--- On Tue, 23/3/10, Shoba Narayan <narayan.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Shoba Narayan <narayan.sh...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [silk] For the Arundhati Roy haters out there
> To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
> Date: Tuesday, 23 March, 2010, 11:04
> I LOVED God of Small Things.  It
> was magically written and beautifully crafted.  As a
> piece of fiction, it is quite wonderful.
> Re: what Roy did post her Booker-fame is the object of much
> of this discussion, it seems like.  A lot of people
> hate her polemics and I have no argument with that. 
> But if you are a writer who has only one book in you and if
> that book so happens to be a global bestseller and a
> critics' darling, you have two options of what to do with
> your fame: you can do a Salinger and live like a hermit in
> New Hampshire.  Or you can turn activist.  I would
> choose the latter.  I may not agree with all of Roy's
> politics but at least she has decided to "use" her fame for
> some cause (misguided or not-- and as it happens, I don't
> find her causes misguided either).
> So, all you Arundhati Roy haters can go stuff
> yourselves....
> How's that for a spirited response? :)
> Shoba

How's that? As stuff goes, great stuff.

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