On 11/3/09 1:36 AM, "Deepa Mohan" <mohande...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Divya, what you could do is to go to Malar hospital and ask to talk to the
> nurses and get some leads. Well...you probably have already done this, but
> your mother will have to put up with a full-time live-in help.The visiting
> sort are just NOT reliable enough, as you have found.

Thanks! Ah, I guess my mom is not trusting enough to put up with a full-time
live-in help. But I will try to convince her.
> Otherwise, you might have to go to Kerala to get one of the Kottayam nurses,
> or get a nursing attendant from one of the smaller hospitals. Not a great
> solution, but at least your mother will be able to cope.
U mean as a full-time nurse? Interesting, you mean we can do that by just
walking into hospitals and talking to nurses?

> Getting a woman to help out is that much more difficult....
Yeah, so it seems like! The ones who do the visiting behave like we are
obligated to them and are completely unprofessional.

> Let me know how things shape up. Believe me, I am very concerned for you.

Thanks, you have given me great suggestions I can try! Will let you know how
it went.


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