On Feb 16, 2012, at 11:37 PM, ss wrote:

> Well your worry about the cat will last only so long as it takes for you to 
> discover what other "non human" entity has had an influence on humans.

I don't give two fucks about any cat. We've never owned one, my wife is 
allergic, and we've always been a dog family.  Cats do not concern me. 
Toxoplasmosis does, especially congenital toxoplasmosis.

My son has nearly died about ten times. He has hydrocephalus, a seizure 
disorder (all kinds); he's had emergency brain surgery, has severe visual 
impairment, cognitive impairment, sensory impairment, poor coordination and a 
weak immune system. He has suffered a lifetime of virtual friendlessness and 
ostracism. He has been tormented by psychosis. He has been ridiculed and 
shunned. His life expectancy is short. What little vision he has will be gone 
soon. He has been the subject of medical incompetence and malpractice and 
caring for him has driven my family into bankruptcy and stress pretty much 
beyond my ability to describe, perhaps beyond your ability to comprehend. 

With that background, may I ask how old you are and by what lights you presume 
to tell me what I do or don't know about what other non human influences may 
have had an influence on my son or any other human? Also do you suffer from any 
chronic, incurable debilitating diseases? Do you believe in disease, or do you 
think that too is a silly concept? Do you believe in sanitation?

I only offered my note to any on the Silklist who might be interested in my 
extensive first hand experience. Having or caring for someone afflicted by 
toxoplasmosis can be hellish, and I like to help people who are touched by toxo 

I certainly have no interest in cute sophistries about the arbitrariness of 
norms for what constitutes being human. I do like to talk about such things, 
but generally at a post-kindergarten level.

Kind regards,


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