On 26-Apr-08, at 6:24 AM, Deepa Mohan wrote:

So...you techies...tell me....what IS so evil about this top posting

The context also matters, Deepa.

Top posting on a mailing list is bad, because it wastes bandwidth (a lot of us spend time on near-dialup quality links over GPRS and CDMA) and makes it harder to relate your message to the quoted text.

Top posting in one-on-one email, on the other hand, is GOOD because it makes it easy to introduce a third person to the conversation without having to explain context to them.

This is why most email clients encourage you to top-post. It is the norm for most email users and often mandatory business practice, where non-top posting tends to confuse users who expect email to build up in reverse chronology.

Reverse chronology, notably, is also the norm for blogs. It's the sort order we've come to expect from our information flows -- the most recent, up-to-date bit is right up front, everything else is some scrolling away. If you've just been introduced to the discussion, you start at the latest and scroll back into the past until it starts making sense.

Easy rule of thumb: top-post everywhere except on a mailing list that houses cranky old timers.

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