (as set by the former SpeedSoft
>> > owner)? I'm asking so, because I know he made the sources available
>> > for download, but I have never seen any document describing the
>> > legal status of these sources.
>> This if for the IDE part. I don't know about the RTL and other
>> components...
> RTL and components are very important as well, however. If the IDE 
>is under GPL, it's absolutely fine. However, it would be bad having a 
>compiler product that can only compile GPLed products (I don't have 
>any problem with that myself, but it would severly limit potential 
>users of such product); therefore RTL should fall under some more 
>relaxed license, making it possible to create commercial and closed 
>source applications as well.
Well. All other parts is LGPLed. So any commercial or closed source project can easily 
link and use RTL/SPCC.

> Anyway - I've downloaded the sources from CVS now. If the original 
>sources were already packed together with "copying" and "copying.lib" 
No. Copying[.lib] is my addition.

> and all source files have the header from SpeedSoft header 
>mentioning the [L]GPL status,
All SpeedSoft header is original. No any changes/additions/modifications or something 

> the status should be probably clear. It 
>would be still better to get a confirmation from SpeedSoft people for 
>putting the RTL files under the FPC modified LGPL license, so that we 
>can directly include them (or their parts) into FPC RTL.
I consider FPC's modification to LGPL is overhead. LGPL allows link object files or 
use dynamic linking.

> Another question - what we really have now? I suspect this is 
>probably clear to all other mailing list members, but I've just 
>joined this list (as a FPC OS/2 port maintainer). A full-featured IDE 
>with an integrated compiler, (dis-)assembler and debugger (I can see 
>things like "compiler.pas", "dasm.pas", "dbg*.pas", etc., in /svde)? 
We have RTL (os2 & windows {not commited}), SPCC, and SVDE (IDE). We doesn't have 
compiler/debugger. compiler.pas/spc25.pas uses spdll25.dll where real 
compiler placed. Same for debugger. 

>Yuri wrote something about missing compiler sources - does this only 
>apply to a standalone compiler?
Standalone compiler (spc25.pas) and integrated compiler (compiler.pas) uses 
spdll25.dll (real compiler). We don't have spdll25 sources.

We are using original compiler from speedsoft sibyl 3 fix 4 for first time until 
porting will be finished.

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