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From: Balarama Varanasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 April 2008 12:45:16 PM GMT+05:30
Subject: Re: [BCB] The lesser known aspects of kAmasutra and panchatantra

Hi friends:

Important thing about Kama Sutra, other than being a treatise on human sexuality is that it is snapshot from the Knowledge Society, when India was the most developed nation on the planet, when all countries looked up to India with much owe compared to how we look at America now. As couple of friends have shown interst, I am copying the four-page text I have sent earlier as an attachment into the email itself.
 Demystifying Cultural Wisdom of Ancient India

Importance of Kama Sutra, which has nothing to do with sex at all, is that it is an Application Area of an ancient Global Standard on Concurrent Program Management. This aspect demystifies everything about ancient India - lesser known aspects of Vedas, Sastras, Sutras, Manusmrithi, Ramayana, Mahabharatha, and Kama Sutra, and the Indian Caste System.

Remember that we study that an ancient Indian Universities at Nalanda, etc., were destroyed. It is not a University, which was destroyed but Standardization Institute. Ancient Indian Grama is not a village. Ancient India prior to the Colonial Power wasn’t rigid feudal society, which depended on the repression of the underprivileged, as it is in the case of Western Racial Discrimination. Colonial Power recorded as four thousand castes. Instead it was a vibrant knowledge society with thousand Professional Services Exchanges, which shared the Standardization.

You need to understand how Professional Services Exchange (PSE) works. Each Grama was a PSE. The Purpose of a PSE is to democratize knowledge and services – making Professional Development Courses, and Professional Services available and affordable through. This is done through Service-Credit system, which empowers you to earn Service Credits by offering Standardized Services to any Service Aspirant, which you can redeem to obtain other Standardized Services.

India still has the limitation that 1600 engineering colleges and 400 management colleges of India just produce workers- no fair chance for these professionals to become innovators and entrepreneurs. This can be overcome if we understand how Knowledge Society of ancient India worked.

If we understand this intuition of PSE, immediately before Jan 26, 2008 we would be able to roll out Virtual Technology Incubator, which gives a fair chance to become innovators and entrepreneurs to all 500,000 engineering graduates and 100,000 management graduates every year. Regulatory regime of India committed serious mistake by allowing the opportunity to become Innovator and entrepreneur only to the students of the few premiere colleges. Most of these graduates are being absorbed as intrapreneurs and employees of MNCs.

In Sanskrit, Kama Sutra means Structured Approach to realize a defined Objective, Human Sexuality being just one Application Area, and the Structured Approach being Concurrent Program Management. I will give you notes on Concurrent Program Management, explained with respect to a contemporary Global Standard in Project Management published by Project Management Institute, USA.

I am not interested in researching Kama Sutra, because of the side- effects :-) But those of you, who wish to, should buy yourself Sanskrit equivalent of thesaurus known as Amarakosa. You take the Body of Knowledge on Concurrent Program Management and how PSE works, which I can give you. You will find one Interpretation, which empowers you to visualize how PSE of ancient India worked, where Kama Sutra as we know today is one Professional Development Course. The Product has the signature of the process through which it was reconciled. Be warned of the side effects and keep away if you don’t have a healthy relationship and a dynamic/supportive partner :- )

Researchers could get very attached to the combinations of choice of words that indicate it to be a treatise on sexuality. As far as I know, reconstruction of one Interpretation as a Standard on Concurrent Program management requires group effort. This is because we are all products of a society subjected to perversions. The way I believe Kama Sutra was reconciled is as follows. It empowers you bright people to decode it as well as publish the next version :-)

Principles and Practices of Standardization is very boring, tiring, hard work. See the number of people who expressed interest in your session Vs. those who signed up for my session. If I teach PMBOK®, unless the client needs, and you are hired by MNC, I don’t think people would have patience to go through the subtleties. One of the side effects when we democratize Program management principles is that young kids with hormonal gush in their private moments are creating funny misinterpretations to the context of human sexuality.

Only the 1% who researches the analytical process of standardization needs to go through the rigor. If I explain how Concurrent Program Management is performed through cross-validation of Concurrent Project Management and Concurrent Operations Management, except for the 1%, others would be lost.

