On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 8:46 PM, Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ss wrote, [on 5/2/2008 8:35 PM]:
> > But the opposite is not happening to a very great extent - i.e. Indians
> learning Chinese.
> >
>  There's always a problem with generalizing from a small sample[1].

Udhay, I agree with you in principle, but in this case the sample size
isn't small. See,


and various other Indian language radio stations run out of China.
There is a thriving study and practice of Indian languages in China. I
would readily believe the claim that Chinese are more advanced in
their understanding of Indian languages than the other way round.

Hell, India can't even get its spies trained in Chinese at home by
trustworthy Indians.


Can you imagine the CIA training its male cadre in Russian by hiring
women in Moscow?


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