On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 12:24 AM, ss<cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The problem for me is that I have no "real" grinder. Putting the beans in a 
> mixer/blender "dry grinder" attachment results in a powder of variable 
> particle size distinctly unsuited for anything other than an inefficient 
> gravity powered coffee filter.

Yeah, a good grinder is absolutely key. Sunbeam makes a relatively
inexpensive one - in Australia.

> Incidentally the "Neapolitan" coffee maker was great until electric espresso 
> makers became available. But it is slow and labor intesnsive.

> These were even better. Fast - and required less labor (except for cleaning)

"Moka pot" yeah, I used to love them in college.

> https://www.kingsofhagley.co.uk/images/ITAL12CUP_MAIN.jpg
> But this is all I ever use nowadays
> http://shopping.zeenews.com/v1/product_images/kcc07_large.jpg

That's not an espresso machine, this is an espresso machine.


[Dual temperature controlled boilers, E61 group head, steam and main
boiler pressure gauges, blah blah blah

But the only filter coffee grounds I can get here are pre ground, and
have something like 40% chicory. Fortunately I can add my own ground
espresso to taste. At least I can GET filter coffee powder here in

-- Charles

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