I've had some input to the Kingst LA1016/LA2016 driver. They use the same hardware and I reverse engineered the schematic for them, it's on the sigrok wiki.

Peter - the LA1016 is supported in current builds, you shouldn't need to build anything yourself, unless you want to.

John - the LA1010 is very different hardware, using Xilinx FPGA instead of the Altera in the LA1016/LA2016. It would likely require a different driver, although the existing Kingst driver may serve as a starting point. If you want to reverse engineer the LA1010 protocol, you could start with WireShark to log the USB data transactions, perhaps compare to the LA1016/LA2016 driver code to see what's different. It would be much easier to purchase an LA1016 though :-)



On 2023-01-30 02:32, Peter Stevens wrote:

Interesting, I looked into this about a year ago because I have a kingst la1016 but never got the building environment working. Is it building easily now for windows or linux?

On Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 10:26 PM John D'Ausilio <j...@sort.net> wrote:

Looking back through the archives, I see that nobody had hardware for
testing LA1010.
I have one, which I'd like to see working .. and I'm a retired C
developer with plenty of spare time :)

I've been working my way through the kingst driver trying to figure
out what's going on. I've managed to get libsigrok building
from git and I'm using sigrok-cli to test. It looks like it loads the
firmware OK, but is having issues talking to the FPGA?

I've attached spew output from sigrok-cli -l 5 --scan, along with
usbmon output to match (which I'm still trying to figure out)

john d
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