Dear all

I am getting this error while running the transiesta code.
I do not know what the error means.
any help will be really appreciated.


siesta:  384  -107619.3010  -107619.3010  -107619.3010  0.0004 -3.4348
siesta:  385  -107619.3011  -107619.3011  -107619.3011  0.0004 -3.4348
siesta:  386  -107619.3012  -107619.3011  -107619.3011  0.0003 -3.4347

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7FD48F550E08
#1  0x7FD48F54FF90
#2  0x7FD48EC824AF
#3  0x43152C in diagk_ at diagk.F:364
#4  0x421CF4 in diagon_ at diagon.F:305
#5  0x4BCD85 in __m_compute_dm_MOD_compute_dm at compute_dm.F:60
#6  0x4D2C81 in __m_siesta_forces_MOD_siesta_forces at siesta_forces.F:94
#7  0x404ED9 in siesta at siesta.F:23
#8  0x7FD48EC6D82F
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 2582 on node linuxfarzadi
exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

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