On 21-Nov-07, at 7:37 PM, Bharath Chari wrote:

ps : Nothing against blackberries, but haven't missed one since I got the E61 - plus I get to load all my apps on it - putty, vnc and even an apache web server, running python via the raccoon project :-). http://chari.at.openlaboratory.net/

What VNC would that be? Link please?

Incidentally, my E61i is bricked thanks to a failed firmware upgrade. Gone for fifteen days to the service centre, mostly I suspect being parcelled around from place to place looking for someone with a clue.

My new interim phone is a Nokia 1200, the cheapest phone the shop had, and it confirms something long suspected: T9 is actually a superior interface to QWERTY thumbpads as long as one's vocabulary is limited to the standard dictionary. I also figured why it's faster: with T9, both thumbs have access to the full keypad, allowing me to use each in turn while the other lines up for the next keypress. I can't do that with a messagepad.


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