Unamas is a great restaurant - do check out their beans bowl without the
burrito - spicy but worth giving it a shot!
On Oct 21, 2015 6:14 AM, "Thaths" <tha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Inspired by the biography of M.N.Roy for the last couple of years I've been
> thinking of Indo-Mexican cuisine's possibilities. There are a handful
> <http://www.enjoyavatars.com/> of <http://www.indo-mex.co.nz/> restaurants
> <https://www.indimex.com.au/> around the world that serve this food, but
> I've haven't been to any of them yet (came close to going to Avataar's in
> Sausalito, but they were closed the day I walked to Sausalito from San
> Francisco). Their menus seem to full of "curry" in mexican clothing
> (Chicken Tikka Burrito, Prawn vindaloo enchiladas..., you get the idea). I
> was thinking of food that was fused the other direction.
> Some of the potential dishes I've been dreaming of:
> Bhel puri with chorizo (or soyrizo), pico de gallo, sour cream
> Pani puri with tomatillo rasam
> Uppuma made with masa harina
> ...
> What are some dishes that you think would make great Indo-Mexican dishes?
> Bonus points if you can actually whip up and share a recipe.
> Thaths

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