Ramakrishnan Sundaram [26/08/09 08:54 +0530]:
2009/8/26 Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com>

as that evening is one of the functions I'm
coming into town for.

I'm fascinated by this usage; I've only seen it in Indian English.

Any ideas on how "function" came to mean "event"?

It may be "a function" as in "a do".

The flyertalkers call it a do, when they pig out and drink themselves
silly, all the while talking about mistake fares, how to score upgrades..

Silklisters call it a silkmeet or a foucamp.

Traditional Iyer maamas - like this new persona of Udhay we increasingly
see after he got hitched - call it a function. Elai saapadu, vethalai
paaku, gossip etc.

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