Emotional arousal enhances human ability to observe and to pay attention to the subtleties. Thus it takes lot of effort to teach the standard and let the other person pay attention to all the subtleties. The bits given by their peers help the stakeholders grasp the subtleties very easily. An Application Area reconciled through the award winning bits given by a large group would become very respectable Professional Development Course on Human Sexuality. So when PSE requires recertification, people prefer to get the necessary Professional Development Units by attending the Professional Development Courses in Application Areas of their choice rather than going through rigorous standards.

That was both the strength and weakness of ancient India. They could democratize Program management Principles to masses with examples from Project Context they could relate to easily. Not many people care if we promise 30% improvement in Productivity of an MNC. But 30% improvement in Stakeholder Satisfaction might make/break modern relationships.

But the weakness was when only few thousand certified Professionals with analytical knowledge on standardization was forced to shut up by the colonial power, and the victims were given money only after projecting the rulers as magnanimous deities and the educated as the selfish. India is still in the state of socio-economic collapse caused by the Colonial Power. It can relieve itself the minute a critical mass of professionals knowledgeable on how it was done can be created.

Why can’t we empower the Academia? Why can’t we empower the Voluntary Sector with contemporary Global Standards? I am sure the government wouldn’t have budget for it, at least if we realize and start building PSE through Voluntary Effort, we can make progress through self-help instead of waiting on the governments which flaunt their right to rule instead of accepting the responsibility to serve before the helpless citizens who are forced to choose among the feudal parties, which don’t have democratic principles instituted within the party itself.

Characteristic of Sanskrit is that each word has multiple meanings. In Sanskrit to English dictionary, colonial power only chose the wrong meanings. Now English dictionaries also have thesaurus. Remember the accusation that one community didn’t teach essential knowledge on how to become innovators that history of ancient India was about repression of women, etc.? You need to know a few things to do balanced research.

I believe that talented graduates of IITs and IIMs understand that every must have core values, and it should publish contemporary operational definition how its activities are leading to the fulfillment of the core values. All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) was formed in 1945, prior to Indian Independence. It was modification of British Educational Model known as McCauley Model of Education, which as a state policy of the colonial power to remove opportunity to become innovators and entrepreneurs for the educated citizens of colonial India.

Regulatory Economy model of Independent India thought that too much of innovation would blow up the feudal system. So they only allowed opportunity for innovation in only handful of premiere institutions. Now let’s visit back the accusation about the cultural wisdom of ancient India that some community denied fair chance to become innovators for others? This is their defect, which they accused on earlier model, and indoctrinated the citizens who aren’t aware of the earlier model believe that the past is also discrimination in order to justify current discrimination.

In ancient Indian approach, opportunity to University Education (to cope up with the limitation of capacity) is given to the few, who were proven in the test of their social aptitude. This is relevant to reservations. Consider the communities fighting that they should have whatever percentage of reservations. With due respect for the communities which believe in the necessity, let’s study the social impact. Defect in the entrance tests of premiere institutions is that emotional intelligence is not tested. Ecosystem supporting Innovation and Entrepreneurship removes the necessity for the reservations, and clears the confusion about the Caste systems- two things at a time.

We should provide necessary orientation and professional opportunity how these professionals can contribute back. PSPI recommends creation of Virtual Forums with Video conferencing and high-speed Internet across all colleges so that the grads of Premiere colleges collaborate with the students of states colleges as team members to address the pressing problems of India instead of just being groomed from day 1 about the luxuries of a career in MNC and the case studies of America. Increase in the fees collected from the students of premiere institutions is a big concern, as it makes them unavailable for the society, for most of the student’ can’t afford the studies without a loan, can’t pay the loan without a job in MNC, and can’t think of developing India, and don’t have time to do so even if they feel the pinch in their heart.

And also there is confusion why competency in Sanskrit is necessary for higher education. We can explain this very easily if you know how Concurrent Program Management works. A standard is a body reconciled through voluntary consensus. Say just like we have different communities fighting for their Perspectives, if you understand how PSE works, there would be existing users for different standardized Services. If you revise/modify, remove Standardized Services of PSE, their interests are affected. Groups fight fanatically if they are cornered without rehabilitation support.

In music, dance, poetry, competitions, the content is developed using the Standardization Principles of Concurrent Program Management. Say we give you 100 constraints, and ask the participants perform without violating those constraints. Those who fail to pay attention to the constraints which were given before hand, are likely to rake up emotional outbursts from other stakeholder groups. It is true that not everybody who succeeds in the knowledge competitions is likely to succeed in devising meaningful Standardized Services. It is also true that people who are affected by a Standardized Service sometimes propose innovative solutions to problems where the graduates of premiere colleges of India failed.

