On 16-Apr-08, at 9:29 PM, Thaths wrote:

Barring evidence to the contrary, my reading of the situation is that
Tea Beedi is trolling and basking in the attention and is busy making
profound academic social observations.

Nothing to see under this bridge, folks. Just your garden variety troll.

Knowing Dinesh as I do, I think this is a very unfair reading.

Dinesh makes his home available to friends and visitors passing through Bangalore. Any random evening there will see a rather interesting line-up around the dinner table -- of both genders.

It is not entirely inconceivable that the same philosophy extends to sharing a mail account with not-particularly-technophile friends who want to dip into a list without committing to it.

I don't see why he should be answerable for this any more than anyone should be for their social life.

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