On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Kiran Jonnalagadda<j...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I figured the only way to remain sane was by joining the mainstream and
> leading an unhurried life.
> If this puts me in the category of those people who are mysteriously of
> lower productivity when in India, so be it. The price of added productivity
> is not worth it. I'd rather be unhurried and focus on doing something
> meaningful.

Sorry for flogging a dead horse, but I do want to add my rant about
India. I left India at 16 and do not get to experience the day to day
troubles of living in India. But it amazes me that living in India can
be summed up in a slogan: "adjust please".

My parents are middle-aged and taking care of my grand mother who can
hardly walk. With the searing heat in Chennai, there are constant
power cuts and voltage fluctuations. So the fridge stops working.
Electrician, does not come immediately, but comes when he "pleases".
There is no competition but just one or two electricians covering a
beat. He "fixes" it but the voltage stabilizer he has installed does
not work after he leaves. So he comes back, in his own sweet time, and
fixes it AGAIN.

The Cable TV randomly shows channels as and when they want to show. My
dad wanted to see the T20, and the channels go missing. Calls go
unanswered. Then after 4 days of repeated calls, someone deigns to
come to my place and fix the cable TV.

Every freaking electricity connection is "loose". Move the computer /
mixie / coffee maker / TV a little bit and the power goes off on that
machine. My sister-in-law bought an iMac and it has the same blasted
loose connection.

People are never on time - or never bother to inform if they are
coming or not. Nobody says "No" or even "Yes". I had so much trouble
managing one of the employees of an outsourcing outfits. He seemed to
understand, but never did what was asked. But, it seems to be the case
otherwise. My sister-n-law seems to have the same problem interacting
with ppl at her work place. One guy (an "experienced" senior) who was
fired seems to be hell bent on making her resign from her job (she did
resign eventually, but for different reasons).

I know it is not a problem in India alone. But this has been my
experience in India. I doubt if I can get even 10% of the usual stuff
I get done here, in India. I don't really look forward to living in
India but I would have to at some point in the future to take care of
my parents.


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