History of India indicates a repeated pattern, where the Knowledge Society is being seized by tyrants, it evolving into a Knowledge Society again, again being seized and so on. PSPI researches on demystifying what’s going on. Most of us know that Sanskrit is best suited to Computers. That is for the beginners, linguists and foreigners. In fact, cultural wisdom of India is a treasure trove of Standardization Principles, Architectures, Program Management Principles, etc.

Service Oriented Architectures and Service Oriented Infrastructure and collaborative forums like BarCamps are hot topics in Web Technologies. PSPI plans to present evidence how ancient Indians successfully used Service Oriented Architectures, and how Ancient Indian Societies were collapsing when the manual implementations of Service Oriented Architectures were manipulated. Interestingly, ancient Indian SOAs can be automated with modern Internet based SOAs, thus removing the error-prone human element in order to empowers India to become a Vibrant Knowledge Society once again and get rid of the confusion about the Caste System.

BarCamp supports exchange of Information. PSE is advanced and supports exchange of Services. But while BarCamp is an existing Product, PSE should be built. But just as Wind Tunnel Data is essential for Rocket Science, ancient Architects left their signature, which can be decoded by modern Information Technology Professionals, with adequate training in how Standards work and modern principles of abstraction, object oriented and service oriented designs, etc.

Let me explain how democratization of knowledge works. Say for example, if I wish to democratize Project Management, we need to devise grades in competencies. If all courses are offered through PSE, most of the participants don’t realize the necessity for higher grade trainings. So the Service Standardization / Customization take place only with lower grade competency, by choice. The services reconciled with higher grade competency fail to have mass appeal.

Even if the communities with higher grade competencies isolate themselves, there is no demand for higher grade Project Management to the context of Service Standardization. However, exploding knowledge requires study of patterns, archival of obsolete Standardized Services, which earlier inspired consensus. Even thought the Service becomes obsolete, elements of it can be combined with other Services to inspire consensus for newer services.

Another element of PSE is data warehousing competency of the society. Again as a Company moves to SMPA-2, SMPA-4, SMPA-8 before moving to MPPA, necessity and sufficiency of a Data Warehousing Architecture is linked to financial commitment. Once architecture is selected, unless migration is justified and resources are approved, society can’t move to upgrade. Certainly a few individuals take advantage of limitations. In addition, citizens’ perception of Identified Process defects depends on their Project Management Competency and the Data Warehousing competency of the Society.

Migration Problems of ancient Indians, which we can minimize the inconvenience through Component Architectures is as follows. Once the higher grade competency people establish the necessity for improving the competency used for Process Standardization, there are still challenges. While the consensus for the Point of necessity of higher competency is inspired, there is a challenge of customizing the body of knowledge of higher grade competency being used to the context of archiving obsolete services to the context of standardization of new services.

This inspires consensus for regulatory regime for the transition period. We have a mess with one group preferring standardization with lower competency, one with higher competency and yet another one insisting on cross-validation of two, yet another insisting the cross-validation of prior three, yet another seeking cross- validation of prior four, etc. To survive this chaos, knowledge societies engage the services of people who lack Project Management Competency, to archive the behavioral knowledge. Mythology and Kama Sutra are highly resilient; they survive, while the standardization institutes face economic sanctions by regulatory regimes.

Sanathana Dharma is a truce negotiated with the plea that obsolete knowledge would be communicated as cultural heritage. But once the society understands Service Oriented Architectures, they overcome the limitations causing the failure of previous PSE. Representative democracy is the regulatory regime. Representative Democracy that accepts the responsibility to make Services available and affordable through funding for Autonomous Standardization Institutes solves the Problem. By the way Rajya does not mean monarchy but statutory authority through which standards are published. India can’t afford to keep President and Government roles as substitutes for honorary roles of Monarchs, and making Rajyasabha subservient to political parities. Another wave of liberalization is due where Professionals liberalize the Academia and the Voluntary Sector. Dharma is about giving a fair chance for everybody to become Innovators and entrepreneurs. It requires comprehension of Concurrent
Program management and Processes of PSE. Enough said.

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