va wrote:
On 2/27/08, divya manian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had ok-ok teachers of Carnatic music and, as you all mention, was
"forced" to learn singing and dancing for a while. I then started
learning to play the Veena, but stopped it in time for my X standard

I started after class X and stopped Veena class within 2-3 months**
when the teacher threatened to giveup teaching it if I stepped into
her class again.

** Unlike others I never had a Veena to practice lessons at home.

course, loved the maths that was so intricately a part of Carnatic

yep, try asking them and you will get an irritated "trouble-maker"
look thrown your way.

I heard people are nowadays learning carnatic music online through
teachers who are teaching them through the voice chat, sitting in
Chennai and students who reside in the US.

Actually one Vidwan under whom I wanted to learn was conducting online
classes for students in India while living in the USA for nine months
of a year.
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Madhu M Kurup /* Nemo Me Impune Lacessit */ mmk222 at cornell dt edu

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