Some more background on the commercialization of butanol (and assorted
isomers) here [1]



Researchers Produce Gasoline-Like Fuel Directly From Switchgrass, Corn
BY Ariel Schwartz

A big breakthrough in the race for better biofuels was announced this
week from the U.S. Department of Energy, where the department's
BioEnergy Science Center figured out how to produce isobutanol, a
gasoline-like fuel, directly from cellulose (i.e. corn stalks and

A team led by James Liao of the University of California at Los Angeles
discovered that a genetically engineered microbe (Clostridium
cellulolyticum) can convert cellulose into isobutanol, which is a higher
grade of alcohol than ethanol. This marks the first time that cellulose
has been converted into the substance.

"Unlike ethanol, isobutanol can be blended at any ratio with gasoline
and should eliminate the need for dedicated infrastructure in tanks or
vehicles," said Liao in a statement. "Plus, it may be possible to use
isobutanol directly in current engines without modification." Isobutanol
could, in other words, dilute some of the sticker shock of rising
gasoline prices.

There is still a long way before the DOE's technology hits gas stations;
the study was just a proof of concept. But the DOE isn't the only
organization working on butanol. Scientists at the University of
California at Berkeley are using E.Coli to convert sugar into n-butanol.
So far, they have managed to squeeze out 15 grams per liter from sugar
using the microbe.  That research is also in the beginning stages.

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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