On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 08:59 -0700, Thaths wrote:
> Barring evidence to the contrary, my reading of the situation is that
> Tea Beedi is trolling and basking in the attention and is busy making
> profound academic social observations.

tea beedi sounds like an attempt to make a cool indian neoist name [1].
a neoist may be quite alright on silk, actually. but perhaps not on

in the picture, dinesh / prashant with scruffy beard and
perhaps-ponytail certainly looks like a candidate for performance art;
perhaps the ponytail and beard are shared too, so that we will never
know. we will remain greatly confused and perhaps questioning of notions
of identity. then again, perhaps not.

anyhow, Q [2] was a great book. and only mediaevalist, though the
authors were neoists.


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoism
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_%28novel%29

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