On Sun, 7 Jul 2002 17:40:03 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> > ??? What do you mean with this? Have you tried to compile e.g. 
>> >basicpm.pas with -WG?
>> Grr... In docs no any info (this option documented as win32 target).
> Sorry, you're right. :-( But at least ppc386.exe without parameters 
>shows you an equivalent switch -Dw with a proper comment.
Unfortunately not clear. 

> Anyway, I 
>wanted to have this common for OS/2 and Win32, that's why I added 
>support for both -WG and {$APPTYPE GUI}directive (and added the 
>missing {$APPTYPE FS}) under OS/2 as well. I'll probably remove -Dw 
>from FPC 1.1 altogether. But it should be documented, that's clear.

>> >> ??? You using doscalls/pmwin like stuff but don't want use other
>> >> standard things? Strange....
>> > DosCalls / PMWin are _system_ libraries, not C compiler libraries!
>> I consider any library is system if distributed with OS.
> I (and the other FPC core team members) don't. DosCalls and PMWin 
>form parts of the OS/2 API. Libc doesn't. Some libc is distributed on 
>almost all platforms nowadays, but that doesn't change anything on 
>the fact it still isn't a system library. You can have several libc 
>versions running on top of one system (in the case of OS/2 there's 
>EMX, VACPP, Watcom, Borland, ...).
Yes, I can. But such libcs not part of os. In our case libc is a part of standard 
distribution and I don't see any logical problems (instead of system independed 
implementation of routines) with usage of such libs 

>> >> Wait, wait... I don't talk about emxlibc. I'm about native libc.
>> > ??? Which "native" one do you mean? Libc from VAC++?
>> LIBCM/LIBCS in os2/dll.
> OK, I see. I wasn't aware of these, but that doesn't change much 
>anyway - they are still nothing more then (modified) VACPP library 
>files distributed together with OS/2. In addition to what I wrote 
>above, these files aren't available on OS/2 Warp 3.0 at all as you 
>noted yourself. 
Well. Warp 3 not so widely used. And bacause I added condition instead of direct 
implementation of libc calls.

>BTW, how much code would you really save if using 
At least strings operations (val/str/trim etc), random/randomize, threads control, 
file operations, regexps, lot of mathematic functions, date/time, stream io, memoru 
operations and few other. This is at least strings/sysutils/math units. It is hard to 
predict saved space. May be not so much.

>Do you think it's really worth the trouble with creating and maintaining two versions 
>of RTL functions?
I think, no. And this is interesting for me. Also allows easely port C programs.

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