On Thu, Jul 01, 2021 at 07:12:45PM +0100, John wrote:
> A previous version of the fluke-45 driver did check for the echo
> as you noticed. But did so in an inappropriate location, where a
> workaround for one rarely used device kept breaking several other
> people's more popular devices. That's why the test got disabled,
> and recently was removed. The available information at the time
> strongly suggested that automatic detection would not be
> possible. Would be nice if we could have the best of all: other
> devices unaffected,_and_  reliable operation for the fluke-45
> device,_and_  helpful diagnostics to users when a known fatal
> condition is seen. Can we get there, please?

The current architecture of libsigrok makes this difficult at the
moment. Please see the following bugzilla entry for some previous
thoughts on this:



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