Dear sir,

I'm using siesta code to investigate the effect of doping on bandstructure
and PDOS of the crystal of tin oxide with tetragonal unitcell. I made a
2*2*2 supercell of it, and replaced one O atom with my dopant.
1. After doping should I find optimized lattice constant or optimized
lattice constant of pure structure is acceptable?
2. after doping how can I measure the increasment or decreasment of the
structure volume?
2. I plot diagram of Pdos of pure tinoxide with 48 atoms, and I want to
shift top of the valance band to zero. But the quantity of energy read from
the filename.eig file (5.0578) is different from the value in the diagram
of pdos( about 0.6). Why?
2. For shifting the diagram of doped tinoxide, howmuch Should I shift it?
As much as pure tinoxide read from the filename.eig or from the
filename.eig of doped tinoxide?

Yours sincerely

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