
Look for line 23 in the source of siesta.F, the traceback says
the problem starts there. You'll get an idea of what the program
was doing.

"Segmentation fault" is too generic an error to say anything precise,
wrong data or-what-not might be a possible cause.



On 05/09/2017 03:01 AM, Farzaneh Farzadi wrote:
Dear users

Upon the siesta running, I got the following error:

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory

Backtrace for this error:
#0Â  0x7F3B125C2E08
#1Â  0x7F3B125C1F90
#2Â  0x7F3B11CF449F
#3Â  0x42FD98 in diagg_ at diagg.F:252
#4Â  0x421B76 in diagon_ at diagon.F:262
#5Â  0x4BBA80 in __m_compute_dm_MOD_compute_dm at compute_dm.F:60
#6Â  0x4D063D in __m_siesta_forces_MOD_siesta_forces at siesta_forces.F:80
#7Â  0x404D09 in siesta at siesta.F:23
#8Â  0x7F3B11CDF82F

what should i do?

any help will be appreciated
best regards

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